西藏西部「阿里三圍」女護法神靈多杰欽姆的圖像變遷與信仰傳承=On the Guardian Goddess rDo rje Chenmo in mNga’ris skor gsum in West Tibet: Changes in Image and Inheritance of Faith |
Author |
任赟娟 (著)=Ren, Yun-juan (au.)
王瑞雷 (著)=Wang, Rui-lei (au.)
Source |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research
Volume | n.4 (總號=n.176) |
Date | 2019 |
Pages | 49 - 60 |
Publisher | 敦煌研究編輯部 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:西北師範大學文化產業系;浙江大學漢藏佛教藝術研究中心 |
Keyword | 多杰欽姆=rDo rje Chenmo; 阿里三圍=mNa’ ris skor gsum; 護法神靈=guardian deity; 圖像變遷=iconographical changes; 古格王朝=Guge kingdom |
Abstract | 女護法神多傑欽姆的信仰範圍覆蓋了古代西藏西部的"阿里三圍",時間跨度從10世紀末的佛教後弘期開始延綿至今,其歷史形成和信仰演進的考證對明晰古格王統建制以及溯源藏傳佛教護法神靈體系具有重要意義。本文通過梳理與多傑欽姆有關的早期藏文文獻,基於實物圖像調查分析,欲從歷史淵源、圖像變遷、儀軌傳存與地域信仰傳承等層面對該護法神予以考察,旨在探討藏傳佛教中護法神的象徵意涵和社會功能。
rDo rje Chenmo is one of the guardian goddesses of lokuttara in the guardian deity system of Tibetan Buddhism, her main task is to maintain the peace of Buddha and protect Buddhist dharma and she is usually represented in a fierce, intimidating appearance. The belief in this deity, starting from Phyi dar(the second propagation of Buddhism) and continuing to the present, is mainly concentrated in the mNga’ ris skor gsum region of ancient west Tibet. A textual study on the historical formation and changes in belief of rDo rje Chenmo is important for illuminating the royal pedigree of the Guge Kingdom in Tibetan history and the origin of the guardian deities of Tibetan Buddhism. Through a textual examination of the early Tibetan documents about rDo rje Chenmo, and by investigating and analyzing extant images depicting the deity, this paper explores the symbolic connotation and social function of the guardian deities in Tibetan Buddhism from the perspectives of historical origin, iconographical changes, and inheritance of religious and ritual practices. |
Table of contents | 一 多傑欽姆的歷史淵源與地域圖像變遷 50 (一)多傑欽姆的歷史溯源和信俗生成 50 (二)多傑欽姆的地域圖像與特徵變遷 52 1. 拉達克地區 52 2. 象泉河流域的札達縣境內 53 3. 孔雀河流域的普蘭縣境內 54 二 多傑欽姆的儀軌傳存與圖像表述 57 三 結語 59 |
ISSN | 10004106 (P) |
Hits | 276 |
Created date | 2020.11.09 |

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