南傳上座部僧團生活 -- 短期出家參與體驗之研究分析=Daily Routine of Therevada Sangha - The Research and Analysis of Short Term Monastic Retreat Experiences |
Author |
藍正毅 (撰)=Lan, Zheng-yi (compose)
Date | 2015 |
Pages | 139 |
Publisher | 玄奘大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 玄奘大學 |
Department | 宗教學系碩士在職專班 |
Advisor | 釋昭慧 |
Publication year | 104 |
Keyword | 上座部=Theravada; 具足戒=Upasampada; 波羅提木叉=Patimokkha; 結界=Sima sammuti; 布薩=Uposadha; 作淨=Kappin |
Abstract | 本文以南傳上座部短期出家新學比丘角度,自僧團經歷中觀察上座部佛教生活與儀規與探討佛教與社會關係,分析環境對南傳佛教影響。上座部比丘受制於戒律,不許營生、耕作、蓄產,端賴信眾供養。因此寺院道場需僧俗二眾協同護持,法務由僧主導,而庶務委由居士負責。比丘們組成僧團,遵行佛所制定律法傳承佛陀教說,領眾修行,令正法久住。僧團實為南傳佛教核心,僧信關係密切。 僧團屬封閉型社會,外人無緣窺見。然因佛教國家出家風氣普及,出家還俗本即常態,居士多曾有出家經歷,故熟諳僧伽戒行,因此供養應對皆能如法。本文參考律藏,由佛世僧團及佛陀四十五年行事風範,對照並探討當今南傳上座部佛教的僧伽傳承、出家儀規、以及四項比丘生活依賴方式(衣、食、住、藥四事),並參與觀察僧團生活與實務運作,依此分析律法對應關係,理解上座部佛教。 社會不熟諳上座部佛教僧俗應對環境,實不利南傳佛教發展。本文藉個人參與觀察所見,對照律藏,回溯佛世僧團輪廓,揭示僧伽生活戒行,以利信眾如法護持,非佛教國家地區民眾,多無出家經驗,希望本文能使他們對上座部佛教僧團不致陌生,而樂於親近。
This research analyzes the influence of environment to Theravada Buddhist through short term monastic experiences in the Theravada, by observing Theravada Buddhis lifestyle and ceremony and exploring the relationship between Buddhism and society, as a new Bhikkhu's viewpoint in Theravada.
A Theravada Bhikkhu restricted by Vinaya who is not allowed to earn a living, farm and hold property could only supply by worshippers. Thus the Bodhimanda needs to be shielded and sustained by monks and lay Buddhists, which is led by Sangha and general affairs are responsible by laymen.
The Sangha who is composed of Bhikkhu follow the Vinaya, made by the buddha, pass on the buddha's teaching. They lead people to practice and make correct Dharma lives forever. One could say that the Sangha is the core of Theravada Buddhist, and the relationship between monks and laymen is close.
The Sangha is a close society, outsiders have no opportunity to pry into it. However, Buddhist countries have a general mood of monastic, being a monk and returning to normal life is really normal. A lay Buddhist usually has monastic experiences, so he is familiar to Sangha's monastic rules. Therefore, the response of lay Buddhists who supply to monks can always adherence to specifications .
This article is referred to Vinaya-Pitaka, according to the Sangha during buddha-age and buddha's instruction in his 45 years lifetime for comparing and discussing the present legacy of sangha in Theravada, Sangha's monastic rules, four depending ways in Sangha's life (including their clothing, food, live, and medicine). The researcher also participated and observed Sangha's daily life and practical operations, and analyzes the corresponding relation between Vinaya-Pitaka and Buddhism, thereby realizing Theravada Buddhism.
The society is not familiar to the environment of response around monks and laymen of Theravada Buddhist, and that's adverse to the development of Theravada Buddhism.
This article compares with vinaya-pitaka and what is saw with the researcher's own eyes, trying to trace back the outline of Sangha in Buddha's lifetime, and reveals the lifestyle and Buddhism's monastic rules of Sangha for letting worshippers easily shield and sustain in conformity with Dharma. The researcher expects that people who live in a non-Buddhist country have no monastic experience could be no stranger to Theravada and be willing to get close it. |
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與研究目 1 一、 研究動機 1 二、 研究目的 2 第二節 文獻回顧 3 一、 上座部律典 3 二、 上座部傳承史籍 5 三、 僧團生活實務 6 四、 南傳佛教及其他 7 第三節 研究範圍與研究方法 8 一、 研究範圍 8 二、 研究方法 8 第四節 研究架構 11
第二章 南傳上座部僧團與僧信二眾 第一節 上座部僧眾與社會關 13 一、 出家的社會現象 13 二、 僧眾於佛教國家之角 14 三、 社會環境對上座部佛教發展的影響 15 第二節 南傳上座部僧團與僧眾 17 一、 依於僧與傳持正法 18 二、 法與律的結集 22 三、 佛法南傳與上座部佛教發展 24 四、 上座部僧團與僧眾 26 第三節 上座部僧團與比丘 26 一、 出家以四依活命 27 二、 具足戒與戒律 27 三、 上座部僧團與比丘 29 第四節 出家程序 32 一、 出家前準備 32 二、 成立界場 35
第三章 比丘具足戒授戒程序 第一節 Upasampadā(具足戒) 41 第二節 請求出家授戒 43 一、 請求出家 44 二、 請求三皈依與出家十戒 45 第三節 具足戒的條件 46 第四節 請求授具足戒 50 一、 請求戒師 51 二、 詳查程序 54 三、 請求具足戒 56 四、 具足戒成就 59 第五節 捨戒還俗 60
第四章 僧團生活之四事 第一節 衣 63 一、 三衣 66 二、 衣的制法 67 三、 主僧衣 71 四、 衣持用前的省思 72 第二節 食 73 一、 食物 75 二、 食與食時 76 三、 不可蓄藏食物 77 四、 不食不與之食物 78 五、 食持用前的省思 78 第三節 住 79 一、 住屋 80 二、 住的相關戒行 81 第四節 藥 81 一、 藥的持用規範 83 二、 藥的持用實務 83
第五章 上座部特色與僧團生活戒行 第一節 南傳上座部僧團特色 87 第二節 日常生活得見戒行 90 第三節 僧信戒行互為關係 93 一、 僧信如理供養與受持 94 二、 食物與金錢的作淨 95 三、 食事如理供養方法 97 四、 非時果汁的製作 100
第六章 結論 103
附錄一 109 附錄二 113 參考書目 137 |
Hits | 302 |
Created date | 2020.02.12 |
Modified date | 2023.01.06 |

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