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印順學派的成立、分流與發展=Establishment, Division and Development of Yin Shun School
Author 邱敏捷 (著)=Chiu, Min-chieh (au.)
Content type專題研究論文=Research Paper
計畫編號:NSC 98-2410-H-024-015
執行期間:98 年 8 月 1 日起至 99 年 7 月 31 日
計畫主持人:邱敏捷博士 國立臺南大學國語文學系
Keyword印順學派=Yin Shun School; 佛學研究派=Buddhism Research School; 慈濟志業派=Tzu Chi Volunteer Service School; 本土關懷派=Local Concern School; 傳統弘法派=Traditional Buddhism Propagation School
Abstract印順曾是以大量佛教思想著作流傳在僧俗之間的佛學泰斗。他繼承武昌佛學 院佛教改革的路線,以批判的精神抉發、恢宏佛教的根本原理,並以開創的情懷 為佛教另闢適應時代需求的新理路與新格局——「人間佛教」,成為近現代極為 重要而傑出的佛教思想改革家兼佛教思想史家,而研究、闡述、推拓印順思想者, 更是與日俱增。「印順學」所建構出來的「範式」,逐漸成為當代台灣佛教界與學 術界的「顯學」之一。 在印順眾多入贄弟子、私淑門人與再傳弟子之中,除釋證嚴的「慈濟功德會」 在台灣乃至國際佔有一席之地外,桃園「弘誓學院」、新竹「福嚴精舍」、台南「妙 心寺」與高雄「正信佛教青年會」等弘揚印順思想的道場及其重要代表人物,如 釋昭慧、釋性廣、釋悟殷、釋厚觀、釋傳道與釋宏印等領導的僧團,實不容小覷。 另外,學界中嚮往、追隨印順人格與思想者,不在少數;針對印順思想從事研究 者,亦蔚然成風。郭朋、吳老擇、楊郁文、楊惠南等,便是其中人物。「印順學 派」在創始者印順「成一家之言」、有眾多傑出門下與廣大深遠之社會影響作用 等條件下,於焉成形。本研究計畫將「印順後學」歸納、分類為四種主要分流: 一是「佛學研究派」,二是「慈濟志業派」,三是「本土關懷派」,四是「傳統弘 法派」等。 目前學界對於「印順學派的成立」,僅見乙篇略為涉及的「導言」性文章, 而對於「印順學派的分流」態勢,也只有二篇稍有著墨;另針對「印順學派各分 流」的相關研究,集中於「慈濟志業派」,其餘三派的研究只見零星數篇,可說 尚在「起步階段」。至於探討「印順學派的成立、分流與發展」之專題研究,則 付諸闕如。本研究計畫的重點,在系統梳理「印順學派的成立、分流與發展」, 即是從「印順學」到「印順學派」研究的進一步開拓與深化。本研究計畫擬透過 全面耙梳「印順學派」成立之條件,釐清「佛學研究派」、「慈濟志業派」、「本土 關懷派」與「傳統弘法派」等分流,並剖析各分流之發展特質,盼以「印順學派」 為主軸,期對當代台灣佛教的變革與發展得出更寬廣而客觀之發現與收穫。

Yin Shun was once a leading authority of Buddhism having written a large number of works about Buddhist thought, which were then spread amongst the monks of temples and the secular readers. Succeeding the Buddhist revolutionary route of Wuchang Buddhist Academy, Yin Shun took the spirit of criticism to discover and develop the fundamental principles of Buddhism. He also took an open-minded attitude to open up for Buddhism a new direction and new layout that meet the needs of the modern times─ ─“Buddhism in Man's World." Then Yin Shun became an extremely significant and outstanding reformer of Buddhist thought and Buddhist thinker in the modern times. Today there are more and more people studying, elucidating and spreading the thinking of Yin Shun. The “exemplary way" constructed by “Yin Shun Learning" gradually becomes one of the “explicit schools" in the contemporary Buddhist field of Taiwan. Among so many Yin Shun's kowtow disciples, students of private tutorial classes as well as his disciples and students of the next generation, except “Tzu Chi Foundation" occupying fame and significant international position, there are some organizations, such as “Buddhist Hongshi Institute" in Taoyuan, “Fu Yan Buddhist Institute" in Hsinchu, “Miau Sim Temple" in Tainan and “Cheng Hsin Buddhist Association for Youths" in Kaohsiung, being the Buddhist centers spreading the thought of Yin Shun, and cultivating some significant and representative characters, such as Shi Zhao-Hui, Shi Xing-Guang, Shi Wu-Yin, Shi Hou-Guan, Shi Chuan-Dao and Shi Hong-Yin, who are also the leading and respectful monks. In addition, there are quite a lot of people in the academic field following and being inspired by the personality and thought of Yin Shun. Hence, it has become a popular trend for researchers to do researches of Yin Shun's thought. Guo Peng, Wu Lao-Zhe, Yang Yu-Wen, Yang Hui-Nan, and so on are the major researchers. Under the conditions that Yin Shun's thought becomes the “words of a school," and his thinking is preached by a lot of outstanding disciples, and brings great and profound influence to the society, “Yin Shun School" has been established. This research plan summarizes the contents of “Post-Yin-Shun School," and classifies it into 4 main sub-divisions: the first one is “Buddhism Research School," the second one is “Tzu Chi Volunteer Service School," the third one is “Local Concern School," and the fourth one is “Traditional Buddhism Propagation School." Currently, there was only one research paper touching upon the issue of “establishment of Yin Shun School" in its section of “Introduction." Regarding the process for the “division of Yin Shun School," there were only two research papers slightly dealing with this topic. As to the related studies focusing on the “various sub-divisions of Yin Shun School," they mainly concentrated on “Tzu Chi Volunteer Service School." But for the rest of the three schools, they are still at the “beginning stage" since only a very few research papers on these schools have been made. As for the investigation on the topical studies of “establishment, division and develo
Created date2020.10.05
Modified date2020.10.05

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