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《瑜伽師地論.攝事分》之《雜阿含經》 摩呾理迦(本母)引用〈聲聞地〉內容考察=Cross-references to the Śrāvakabhūmi in the Saṃyukta-āgama mātṛkā transmitted in the Vastusaṃgrahaṇī of the Yogācārabhūmi
Author 釋惠敏 =Huimin Bhikshu
Source 臺大佛學研究=Taiwan Journal of Buddhist Studies
Pages67 - 108
Publisher國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心=The Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University
Publisher Url
Location臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
Content type期刊論文=Journal Article
President, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, Taiwan, ROC.
Emeritus Professor, Taipei National University of the Arts.
Keyword摩呾理迦(本母)=mātṛkā; 《瑜伽師地論.攝事分》=Vastusaṃgrahaṇī of the Yogācārabhūmi; 《雜阿含經》=Saṃyukta-āgama; 〈聲聞地〉=Śrāvakabhūmi
Abstract  《雜阿含經》或南傳《相應部》是早期結集的聖典,反映佛陀時代的佛教義理與實踐之首要文獻。現存漢譯的《雜阿含經》,缺佚了二卷,次第也有誤,因此全經的組織,不易了解。學界先輩對於《瑜伽師地論.攝事分》抉擇「契經」(修多羅)宗要的摩呾理迦(本母),是《雜阿含經》的部分論義,已有諸多研究成果,特別是經論對比,勘定《雜阿》原貌。印順法師(1983)更將《雜阿》的「經」與《瑜伽.攝事》的摩呾理迦(本母)「論」編輯整合為《雜阿含經論會編》,方便聞思佛法。
  《會編》對摩呾理迦所引用 25 個〈聲聞地〉內容,有初步的確認。本文嘗試考察 3 個(編號 1,2,6)尚未被確認的引文以及 1 個(編號 16)修訂引文。此外,本文也探討〈聲聞地〉引文在〈攝事分〉各「擇攝」的分佈情況、字數(總共 43083 字或 36243 字)統計、排序分析、推想〈聲聞地〉在〈攝事分〉形成過程之角色與《雜阿含經》本母原型之關係、摩呾理迦(本母)之「聯想式擴增」記憶術發展模式與「正念無忘失」或「作為禪修地圖」之實踐意義。

The correspondence between the Saṃyukta-āgama and the first part (Sūtra-vastu) of Vastusaṃgrahaṇī of the Yogācārabhūmi has been studied by some scholars. Yìnshùn (1983) also argued that the Sūtravastu of VS of the YBh is the mātṛka ( 摩呾理迦本母 ) of the sūtraaṅga portion of the SĀ, and tried to reconstruct the order of sūtras in the SĀ and combined with Sūtra-vastu of VS together.
Comparing to the steady ratio of the amount between fi rst three chapters of the SĀ (5 juans) and [SĀ-M]VS-S (4 juans), the ratio of the amount between the last chapter (Qualities conducive to awakening) of the SĀ (7 juans) and [SĀ-M]VS-S (2 juans) is disproportionate. My analysis of the distribution of 25 search occurrences of “ 如聲聞地 , as like in the Śrāvakabhūmi” in the [SĀ-M]VS-S , The ratio (each juan) of the search occurrences is increasing (1/4=0.25 > 2/4=0.5 > 7/4=1.75 > 15/2=7.5) chapter by chapter, and the last chapter is particular high (7.5). This might be a probative evidence for the possibility of some contents of SĀ mātṛkā transmitted in the last chapter of [SĀ-M]VS-S refers to the ŚrBh.
Among the 25 search occurrences in [SĀ-M]VS-S refers to the ŚrBh, Yìnshùn (1983) identifi ed 22 locations of ŚrBh, my paper found out the rest 3 locations, and corrected one location misidentified in Yìnshùn (1983). Aand we also tried a primitive approach of the digital humanities to caculate the wording (43083 words or 36243 words in total) and the meanings of the distribution in the [SĀ-M]VS-S.
From this study of some cases, we think that the associativie extension or as maps of meditative states might be one of the models or functions of the formation of the mātṛkā of SĀ.
Table of contents壹、前言:《瑜伽師地論.攝事分》之《雜阿含經》摩呾理迦(本母) 69
貳、綜覽《瑜伽.攝事》之《雜阿》摩呾理迦(本母)引用〈聲聞地〉 74
參、考察《瑜伽.攝事》之《雜阿》摩呾理迦(本母)引用〈聲〉之補訂案例 79
案例 1:(1)# 五陰誦第一 / 1. 陰相應 T 103(SN 22.89 Khema;Y 171)本母引用〈聲〉:「慰問」如是等類差別言詞,如聲聞地【410c5-12 + 410a18-23】,於所飲食知量中釋。 80
3.1.1 如何確認《瑜伽.攝事》之《雜阿》本母第 5 問所引用〈聲〉的「住無罪觸」或「如是等類差別言詞」? 81
3.1.2 第五問之 5 個語詞「存養、力、樂、無罪、安隱而住」引用〈聲〉(卷 23, 410c5-12 + 410a18-23)「於食知量」教義 83
案例 2:(2)# 六入處誦第二 / 2. 處相應 T 200(SN 35.121 Rāhulovāda; Y 235)本母引用〈聲〉:《瑜伽》89「解脫」奢摩他支者,謂如有一具尸羅住,廣說應知如聲聞地【405c13-22】。如是尸羅具足住已,便無有悔;無悔、故歡。廣說乃至樂故心定。 84
3.2.1 「解脫」奢摩他支者,謂如有一具尸羅住,廣說應知如聲聞地【405c13-22】 85
3.2.2 〈聲〉【405c13-22】內容比較接近 Ambalaṭṭhika Rāhulovāda Sutta(MN 61) 86
案例 3:( 6)# 雜因誦第三 / 4. 諦相應【概述】本母引用〈聲〉:《瑜伽》95 「如理」善護身者,謂正安住,遠避惡象,乃至廣說,如聲聞地【462b11-19】。由遠避故,於盡諸漏無有障礙。 88
案例 4:(16)@ 道品誦第四 / 7. 念住相應 T623(SN47.20
Janapada)Y785(26)本母引用〈聲〉:「勸勉」(《會編》「繫屬」)於四念住殷重(gus pa, satkṛtya)修習(bsgom pa, bhāvayanti),如聲聞地(Y. 440a13-442a17Æ【460c21-461a25】)應知其相 90
肆、結語與附論 93
一、「聯想式擴增」可能是《雜阿》摩呾理迦(本母)的發展模式之一 93
二、《瑜伽.攝事》第四「菩提分法擇攝」引用〈聲〉之每卷比例(7.5)、次數(15 次)、總字數(32411字)是《雜阿》「道品誦第四」與對應《瑜伽.攝事》的卷數比例(7 卷、2 卷)不對等的主要原因。 97
三、推想〈聲〉在《瑜伽.攝事》形成過程之角色與《雜阿》本母原型之關係 99
四、〈聲〉高字數或高次數被引用的主題是值得我們重視的佛教義理或實踐項目指標之一 100
引用書目 104
ISSN10271112 (P)
Created date2019.08.30
Modified date2019.09.09

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