Author |
Source |
Date | 2013.08 |
Pages | 540 - 577 |
Publisher | 佛光文化事業有限公司 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 人間佛教; 佛光山; 文化適應; 融合; 同化 |
Abstract | 佛教起源於印度,發揚在中國、日本、泰國、斯里蘭卡等亞洲地區。在歷時逾兩千五百年的發展過程中,佛教必須不斷的適應各種文化、種族及風俗民情。做為全世界最大的佛教團體之一,佛光山陸續於全球五大洲兩百多個地區設立道場,並獲得當地人士的肯定。而創辦人星雲大師是如何成功的使人間佛教全球化、本土化及普及化?本文旨在從文化適應的角度來探討佛光山在星雲大師的領導下,促使人間佛教本土化的現況,以及所使用的策略是否適當?面臨的文化衝突又該如何解決等問題。 |
Table of contents | 中文摘要 540 Abstract 541 1) Introduction 542 2) The Fo Guang Shan Order and Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s concept of acculturation 544 1.Native-born abbot for native temple 547 2.The legitimacy of paying equal devotion to two religious beliefs 550 3.Additional options are better than lessened choices 552 4.Teach what is new to the locals in their language 554 5.Incorporating the spirit of respect, tolerance, peace and equality 557 3) Strategies of Acculturation 558 4) Resolving Conflicts 568 1.Make yourself at home wherever you go 569 2.Respecting cultural values 569 3.Accepting diversity by consistent engagement in dialogues 570 5) Future Challenges 571 6) Conclusion 571 Bibliography 574
ISBN | 9789574573677 |
Hits | 1032 |
Created date | 2017.11.30 |
Modified date | 2018.04.10 |

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