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清代治臺初期的佛教 - 以《蓉洲詩文稿選輯.東寧政事集》為中心=Buddhism in Taiwan during the Early Qing : in Light of the Newly Discovered Dongning zhengshi ji |
Author |
闞正宗 (著)=Kan, Cheng-tsung (au.)
Source |
佛光學報=Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.1 新6卷 |
Date | 2020.01 |
Pages | 245 - 277 |
Publisher | 佛光大學佛教研究中心 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為佛光大學佛教學系副教授 |
Keyword | 季麒光=Ji Qiguang; 諸羅縣=Zhuluo District; 沈光文=Shen Guangwen; 度牒=ordination certificates |
Abstract | 1662年,鄭成功(1624-1662)驅逐荷蘭人後,大量漢人移民進入臺灣,歷經22年鄭氏三代的統治,康熙22年(1683)7月,施琅(1621-1696)於澎湖大敗劉國軒(1629-1693)所領導的鄭軍,「一戰而澎湖克復」,臺灣新附版圖。 康熙23年(1684),福建臺灣僧道換給新度牒,此一目的是在汰換明鄭時期所頒發的度牒,方便重新認定僧人身分。雖然鄭氏三代治臺僅22年,但在度僧發送度牒,每年至少有8位,但因臺灣未設戒場,兩岸無法交流情況下,可能都是沙彌身分。 1684年,首任諸羅縣令季麒光由福建清縣移諸羅縣,麒光因感於「臺灣草昧初幷,無文獻之徵,郡守暨陽蔣君經始其事,鳳山楊令芳聲、諸羅季令麒光廣為搜討。」1685年,《臺灣府志》未成,季麒光以丁憂去職。季麒光所著的《臺灣郡志稿》六卷、《山川考略》一卷、《海外集》一卷、《蓉洲文稿》一卷均已佚失。2006年,上海圖書館康熙三十三年藏本《蓉洲文稿》(附《東寧政事集》)的發現並重新點校出版,為清代治臺初期佛教提供信史資料。 在時間上,本文以蔣毓英(生卒年不詳)編修《臺灣府志》(1685)為始,下至《諸羅縣志》脫稿止(1717),地理空間上則以清治臺行政區域的一府三縣(臺灣府、臺灣縣、鳳山縣、諸羅縣)為範圍,探討清代治臺初期(1685-1717)三十餘年間的佛教人物及情況。
After Zheng Chenggong 鄭成功 defeated the Dutch in 1662, large numbers of Han Chinese began migrating to Taiwan. In July 1683, the Qing general Shi Lang 施琅 vanquished Zheng's army in Penghu. Thus was Taiwan newly and formally integrated into the Qing dynasty's territory. In 1684, the Fujian governor began issuing new ordination certificates for Buddhist monks and Taoist priests, in order to replace the certificates issued under Zheng's rule and re-authorize their identity. In 1684, the first governor of Zhuluo District was Ji Qiguang 季麒光, who had just moved to Taiwan from Qi County in Fujian. He wrote, "Taiwan's culture is rudimentary and lacks credible historical literature. Jiang, the county guard, started the work of compilation. Then both Yang Fangsheng 楊芳聲, the governor of Fengshan County, and Ji Qiguang, the governor of Zhuluo County collected historical data widely." In 1685, Ji resigned and left the historical compilation of the Taiwan fuzhi臺灣府志unfinished. All of his works including Taiwan junzhi gao 台灣郡志稿, Shanchuan kaolue 山川考略, Haiwai ji 海外集, and Rongzhou wengao 蓉洲文稿have been lost. In 2006, the Rongzhou wengao with a supplemental section entitled "Dongning zhengshi ji" 東寧政事集 was discovered at the Shanghai Library. It now provides us with credible historical materials for research on the early Qing's activities relating to Buddhism in Taiwan. The historical scope of this article begins in 1685, when Jiang Yuying 蔣毓英 began compiling the Taiwan fuzhi 台灣府志, and ends in 1717, when the Zhuluo xianzhi 諸羅縣志 was published. The geographical scope is limited to the Qing administrative units in Taiwan: Taiwan Prefecture 臺灣府, Taiwan District 臺灣縣, Fengshan District 鳳山縣, and Zhuluo District 諸羅縣. The main themes deal with Buddhist figures and their activities during these thirty years. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 249 二、季麒光及《蓉洲詩文稿》 251 (一)季麒光治績與交友 251 (二)《蓉洲文稿》及《東寧政事集》 253 三、明鄭時期佛教與僧人(1661-1683) 254 (一)徵收度牒銀 254 (二)左營興隆寺開山碑 254 (三)寧靖王捨宅為寺後之住僧 256 (四)黃檗山僧繼成與良準標和尚 257 1.僧繼成 257 2.天后宮的「首任」住持 258 (五)龍湖巖參徹和尚 261 四、清初治臺的佛教樣貌 262 (一)大天后宮的僧人 263 (二)逃禪僧沈光文 265 (三)海會寺志中和尚 269 五、結語 272 |
ISSN | 24143006 (P) |
Hits | 531 |
Created date | 2020.04.20 |
Modified date | 2020.05.06 |
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