劉勰文學三原論思想探賾=A Research for the Thought of Liu Hsieh's Three Origins of Literature |
Author |
呂有勝 (著)
Date | 2019 |
Pages | 148 |
Publisher | 華梵大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 華梵大學 |
Department | 東方人文思想研究所 |
Advisor | 伍至學 |
Publication year | 107 |
Keyword | 劉勰=Liu Hsieh; 文心雕龍=The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons (The Wenxin Dialong); 文學三原論思想=thought of Three Origin of Literature; 王更生 |
Abstract | 劉勰深入儒佛經論,貫通中印文化,撰著中國第一部文學思想理論《文心雕龍》,現尚存〈滅惑論〉、〈梁建安王造剡山石城寺石像碑〉兩篇佛學著作,劉勰協助釋僧佑編撰《出三藏記集》、《世界記》、《釋迦譜》、《弘明集》等,及參予校定經藏,對文學思想理論及佛教典籍編撰,具有不可抹滅的貢獻。
Liu Hsieh's did research on the classics of Confuscianism and the Buddhist scriptures. He combined and cohered chinese culture with indian culture, and wrote a book, The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons (The Wenxin Dialong), about the first theory of chinese literal thought. His two Buddhist articles, Mie Huo Lun (Disquisition on extinguishing doubts) and A Stone Statue in the Shicheng Temple of Mount Shan, still be conserved now. Liu Hsieh helped Shi Sengyou to edit and revise the following Buddhist scriptures: Chu Sanzang Ji Ji (Collection of notes on the translated Tripitaka), Shijie Ji (Records of the worlds), Shijia Pu (Genealogy of Sakaya clan), Hongming Ji (Collection on the propagation of the light), etc. His contributions on revising the Buddhist scriptures and buliding the theory of Chinese literal thought were very important.
ln Xuzhi (preface and treatise), from The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons, 'The context of The Wenxin Dialong is originally from the nature and wisers, and is verified by the classics. I distinguished the original classics from the fake books and took something good for chinese literature in it. QuYan's Li Sao has a change on chinese literature.' The quoted sentences above are the core of literature in The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons. Liu Hsieh regarded the nature as 'the common origin' of all literary creation. He considered that elaborating on the classics was 'the individual origin' of chinese literary creation. He had a extraordinary interpretation of QuYan's Li Sao. Liu Hsieh claimed that QuYan's Li Sao was 'the changing origin' of chinese literary creation ;The introduction of Buddhism also led to the transformation of Chinese literary creation. |
Table of contents | 摘要 Ⅴ 第一章 緒論 1 一、研究的動機 5 二、研究的目的 6 三、研究的方法 7 第二章 劉勰生平及著作 9 第一節 劉勰時代背景 11 第二節 劉勰生平事蹟 14 第三節 劉勰之著作 25 一、《文心雕龍》 26 二、〈滅惑論〉 34 三、〈梁建安王造剡山石城寺石像碑〉 39 第三章、劉勰文學共原論 40 第一節 劉勰文原自然論 48 一、麗天之象,理地之形 48 二、旁及萬品,動植皆文 50 第二節 劉勰文重自然論 52 一、寫天地之輝光,曉生民之耳目 52 二、辭之所以能鼓天下者,迺道之文 53 第三節 劉勰自然成文論 54 一、心生而言立,言立而文明 54 二、形立則文生,聲發則章成 55 第四章、劉勰文學自原論 59 第一節 劉勰文自宗道論 61 一、道沿聖以垂文,聖因文以明道 61 二、原道心以敷章,研神理而設教 63 第二節 劉勰文自宗聖論 64 一、鑒周日月,妙極幾神;文成規矩,思合符契 65 二、聖文之雅麗,銜華而佩實 66 三、木鐸啟而千里應,席珍流而萬世響 67 第三節 劉勰文自宗經論 68 一、洞性靈之奧區,極文章之骨髓 68 二、辭約而旨豐,事近而喻遠 69 三、稟經以制式,酌雅以富言 70 第五章、劉勰文學變原論 73 第一節 劉勰文受變騷論 74 一、雅頌之博徒,辭賦之英傑 75 二、酌奇而不失其真,翫華而不墜其實 76 第二節 劉勰文受梵學論 79 一、三次校定林寺經藏 82 二、協助釋僧祐抄撰佛學著作 84 三、法師碑銘 87 第六章、結論 91 一、劉勰文學共原論 94 二、劉勰文學自原論 94 三、劉勰文學變原論 95 參 考 文 獻 102 一、古籍專著 102 二、近代專著 102 三、期刊 105 四、博碩士論文 106 五、博碩士論文 106 附錄 一、王更生教授文心雕龍研究之貢獻 107 |
Hits | 525 |
Created date | 2020.02.04 |
Modified date | 2023.01.18 |

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