百丈懷海農禪思想之研究=A Thought Study of Agricultural Chan by Baizhang Huaihai |
Author |
黃姵馨 (著)=Huang, Pei-sin (au.)
Date | 2015 |
Pages | 120 |
Publisher | 華梵大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 華梵大學 |
Department | 東方人文思想研究所 |
Advisor | 胡健財 |
Publication year | 103 |
Keyword | 百丈懷海=Baizhang Huaihai; 百丈清規=Baizhang Qing Gui(Baizhang monastic regulation); 農禪思想=Thought of Agricultural Chan; 叢林制度=rules of the monastic jungle; 中國禪宗=Chan School |
Abstract | 本文主要在探討百丈懷海(749~814,以下簡稱百丈)「一日不作,一日不食」之農禪思想,首先略述中國佛教農禪思想的起源、百丈生平與《百丈清規》版本文獻之考察,接著提出清規與戒律的關涉,再來舉出百丈主要的禪學思想,以及探討清規制定的背景與原因,最後將《百丈清規》的主要農禪思想內容「普請法」的提出論述,並比對天台宗《國清百錄》中<立制法>的規約,及其對後世清規影響的發展。通過種種文獻可看出農禪的開端到盛行,是具備多種特殊原因,才能成為禪宗當中極具有特色的修行方式,並且讓禪宗在經「安史之亂」(755~763)與唐武帝「會昌毀佛」兩個法難(845)後,仍能因自給自足而不被影響。 百丈認為參禪不是只管打坐即可,其實禪不離工作,不離生活,所謂「搬柴運水無非是禪」。百丈首創禪剎及訂定叢林清規,此對後世影響極重大。百丈禪學的主要特點是主張眾生心性本來圓滿成就,只要不被妄想所繫縛,就和諸佛無異。他有一段很著名的語句︰「靈光獨耀,迥脫根塵,體露真常,不拘文字;心性無染,本自圓成,但離妄緣,即如如佛。」這些語句顯示心性本自寂照與隨事即用顯體的禪宗心要,較馬祖所說更為具體。至於百丈如何承襲馬祖「觸類是道而任心」的禪法,又如何將此法運用在「農禪」上,以及後世清規的比較,也是本文將陳述的另一重點。
This paper is to explore the Thought of Agricultural Chan by Baizhang Huaihai (749~814, hereinafter referred to as Baizhang) such as “A day without work, a day without food.” First of all, it is to outline the investigation on the origin of Chinese Buddhism Agricultural Chan, Baizhang’s personal life and his Baizhang Qing Gui (Baizhang monastic regulation) as were recorded in the documentation. Next, this paper is also to bring out the main relation between the monastic regulations and the precepts. Furthermore, it is also to mention the main study of Baizhang’s Chan and Thought, as well as to explore the origin and the background of his monastic regulations. Finally, it is to bring about the content of the main ‘Thought of Agricultural Chan’ which is Pu Qing Fa (Working Chan), and to compare the ‘Set and Carry out the Regulation’ in the Guo Qing Bai Lu (set and carry out the regulation), belonging to Tian Tai Sect, and its development and its effects on the regulations onto the future generation. Through a variety of the recorded documentations, we can see the beginning and its formation of the Agricultural Chan which derived from a variety of special reasons. It has to be a very distinctive way of practice for one to become a Chan practitioner. However, after Tang Wu Di destroyed the dharma of Buddhism and the ‘An Shi’s rebellion’(755~763)on Chan Sect, they still lived a self-sufficient life without being affected by this time period. Baizhang considers the understanding of Chan cannot be obtained only by meditating on cushion, since Chan cannot be departed from daily working and life. It is so-called, “Whatever is to move firewood and carry water; that is Chan.” Baizhang is the first person who founds the rules of monastic jungle. Baizhang’s thought is that “Mind will be a complete pure one, as long as there is no delusion.” He said, “One’s own light is alone when the dust is taken off, and the mind appears true while words are disappeared. The nature of mind is no dye or self, but it is accomplished perfectly in person when he frees from illusion, like all Buddhas are.” This statement shows “The self-nature is stillness, and that is Chan.” Baizhang’s interpretation is more specific than Ma Zhu. The final important view in this paper is that how Baizhang inherits the Ma Zhu’s idea, such as “Let the inside mind understand clearly while the six faculties touch the outside.” How does Baizhang uses the above idea in his “Agricultural Chan”? And lastly, how Baizhang’s regulation is being compared with the regulation of the future generation? |
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 前人研究成果 2 第三節 研究範圍與方法 7 第二章 百丈懷海與《百丈清規》之考察 9 第一節 中國佛教農禪的起源 9 第二節 百丈懷海生平 18 一、生平事蹟 18 二、報齡的討論 21 三、清規的制定 23 第三節 百丈清規之考察 25 一、五項規約的提出 26 二、別立禪居 27 三、古清規的原貌 28 第四節 小結 32 第三章 《百丈清規》中的農禪思想與戒律之關涉 33 第一節 「普請法」的提出 33 一、制定清規的社會背景 33 二、清規思想特質 39 第二節 清規與戒律的衝突 44 一、律寺與禪寺之關係 44 二、《四分律》與《百丈清規》之關涉 50 第三節 小結 55 第四章 百丈懷海之禪學思想 59 第一節 師承與洪州禪 59 一、 馬祖道一 59 二、 洪州禪法 60 第二節 禪學思想 62 一、心性無染本自圓成 62 二、 心如木石 66 三、透過三句 68 四、鑒覺自性 71 第三節 小結 74 第五章 《百丈清規》與後世清規之比較 77 第一節 宋代《禪苑清規》 77 一、 特色 78 二、 比較 82 第二節 元代《敕修百丈清規》 85 一、 特色 86 二、 比較 90 第三節 清代《百丈清規證義記》 93 一、 特色 94 二、 比較 101 第四節 小結 106 第六章 結論 109 第一節 研究成果與檢討 109 第二節 未來願景與展望 111 參考書目 113 |
Hits | 339 |
Created date | 2020.02.05 |
Modified date | 2023.01.18 |

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