將佛教信仰深植於人間關懷 — 印順導師「人間佛教」思想脈絡淺探=Incorporating Buddhist Faith in Caring for Humanity: Investigating the “Human-Realm Buddhism” Ideology of Master Yinshun |
Author |
金易明 (著)=Jin, Yimin (au.)
Source |
Date | 2020.05 |
Pages | 620 - 655 |
Publisher | 佛光山人間佛教研究院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:上海佛學院教授 |
Keyword | 印順導師=Master Yinshun; 人間佛教=Human-Realm Buddhism; 反省回歸= reflection and returning; 契機契理=in accord with principles and aptitudes |
Abstract | 人間佛教早已成為當代漢語語境下佛教信仰者頗具共識性的信仰模式。然而,對人間佛教思想的提出,乃至於其最為真實的內涵與本質,尤其是其所具有的,對中印佛教演變過程中所產生的偏離佛陀本懷、背離佛法正義之信仰形態的反省功能,似乎或是無意之遺忘,或是故意之忽視,則是導致當代人間佛教信仰模式,在實踐中未及釐清化導世俗與附庸世俗的界限,出現迎合世俗而陷於庸俗,倍遭詬病的窘境。事實上,作為當代人間佛教學理的架構者,印順導師的人間佛教思想體系及其學理架構,無論是從其形成、發展及弘傳的脈絡而言,還是就其人間佛教思想的核心觀念、構成要素而言,均體現出回歸佛陀本懷、彰顯佛法正義之宗旨,正本清源堅守「以人為本」之宗趣,湧流著其關懷成佛之道落實貫徹於人間的不倦悲願。
Humanistic Buddhism, as it is known in contemporary Chinese, is a belief system held by many Buddhists today. The true implication and essence of the ideology of Humanistic Buddhism serves as a reflection on the morphology of the faith in the Buddha’s original intents and subsequent deviations of the true meaning of the Buddha’s teachings resulting from the developmental process of Buddhism in India and China. Such considerations, whether unintentionally neglected or intentionally disregarded, have led to an ambiguous boundary between “purifying the secular world” and “complying with the secular world” in the practice of Buddhism. Hence, this is a predicament in which conformity with secularity turns into vulgarity. In fact, as a theoretical framework of Humanistic Buddhism, Master Yinshun’s thoughts and ideological structure of Human-Realm Buddhism have embodied the original intents of the Buddha and revealed the true meaning of the Buddha’s teachings, whether from aspects of its formation, development, and propagation, or its core values and constituent factors. By adhering to the ultimate goal of “focused on humans,” the path to Buddhahood advocated by Master Yinshun’s Human-Realm Buddhism is applied as an industrious practice of compassionate vows in this world. |
Table of contents | 前言 622 一、回歸佛陀本懷—印順導師「人間佛教」的宗趣 624 (一)太虛大師人生佛教對印順導師人間佛教之影響力討論 624 (二)回歸佛陀本懷的印順導師人間佛教宗旨 629 二、「人間佛教」的批判意識與反省精神 632 (一)印順導師對印度佛教流弊之反省與批判 633 (二)以禪宗考察為例的對中國佛教流弊之反省與批判 637 三、印順導師「人間佛教」學理的基本內涵淺述 643 (一)圓融佛法大乘義理為基礎的契理契機性 643 (二)人間佛教思想之關鍵四層面 648 參考書目 654 |
Hits | 1588 |
Created date | 2020.07.03 |
Modified date | 2020.07.30 |

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