湛然的「無情有佛性」論與佛性的「主體性」問題=Zhanran's Doctrine of "the Buddha-nature of Insentient Beings" and the Question of the Subjectivity of Buddha-nature |
Author |
唐秀連 (著)=Tang, Xiu-lian (au.)
Source |
禪與人類文明研究=International Journal for the Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilization
Volume | n.1 |
Date | 2016.12.01 |
Pages | 209 - 239 |
Publisher | 香港中文大學禪與人類文明研究中心 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 香港, 中國 [Hong Kong, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 湛然=Zhanran ; 無情有性=the Buddha-nature of insentient beings; 佛性=Buddhanature; 主體性=Subjectivity ; 天台宗=Tiantai School |
Abstract | 天台宗九祖荊溪湛然因為「無情有佛性」說而聞名。本文從佛性的「主體性」問題入手,總結出他對「佛性具有實在的體性,唯有情獨有」這一見地的批判。湛然認為,不但有情有佛性,事實上,連無情也有佛性。本文認為,湛然「草木有性」說的目的,不在於貶損如來藏清淨心的尊貴性和主體能動性,而是修正單純的唯心論可能對心性孤絕於萬法之外的「超絕性」的妄執,緣此世人亦可避免掉入世俗認知方式中「佛性」觀念可能蘊藏的自我中心窠臼。不過,宣稱無情有性並不等如認同草木可各別成佛,故「無情有性」與「無情成佛」,應當分而論之。
Jingxi Zhanran, the ninth patriarch of the Tiantai School of Chinese Buddhism, is well-known for advocating the doctrine of "the Buddhanature of insentient beings." By raising the question about subjectivity, this paper examines Zhanran's criticism of the notion that Buddhahood has a substantial nature which only sentient beings can embrace. On the basis of his critique on the illusory thoughts in relation to the substance of Buddha-nature, Zhanran, in contrast with the common belief harboured by most of the Buddhist scholars of his time, articulates that not only sentient beings but also insentient ones, e.g., flora, mountains, rivers, and manmade objects, have Buddha-nature. This paper ultimately argues that Zhanran proposes the Buddhanature of insentient beings not with the aim of diminishing the nobility and subjective initiative of tathāgata-garbha, but with a view to transcending the duality between selfness and otherness, and subjectivity and objectivity. Nevertheless, it is also noteworthy that Zhanran's advocacy of insentience's Buddha-nature should not be viewed as equivalent to the proposition that all insentient beings such as trees, grass and flowers are allowed to attain Buddhahood. |
Table of contents | 壹、佛性「主體性」問題之提出 210 貳、湛然「無情有性」說的論旨 213 叁、「無情有性」與佛性的無限性 219 1. 破除佛性唯局在眾生身內之幻覺 220 2. 破除有情實有佛性之幻覺 221 3. 破除有情與無情截然二分之幻覺 223 4. 破除色心分離之幻覺 224 肆、心與萬物的互融互入及「佛性」主體性的徹底銷融 227 伍、草木有性,能否各別成佛? 231 陸、結語 234 |
ISSN | 25196111 (P) |
Hits | 453 |
Created date | 2018.10.02 |
Modified date | 2022.04.15 |

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