星雲大師幸福觀之研究:以《十種幸福之道-佛說妙慧童女經》為文本=A Study of the Conception of Happiness of Venerable Master Hsing Yun based on "Ten Paths to Happiness--A Commentary on the Sumati Sūtra" |
Author |
趙冠茹 (撰)=Chao, Kuan-ju (compose)
Date | 2018 |
Pages | 155 |
Publisher | 南華大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 南華大學 |
Department | 宗教學研究所 |
Advisor | 李芝瑩 |
Publication year | 106 |
Keyword | 星雲大師=Venerable Master Hsing Yun; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 幸福=happiness; 《妙慧童女經》=Ten Paths to Happiness--A Commentary on the Sumati Sutra; 世出世間=transcendental |
Abstract | 《十種幸福之道──佛說妙慧童女經》是星雲大師《妙慧童女經》的白話釋譯,大師將佛教經典,以平易淺顯的文學筆調重新詮釋,讓人容易與佛法相應。書中將幸福分為兩類,首先以「現世富足」為幸福的開端,循序漸進至「出世安樂」為最終幸福。本研究在第二章透過幸福內涵的梳理,以佛教義理與西方哲學探究幸福的層次與來源,從文獻爬梳和歸納分析,發現「道德」與「利人」是獲得幸福的重要因素,而現世幸福與出世間幸福兩者是相輔相成。所以在第三章以現世富足為探討,從《妙慧童女經》的五種現世幸福歸納為三點:自心和悅、家庭和順、人我和敬。第四章則以出世幸福為探究,當現世幸福被滿足時,便能無後顧之憂的追求出世幸福,此階段的幸福不再向外追求,而是往內的自性開發,並擁有幸福的主導權。另外,第五章則探究書中的人間佛教意涵,以「佛說的、人要的、淨化的、善美的」為梳理的脈絡,將星雲大師實踐人間佛教的具體成就作分析與歸納,從中了解大師所作的一切事業只為兩件事──「為佛教」、「為眾生」。由此可見《十種幸福之道──佛說妙慧童女經》不僅給人們能夠通往幸福的道路,更從中體現人間佛教帶給人的幸福與安樂。
Ten Paths to Happiness: A Commentary on the Sumati Sutra is a vernacular explanation on the Sumati Sutra by the Venerable Master Hsing Yun. With a lucid and simple literary style, Venerable Master did a new explanation on the Buddhist sutra, so that readers can understand the Buddha Dharma easily. The book gives happiness two types of explanation. It starts from “happiness attained in this life” and progresses towards “transcendental happiness”. The second chapter of this thesis is a discussion on the meaning of “happiness”. Through researching the source of happiness from Buddhist teachings and Western Philosophy, it is discovered that “morality” and “benefit others” are the two important aspects in achieving happiness. The relationship between happiness attained in this life and transcendental happiness is bidirectional, and so the third chapter is research on transcendental happiness. Three points are concluded from happiness attained in this life: personal harmony achieved through joy, interpersonal harmony achieved through respect, and family harmony achieved through deference. The fourth chapter will focus on transcendental happiness. When present happiness is satisfied, one can chase after transcendental happiness without any worries. In this stage, happiness is no longer an outwardly pursue, but development of intrinsic nature, returning the power of happiness into one’s hands. Furthermore, the fifth chapter will look into the concept and meaning of Humanistic Buddhism as found in the book. Through the structure of “what the Buddha thought, what is essential to human beings, what purifies, and what is virtuous and beautiful”, the chapter examines the success of Venerable Master in realizing the practice Humanistic Buddhism, discovering two points: everything that Venerable Master did was for “Buddhism” and for “all beings”. Ten Paths to Happiness: A Commentary on the Sumati Sutra not only is a book that shows people the way towards happiness, it also embodies how Humanistic Buddhism brings happiness and peace to humankind. |
Table of contents | 誌謝 I 中文摘要 II Abstract III 目錄 V 圖目次 VII 表目次 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法 3 第三節 研究對象 5 第四節 文獻回顧 7 第二章 幸福的內涵 13 第一節 幸福的基礎 13 第二節 幸福的來源 18 第三章 《十種幸福之道-佛說妙慧童女經》之現世富足的達成 35 第一節 現世富足的基礎 35 第二節 以自心和悅為基石 43 第三節 以家庭和順為棟梁 55 第四節 以人我和敬為支柱 64 第四章 《十種幸福之道-佛說妙慧童女經》之出世安樂的圓滿 79 第一節 出世安樂的建構 79 第二節 無礙超越為自在 87 第三節 調伏其心為清淨 96 第四節 共成佛道為圓滿 107 第五章 《十種幸福之道-佛說妙慧童女經》的人間佛教意涵 117 第一節 「佛說的」義理闡明 117 第二節 「人要的」的文學特色 121 第三節 「淨化的」、「善美的」幸福實踐 128 第六章 結論 135 第一節 結語 135 第二節 建議 137 參考書目 140 附錄一:《十種幸福之道》中的譬喻、故事與大師的親身體會 148 圖目次 圖1 現世富足的藍圖 43 圖2 布施的功德利益是多方面 55 圖3 「與人為善,廣結善緣」是獲得現世富足的重要因素 77 圖4 無礙超越為自在的三種法門相輔相成 92 圖5 《十種幸福之道》成就同體共生的關鍵條件 103 圖6 出世安樂的基本要素 115 圖7 《十種幸福之道-佛說妙慧童女經》以人間佛教為核心的創作特色 133 表目次 表1 《十種幸福之道-佛說妙慧童女經》現世富足之法門 36 表2 《十種幸福之道-佛說妙慧童女經》出世安樂之法門 80 表3 佛教出世的生活 85 表4 三聚淨戒的功用與解釋 98 表5 回向的種類、解釋與星雲大師的詮釋 107 |
Hits | 289 |
Created date | 2020.02.05 |
Modified date | 2023.01.09 |

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