越南所藏明清佛教文獻初探=A Preliminary Study of Ming and Qing Chinese Buddhist Texts in Vietnam |
Author |
李貴民 (著)=Lee, Kuei-min (au.)
Source |
佛光學報=Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.1 新6卷 |
Date | 2020.01 |
Pages | 279 - 320 |
Publisher | 佛光大學佛教研究中心 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為國立成功大學歷史學系博士後研究員 |
Keyword | 佛教文獻=Buddhist Literature; 拙公和尚=Monk Chuyet Chuyet; 性泉禪師=Master Xingquan; 漢喃研究院=Viện Nghiên Cứu Hán Nôm |
Abstract | 越南長期受中國文化影響,而漢籍文獻也在兩國人民的交流中相互傳遞。十七、十八世紀後黎朝的朝政,後為權臣所把持,雖然後黎朝初期尊崇儒家思想,但當時越南陷入南北戰爭時期,政治局勢與社會經濟動盪不安,加上明末清初中國遺民盛行逃禪之風,許多嶺南禪師,如拙公和尚受到南北執政者的邀請前來越南,不僅將佛法帶入,也引入中國的佛教典籍,為當時較為衰弱的越南佛教注入新的元素。 由於越南在北屬明朝時期,文獻典籍遭受到嚴重的破壞與銷毀,故目前保存於越南的佛教典籍極大部分都是後黎朝再重新傳入為主,有些是隨著遺民僧而傳入,但也有如同十八世紀初越南性泉禪師奉旨前往閩粵求法,從鼎湖山慶雲寺帶回佛教戒律經藏等新養分的來源,促使越南重新建立戒律的修學,並始立具足三壇。 所以,當時所引入經藏,基本上是以《嘉興藏》為主,而其大部分在法屬殖民時期被蒐集,後為越南漢喃院所接收。這些傳入的佛教典籍因氣候環境保存不易,故多數被越南本地僧人重新刊刻,雖然可能有所變動,但有些文獻基本上是保留明末清初的內容模式,一直延續至今,這些明末清初傳入的珍貴佛典著作典籍,如同時空膠囊一樣被凍結,成為另一特殊類型的域外漢籍文獻。
Vietnam has long been influenced by Chinese culture, and Chinese texts have also been transmitted back and forth in the exchanges between the two countries. In Vietnam during the 17th and 18th centuries, the Lê Dynasty gradually declined, leading to social instability and civil war. At around the same time in China, during the Ming-Qing transition, many Chan masters from Guangdong, such as the monk Chuyet Chuyet, came to Vietnam at the invitation of the rulers. They brought not only the Dharma, but also Chinese Buddhist texts, injecting new elements into the declining Vietnamese Buddhism. Most of the Buddhist texts currently kept in Vietnam were re-introduced after the Lê dynasty. They were brought either by emigrating Chinese or by Vietnamese Buddhists who went to China in search of texts. For example, in the early 18th century, the Vietnamese Master Xingquan went to Dinghushan Qingyun Temple in Guangdong. He obtained Buddhist texts there, particularly Vinaya texts, and brought them back to Vietnam, introducing new developments in the Vinaya tradition such as the triple platform ordination. Most of the texts coming into Vietnam during this time were from the Jiaxing canon. They were later collected during the French colonial period and then held at the Institute of Hán-Nôm Studies. Also, many texts were reprinted in Vietnam by local monks due to damaging effects of the humid climate. Although these texts may have undergone some changes, they basically retain the content and style of the Ming and Qing dynasties, preserving texts that would have otherwise been lost. |
Table of contents | 一、中國佛教典籍傳入越南 283 二、越南佛教文獻典藏概況 287 三、漢喃研究院的佛教文獻 290 (一)遺民僧引入佛典 290 1.拙公和尚與明行禪師 290 2.引入佛典與稀見文獻 292 (二)越南僧攜回佛經 298 1.性泉法師 298 2.攜回佛經與稀見文獻 301 (三)本地僧人所重刊 308 (四)漢地佚失的佛典 312 1.越南漢喃院所藏的《佛說目連問戒律中五百輕重事經新疏》,寫是為「明棲霞寺傳戒比丘法通疏」。 312 2.《四分律刪補隨機羯磨懸絲鈔》 314 四、結語 315
ISSN | 24143006 (P) |
Hits | 174 |
Created date | 2020.04.20 |
Modified date | 2020.04.20 |
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