「四要消費者」的需求函數=Demand Function Based on the Four Guidelines for Dealing with Desires |
Author |
謝俊魁 (著)=Hsieh, Chun-kuei (au.)
顏美惠 (著)=Yen, Mei-huei (au.)
Source |
聖嚴研究:第九輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.9
Date | 2017.11 |
Pages | 113 - 195 |
Publisher | 法鼓文化 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
Series | 聖嚴思想論叢 |
Series No. | 9 |
Content type | 專題研究論文=Research Paper |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位: 謝俊魁:東海大學國際經營與貿易學系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of International Business,Tunghai University 顏美惠:自由研究者 Free Researcher |
Keyword | 佛教經濟學=Buddhist economics; 心靈環保=Protecting the Spiritual Environment; 心五四運動=Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign; 四要=four guidelines for dealing with desires; 消費=consumption; 需求=demand; 效率=efficiency; 適足=adequacy |
Abstract | 在真實市場中,基礎經濟學所強調的市場機能往往會失靈,導致效率及福祉皆低落不振。為了說明聖嚴法師提倡的「四要」不但與經濟學原理相容,並可提昇效率及福祉,本文嘗試刻畫「善用量入為出的預算,少欲知足地消費需要、能要、該要的商品」之「四要消費者」,並分析其需求函數之特性。四要消費者的行為假設包括:不會購買「不能要或不該要」的商品,對於「利人利己且對社會及環境友善」之商品,則會在「能要」的前提下積極地納入考慮,並給予較高的預算與評價;且常自省「需要的不多,想要的太多」、「能要該要的才要」、「想要的不重要」,所以會量入為出、少欲知足地消費。本文根據上述假設,建構並分析四要消費者的選擇模型,結果顯示:對於「不能要或不該要」的商品,四要消費者的需求等於零;只要商品是能要、該要的,且是「正常品」,四要消費者的需求曲線就會呈現向右下方拗折之型態,而且拗折點右下方的需求曲線不會受到所得短期波動的影響。這表示,若廠商供給的「正常品」是四要消費者需要、能要、該要的,且是對社會及環境友善的,四要消費者不但將回報以較高的願付價格,而且需求量較穩定,可幫助廠商避免過度生產,並提昇產能運用效率。因此,四要消費者不但較能適量、穩定地消費,安定地維持在適足狀態,並保留更多資源來培福、種福,還能引導廠商生產對社會及環境友善之商品並提昇生產效率,開啟友善生產、安心消費的良善循環,從而提昇效率及福祉,緩解市場失靈現象。
Market mechanism does not always work perfectly in the real world; this imperfectness, in turn, leads to inefficiencies in consumption and production, and ultimately, results in not so satisfied consumers and businesses suffering from less than optimal profitability. The four guidelines for dealing with desires, taught by Venerable Sheng Yen, provide an economics-principle- compatible view and a practically-viable Buddhist way to deal with the above-mentioned problems and to improve market efficiency. Consumers who follow the four guidelines are less likely to pursue goods which can't be acquired or shouldn't be acquired, and they relatively prefer goods which are environmentally friendly and hence should be acquired. Moreover, through conscientiously reflecting on the concepts of needs and wants, those who follow the guidelines will spontaneously set an adequate level of overall consumption. Consequently, the relationship between their demand and income is weaker than that of the general public, and the price elasticity of their demand for normal goods is also relatively smaller. Thus, consumers who follow the four guidelines have a more stable demand and are more willing to pay higher prices for environmentally friendly normal goods. As a result, if the population of such consumers is sufficient, not only can the firms producing these goods better utilize their production capacity, but also can they become more profitable, and more willing to adopt environmentally friendly production process. This paper concludes that by following and applying the four guidelines for dealing with desires, taught by Venerable Sheng Yen, market would be more efficient, as manifested in more satisfied consumers, more stable consumptions, and more efficient, more environmentally friendly production. |
Table of contents | 一、前言與研究目的 115 二、佛教經濟學相關文獻回顧 119 三、「四要」與「四要消費」123 (一) 四要 124 1. 釐清「真正的需要」與「貪求的想要」127 2. 何謂「實至名歸的能要」與「責任所在的該要」129 3. 聖嚴法師歷年著作中關於四要的論述 131 (二) 四要消費 132 四、基礎經濟學的消費者選擇模型與需求曲線 136 (一) 偏好、效用與無異曲線 136 (二) 預算限制與最適選擇 141 (三) 需求曲線 143 五、四要消費者的行為假設 148 (一)「量入為出」地擬定預算 149 (二) 以四要調整消費品項及偏好 150 (三) 善用預算,少欲知足地消費 151 1. 四要消費者效用函數有最大值,效用最大時對應的整體消費水準稱為「適足消費量」151 2.「適足消費量」不隨所得及商品價格的短期波動而改變 152 3. 因四要與四福而善用預算 153 4. 以四要及四它化解「得不到的想要」155 六、四要消費者的選擇模型與需求曲線 156 (一)「具適足點」的消費者選擇模型 157 1. 具適足點的偏好 157 2. 最適選擇 158 3. 需求曲線 160 (二)「具適足曲線」的消費者選擇模型 163 1. 具適足曲線的偏好 163 2.「先消費再結餘」的整體「字典偏好」166 3. 最適選擇 167 4. 需求曲線 169 (三) 四要消費者需求曲線的特點 173 1. 需求曲線呈現向右下方拗折之型態 173 2. 拗折點右下方的需求曲線不受所得短期波動之影響 174 3. 對「利人利己且對社會及環境友善」之商品的願付價格較高 174 4. 對「不能要或不該要」之商品的需求等於零 174 七、結語 176 附錄:聖嚴法師著作中直接談及四要之論述 179 參考文獻 191 英文摘要 194 |
Hits | 269 |
Created date | 2021.08.06 |
Modified date | 2021.08.06 |
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