吉藏之二智觀探究 -- 以《大乘玄論.卷第四》為主要依據=Inquiry into Two Kinds of Wisdom of Jizang: Based on the Forth Volume Essentials of Greatvehicle |
Author |
李明書 (撰)=Lee, Ming-Shu (compose)
Source |
東吳中文學報=Soochow Journal of Chinese Studies
Volume | n.31 |
Date | 2016.05 |
Pages | 85 - 99 |
Publisher | 東吳大學中文系 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 吉藏=Jizang; 三論宗=East Asian Mādhyamaka; 《大乘玄論》=Essentials of Greatvehicle; 二智=two kinds of wisdom |
Abstract | 本文依據吉藏(549-623)的《大乘玄論‧卷第四》,探討吉藏對於二智的解釋,並對照吉藏所引用的《大般涅槃經》、《大般若經》、《摩訶般若波羅蜜經》、《大智度論》等經論對於二智的論述,看出吉藏探討二智所涉及的議題與論述的方法。論文共分為五節:第一節,「前言」,交代本文的背景、文獻依據與架構。第二節,「吉藏對於『二智』意義的解釋」,藉由吉藏在《大乘玄論》的論述,探討吉藏對於二智的解釋。第三節,「以『不二中道觀』解釋二智」,以不二中道的觀點看待二智的意涵,呈現出佛教至高的道理。第四節,「以二智斷除根本煩惱」,藉由二智所透顯的實相真理,探討煩惱本身究竟是怎麼一回事,再從吉藏的觀點論述,在根本上並無所謂煩惱,以此解開修行與觀念上所可能產生的一個困惑,彰顯出二智在實踐層面的意義與價值。第五節,「結論與展望」,收攝全文要點,思索未來能夠持續研究的方向。
The paper present is based on the Forth Volume Essentials of Greatvehicle of Jizang(549-623), and inquiry into two kinds of wisdom. In addition, I will site Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra, Mahāprajñāpāramitā Sūtra, Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra, etc. This paper inquiry into two kind of wisdom of Jizang. This research contains five sections. Section one is introduction, which brings out the research topics and illustrate the idea, outline, method and goal of thesis step by step. Section two is based on the Essentials of Greatvehicle of Jizang, and clarifies the two kinds of wisdom how Jizang says. Section three, to explain the two kinds of wisdom by nondual middle way, showing the Buddhist supreme truth. Section four discusses how to lift trouble with two kinds of wisdom. The last but not the least, section five concludes and summarizes the argument in this research, then presents the achievements and thinks over the ways of continuing research development in the future. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 86 二、吉藏對於「二智」意義的解釋 87 三、以「不二中道觀」解釋二智 90 四、以二智斷除根本煩惱 93 五、結論與展望 97 |
ISSN | 10100733 (P); 10271163 (E) |
Hits | 447 |
Created date | 2017.06.27 |
Modified date | 2019.07.19 |

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