太虛大師「人生佛教」理念之淵源及思想背景=On "Life Buddhism" of Master Taixu: The Origin and Theoretical Background |
Author |
金易明 =Jin, Yimin
Source |
Date | 2019.06.28 |
Pages | 612 - 645 |
Publisher | 佛光山人間佛教研究院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 1.作者為上海佛學院教授 |
Keyword | 太虛大師=Master Taixu; 人生佛教=Life Buddhism; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism |
Abstract | 人間佛教在當代踐行中,已為廣大佛教信徒所接受,因此已然成為當代佛教信仰之主流。為此,本文回眸太虛大師首創「人生佛教」,為其弟子印順法師架構「人間佛教」義理體系與理路,作為其思想和觀念的基礎脈絡,尤其是嘗試回答:為何匡正、遏制佛教積重難返且日趨嚴重的世俗化、庸俗化傾向的佛教現代振興運動,恰恰最終落實於太虛大師所倡導的「人生佛教」及嗣後發揚光大的「人間佛教」信仰模式中?而佛教改革運動又為何恰恰與晚清民初的時代巨變與革命觀念洶湧澎湃相同步、相呼應?又是何種特殊的人生經歷,太虛大師被選擇並擔荷起首創「人生佛教」理念的使命?這些問題的回答,對於深入理解和正確把握「人間佛教」信仰模式的意趣、反省當代「人間佛教」信仰模式的得失與利弊,應是頗具價值的參照依據。
At present, practices of Humanistic Buddhism are widely accepted by many Buddhist devotees. Thus, it has become the mainstream in contemporary Buddhist faith. Looking back, the Life Buddhism advocated by Master Taixu established the basic conceptual framework for the theoretical system of Humanistic Buddhism of his disciple, Master Yinshun. This paper attempts to explore the following questions: • The Buddhist modern revitalization, in response to the secularization and vulgarization, aimed to set Buddhism in the right direction and prevent its deterioration. Why did it take Master Taixu’s Life Buddhism and its later development, Humanistic Buddhism, to actualize the aims of the Buddhist modern revitalization? • How did the Buddhist reform movement synchronize and adapt with the vicissitudes of the times in the late Qing Dynasty and early days of the Republic of China? • What is the vital life experience of Master Taixu that led him to take on the mission of establishing Life Buddhism? The answers to these questions should be valuable references for deeper understanding and grasping the meaning of Humanistic Buddhism accurately, as well as reflecting on the advantages and disadvantages of contemporary Humanistic Buddhism |
Table of contents | 前言 614 一、太虛早期經歷與接受近代思潮對其佛教革命思想之影響 615 (一)佛教信仰薰陶中出家為僧的太虛 617 (二)於潛心學佛中受革命思潮深刻影響的太虛大師 620 二、太虛大師的「三大革命」思想及基本理路 624 (一)教理革命 627 (二)教制革命 630 (三)教產革命 633 三、太虛大師「人生佛教」理念及基本內涵 636 (一)太虛大師「人生佛教」理念的提出 637 (二)太虛大師「人生佛教」理念之內涵 641 |
Hits | 1148 |
Created date | 2019.07.12 |
Modified date | 2019.07.23 |

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