孔子人文教與儒家美學:從鄭玄與朱熹注「繪事後素」探討孔子的文質觀與人文教中的儒家美學=Confucian Humanist Religion and its Aesthetic: Zheng Xuan and Zhu Xi on the theory of painting of Confucian Analects and the interpretation of Confucian Aesthetic |
Author |
孔令宜 (著)=Kung,Ling-I (au.)
Source |
荊山水閱 國際學術研討會-場次C
Date | 2015 |
Pages | 1 - 23 |
Publisher | 財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:淡江大學中文系講師 |
Keyword | 孔子=Confucius; 仁=Ren; 禮=Li; 論語=Confucian Analects; 鄭玄=Zheng Xuan; 朱熹=Zhu Xi; 人文教=Humanist Religion; 儒家美學=Confucian Aesthetic |
Abstract | 在《論語‧八佾》中,孔子談論「繪事後素」的問題,漢儒鄭玄與宋儒朱熹分別為之作注。漢儒鄭玄注,偏於荀子隆禮的系統;宋儒朱熹注,偏於孟子性善的系統,兩者進路雖有不同,但均欲成就聖人之教。曾昭旭在《良心教與人文教》一書闡明儒學的宗教面向,〈從仁道論儒家對終極的體現〉一文闡釋良心教與人文教是仁道的兩端,筆者本文探討儒家人文教之中的仁學人格論美學。本文試圖以鄭玄與朱熹對「繪事後素」切入點的不同,重新探討文與質在孔子思想中本末與體用的關係,並經由文與質的綰合,塑造出孔子心目中完美的人格為討論的主軸。許多現代學術論文關於「繪事後素」問題的討論,是以美學為觀點,遺忘「繪事後素」的美學問題本來所具有的漢學與宋學的解經學的詮釋不同進路。其實,孔子「繪事後素」的美學思想預設是其思想之中仁學的人格論。本文的意義在於「繪事後素」的美學問題,本來所具有的漢學與宋學的解經學的進路之詮釋衝突之釐清,筆者闡明「繪事後素」預設仁學的人格論,以本末體用的思維關懷之,此一仁學的人格論乃至於蘊涵仁學本體論。以此觀之,漢學與宋學的解經學的詮釋不同進路,其實是殊途而同歸,同歸於仁學的人格論。
Chapter Pa Yih of Confucian Analects say:"The business of laying on the colors follows (the preparation of) the plain ground." This article tackles the conflicts of interpretations between Zheng Xuan (127-200) and Zhu Xi (1130-1200) on this text. Propriety and music is the property of Jou dynasty that Confucian had accepted. But he promotes this traditional culture with a hermeneutics of Ren (humanity).Ceremonies are secondary and merely ornamental. Ren is the foundation of Propriety and music. Propriety and music is the formal ornamental and Ren is the spirit content. So the perfect of personality is the ultimate end of Confucian aesthetics, and the discussion about .Confucian aesthetics can not omit the problematic of this the conflicts of interpretations between Zheng Xuan’s and Zhu Xi’s comment on this text about painting. This article tries to exposits a hermeneutic of Ren and therefore to give a solution of this conflicts of interpretations. Because the personality of Ren is essence of Confucian aesthetics and propriety and music is the necessary expression (functin) of the personality. The paradigm of root and branch about Ren and rite should be promoted into a hermeneutical horizon of the new paradigm of substance and function about Ren. The conclusion of this article is Confucian Humanist Religion and its Aesthetic is the solution of this conflicts of Zheng Xuan’s and Zhu Xi’s interpretations about the theory of painting of Confucian Analects . |
Table of contents | 大綱 1 一、 前言 1 二、 鄭玄與朱熹對此章詮釋之比較 2 (一)鄭玄注 3 (二)朱熹注 6 三、 孔門儒學人文教的美學觀點之中文質觀 10 (一)質與文 10 (二)文與美 13 四、 結論 19 主要參考及引用文獻21
Hits | 779 |
Created date | 2018.09.18 |
Modified date | 2018.10.16 |

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