宗教信仰者的生死關懷:以臺灣地區佛教與道教為例=Life and Death Concerns of Religious Beliefs: A Case Study of Buddhism and Taoism in Taiwan |
Author |
林錦楓 (撰)=Lin, Chin-feng (compose)
Date | 2018 |
Pages | 298 |
Publisher | 玄奘大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 玄奘大學 |
Department | 宗教與文化學系碩士在職專班 |
Advisor | 蔡翊鑫 |
Publication year | 107 |
Keyword | 臨終關懷=hospice care; 助念=pray for the dying; 度亡救贖=salvation; 殯葬禮俗=funeral custom |
Abstract | 從古到今,死亡都是人類無可迴避的課題,宗教信仰持續保持著潛移默化的影響力。臺灣人口歷年來以民間信仰為多數,近年來社會結構改變,民眾的生活與宗教信念依然緊密相連,宗教關懷生命的理念與實踐伴隨著社會型態變趨前進,臨終關懷陪伴著走向重生之路,度亡與救贖科儀在於安靈慰生,傳統殯葬禮俗,亦隨著潮流演變。 本文採質性研究,除分析相關經典、文獻及各種資料,並參與臨終助念與度亡救贖科儀的場域,及請教相關專家、學者進行深度訪談等作為田野調查資料的分析與論證。研究者想藉此探討臺灣社會有眾多信仰者的佛教與道教,如何進行生死關懷?現今社會殯葬行為的型態有何改變? 本研究結果發現: 一、臺灣社會的佛道教信仰者,在殯葬活動多採行佛教助念,作為臨終或剛往生階段的關懷模式,道教以太乙救苦天尊為臨終助禱關 懷法門尚屬於推廣階段。 二、佛教喪禮順流務實結合傳統殯葬禮俗,臺灣社會殯葬宗教型態,持續向佛教喪禮轉移。 三、喪禮習俗僅有少許佛教儀式,民間或殯葬實務界認為屬於道教或民間信仰,結合大部分佛教儀式,則稱為佛教喪禮。 四、宗教信仰的度亡救贖科儀日益化繁為簡,目前以午夜功德居多,仍有不可取代的撫生慰死功能。 探討宗教信仰者的生命關懷,從而發現殯葬活動中安頓亡者與撫慰喪親者的功能,是關懷生命存有的價值,亦是生命教育的傳承。預立遺囑、修復終籍容顏,是現代生死關懷的元素,殯葬消費行為中宗教型態的此消彼長,值得作為後續觀察與探討。
From ancient times to today, death is an unavoidable subject for human beings, and religious beliefs continue to exert a subtle influence. Taiwan’s population has been dominated by folk beliefs over the years. In recent years, the social structure has changed. People’s lives and religious beliefs are still closely linked. The concept and practice of religious care for life is accompanied by changes in social patterns, and hospice care is accompanied by the road to rebirth. The instrument of salvation lies in the comfort of the spirit and the traditional funeral custom evolves with the tide. The study adopts qualitative research method. In addition to analyzing related classics, literatures and various materials, Researcher also participates in the ceremony of praying and salvation for the dying, consults relevant experts and scholars to conduct in-depth interviews as the analysis and argumentation of field investigation data. Researcher wants to explore Buddhism and Taoism in Taiwanese society with many believers and how do they carry out life and death care? What is the change in the type of funeral behavior in society today? The findings are listed below: 1. The Buddhist and Taoist believers in Taiwanese society have adopted Buddhist praying at the end of life. The Taoist Taiyi rescues Tianzun is the promotion stage for the dying. 2. Buddhist funerals cater to traditional funeral rites, and Taiwan society funeral religious pattern continue to transfer to Buddhist funeral. 3. The funeral custom has only a few pure Buddhist rituals and the folk or funeral practice thinks it belongs to Taoism or folk beliefs, combined with most Buddhist rituals, is called Buddhist funerals. 4. The salvation ceremony of religious beliefs has become increasingly simple and simple. At present, most of the merits of midnight are still irreplaceable.
Exploring the life care of religious believers, and discovering the function of setting up the dead and soothing the bereaved in the funeral activities is the value of caring for life and the inheritance of life education. Pre-establishing wills and repairing the ultimate face are the elements of modern life and death. However, the rise of the religious pattern in the funeral and consumer behavior is worthy of follow-up observation and discussion. |
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法 10 第三節 研究的範圍與限制 18 第四節 研究結構 20
第二章 文獻探討 21 第一節 概念界定與說明 21 第二節 臨終關懷思想與社會功能 30 第三節 宗教的生死觀 40
第三章 宗教與臨終關懷實踐 51 第一節 佛教臨終關懷與西方淨土世界 52 第二節 道教臨終關懷與東方長樂世界 65 第三節 當代臺灣道教臨終關懷之新場域 73
第四章 終極關懷之度亡救贖 83 第一節 地藏菩薩之終極救贖 83 第二節 道教之終極救贖信仰 98 第三節 佛道交融之台灣民間喪葬拔度法事 110
第五章 現今社會宗教信仰者的生死關懷與悲傷撫慰 125 第一節 生命之終的殯葬禮俗 126 第二節 現今社會殯葬禮俗之探查 137 第三節 現今社會生死之教的悲傷撫慰 162
第六章 結論 169
參考文獻 178
附錄 191
圖目次 |
Hits | 423 |
Created date | 2020.02.11 |
Modified date | 2023.01.06 |
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