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佛光山僧伽教育之研究=A Study on Sangha Education of Fo Guang Shan |
Author |
嚴曉竺 (撰)=Yen, Hsiao-chu (compose)
Date | 2018 |
Pages | 88 |
Publisher | 南華大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 南華大學 |
Department | 宗教學研究所 |
Advisor | 釋永本、李芝瑩 |
Publication year | 106 |
Keyword | 僧伽教育=Sangha Education; 佛學院=Buddhist College; 佛光山=FoGuangShan; 星雲大師=Venerable Master Hsing Yun; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism |
Abstract | 「佛教」即是佛陀對眾生的教育,其建立僧團、遊化四方,都是為了教導眾生,令其契入真理而得度。東傳後,僧侶譯經講說、弘揚佛法,寺院叢林隨之而起,八大宗派亦逐之成形。佛教至此發展蓬勃,建寺安僧、興學辦道、培育僧才,深深地影響中華文化的內涵與發展。隋唐之後,中國佛教歷經多番波折,逐漸成為世人眼中消極的、往生的佛教,榮景不再。 民國初年,中國佛教面臨廟產興學、外來宗教脅迫,加上僧侶素質參差不齊的內憂外患下,猶如風中殘燭。星雲大師隨著政局動盪,帶著復興佛教的使命落腳台灣。為續佛慧命,接引青年人才投入僧團、建立健全的僧伽教育制度是為要務。 佛光山僧伽教育自1965年星雲大師創辦壽山佛學院,至現今的佛光山叢林學院,歷經五十年仍辦學不綴,未曾間斷。在許多佛學院因招生不足、師資缺乏、經費拮据等種種問題,面臨被迫停辦,或是改以高額獎金吸引學生就讀,卻失去僧伽教育的本質與涵養之時,佛光山仍堅持興辦教育,使其培育的人才分布各地,讓佛法得以遍布全球五大洲。本文就佛光山僧伽教育永續經營之道以及大師的僧伽教育思想藍圖與辦學特點進行研究,解析僧伽教育的架構模式,期作為後續有心辦學者依循之圭臬。 經本文探討發現,佛光山僧伽教育以培育僧青年續佛慧命為目標,透過制度領導方式將教育思想落實於體制中,所依循的內涵不離佛陀教育本懷。除建構佛學院教育系統以重視僧格養成外,更注重畢業後的終身修持與學習,透過多元的弘法平台,令僧伽人才得以適才適所、學以致用,以發揮最大的弘法平台,,令僧伽人才得以適才所、學以致用,以發揮最大的弘法熱情與效益。
Buddhism is the Buddha’s teachings to all sentient beings. The Buddha set up monastic orders and propagate the Dharma in different regions in order to educate and bring sentient beings to resonate with the ultimate truth. Since Buddhism came to China, monastics translated and explained the Dharma, various monasteries were established and the eight schools were developed. Till then, Buddhism had been developed prosperously. The construction of temples to settle monastics, the propagation of Buddhism through education, and the cultivation of Sangha talents, all of these have deeply influenced the core value and development of Chinese culture. After the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Chinese Buddhism experienced many upheavals, and gradually became a passive, death-focused Buddhism in the eyes of the world. In the early years of the Republic of China, Chinese Buddhism faced the problems of temple deconstruction for education, foreign religious coercion, and the mixed quality of the monastics. With the political turmoil, Venerable Master Hsing Yun settled in Taiwan with the mission of reviving Buddhism. To propagate the Dharma, the most important goals are to attract young talents into the Sangha and to establish a complete sangha education system. From Shoushan Buddhist College founded by Venerable Master Hsing Yun in 1965 to current FoGuangShan TsungLin University, FoGuangShan Sangha education has been running for 50 years without a break. The graduates are distributed at different corners of the world through whom the Dharma has been propagated across five continents. Meanwhile, many Buddhist Colleges, suffering from insufficient student enrollment and teachers as well as education funding, faced with being forced to close or use scholarship to boost enrollment, which was against the essence of Sangha education. This article focuses on the sustainability, the blueprint and the characteristics of FoGuangShan Sangha education, architected by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. It analyzes the framework of Sangha education. All of these efforts are made to provide a guidance for potential educators. Through the discussion of this article, it is found that FoGuangShan Sangha education aims at cultivating young people to continue dharma propagation. Through actualizing education objectives in institutional leadership, the core value of the education never stays away from the Buddha’s original intention. In addition to establishing an education system of Buddhist Colleges that emphasize on cultivating monastic characteristics, FoGuangShan sangha education pays more attention to students’ lifelong practice and study after graduation. Through the diversified platform of dharma propagation, talented monastics can be properly allocated and applied to the fullest. |
Table of contents | 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 V 第一章緒論 1 第一節研究動機與目的 1 第二節研究方法 3 第三節相關文獻探討 3 第四節研究架構 7 第二章台灣僧伽教育發展與現況 9 第一節轉型過渡期(1945-1950年)10 第二節辦學奠基期(1950-1970年)13 第三節穩定發展期(1970-1990年)18 第四節國際弘傳期(1990年迄今)20 第三章星雲大師的僧伽教育理念 22 第一節教育目標:續佛慧命 22 第二節教育方法:制度領導 33 第三節教育內涵:非佛不作 37 第四章僧伽教育的實務與發展 44 第一節開辦叢林學院 45 第二節終身學習制度規劃 51 第三節課程設計與落實 60 第五章影響與展望 68 第一節多元弘法事業開展 69 第二節僧才遍及十方 72 第三節推動國際化、本土化 78 第六章 結論 83 參考文獻 86 圖目錄 圖3-1星雲大師僧伽教育思想 22 圖4-3-1叢林學院106學年度一年級課程比重圖 63 圖4-3-2叢林學院106學年度二、三年級課程比重圖 64 圖4-3-3職事進修課程類別分布圖 66 表目錄 表2-1戰後台灣佛教發展時期脈絡演進 10 表2-2-1台灣佛學院開設一覽表 14 表2-3-1佛學研究所開設一覽表 20 表3-1「為僧之道」分析 23 表4-1-1叢林養成教育見聞與啟發 45 表4-1-2傳統與現代叢林規約比對 47 表4-2-1自我評鑑表 53 表4-2-2傳燈書院書信摘要 56 表4-3-1佛光山叢林學院課程設計表 61 表4-3-2職事進修課程設計表 65 表5-2-1叢林學院優秀校友彙整表 73 表5-3-1海外佛學院成立時間彙整表 79 |
Hits | 313 |
Created date | 2020.02.11 |
Modified date | 2023.01.09 |
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