中國古代搬運術(遁術)的GPS 衛星定位實驗=On the Experiment of GPS Satellite Positioning for Ancient Chinese Magic Art of Carrying |
Author |
宮哲兵 =Gong, Zhe-Bing
田野 =Tian, Ye
Source |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
Volume | v.20 n.1 |
Date | 2019.03 |
Pages | 37 - 50 |
Publisher | 圓覺文教基金會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 1.宮哲兵,武漢大學哲學學院,武漢,湖北。2.田野,國際華人超心理學會中國分會,武漢,湖北。 |
Keyword | 中國古代搬運術=ancient Chinese magic art of carrying; GPS衛星定位=GPS satellite positioning |
Abstract | 我們運用GPS 衛星定位系統,跟蹤了搬運術實驗中的GPS 終端,手機軟體中顯示了衛星定點陣圖,證明了搬運術的真實性。根據科學要求,我們進行了重複性的實驗,都獲得了成功。開展對中國古代法術的科學實驗,對於推動平行空間、腦屏、手心輻射等科學前沿問題的研究,具有一定價值。對於錢學森先生提出的傳統科學的重大變革,接受超能力現象的挑戰,具有重大意義。
We used GPS satellite positioning systems to track the GPS terminals in the experiment of the ancient Chinese magic art of carrying. The satellite fixed-point map is displayed in the mobile phone software, which proves the authenticity of the ancient Chinese magic art of carrying. Based on the scientific requirements, we carried out repetitive experiments, and all have been successful. It has certain value to promote the research of scientific frontiers such as parallel space, brain screen, and palm radiation by conducting scientific experiments on the ancient Chinese magic arts. As to the major revolution in traditional science proposed by Mr. Qian Xuesen, it is of great significance to accept the challenge of superpower.
Table of contents | 摘要 37 壹、背景 37 貳、實驗方法 38 參、實驗步驟 39 肆、重複實驗 42 伍、實驗結果 44 陸、討論與思索 45 1、平行空間 46 2、腦屏 46 3、手心輻射 47 柒、結論 48 註釋 49 參考文獻 49
ISSN | 16072952 (P) |
Hits | 609 |
Created date | 2019.06.24 |
Modified date | 2019.07.03 |

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