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人間菩薩現實版 -- 昭慧法師與 Joan Baez=The Icon of Bodhisattva in real world: Ven Chao Hwei and Joan Baez |
Author |
陳悅萱 (著)=Chen, Yueh-shiuan (au.)
Source |
法印學報=Journal of Dharma Seals
Volume | n.11 |
Date | 2020.12 |
Pages | 163 - 182 |
Publisher | 財團法人弘誓文教基金會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為:玄奘大學宗教與文化學系講師 |
Keyword | 昭慧法師=Ven. Chao Hwei; Joan Baez; 非暴力=Non-violence; 越戰=Vietnam War; 人權運動=Civil Rights |
Abstract | 菩薩思想出自大乘經典,經典中菩薩的不可思議境界讓人讚嘆、景仰、感動,但不免也有過疑惑:太超現實了吧?我們何曾在世間見過?直到認識昭慧法師一生的行誼,才打破原本對菩薩不切實的想像。複雜的人心、複雜的因緣,形成了複雜的世間、複雜的善惡,「救苦救難」不是救一個人出離水火、盜賊那麼簡單,需要倫理的判準、需要無礙的辯才、更需要堅強的意志與無比的勇氣,才可能在反對、阻攔、毀謗中克竟其功。 而在今年的疫情中,又見識到另外一位了不起女人 -- Joan Baez,她以一個歌手的身分,從事非暴力社會運動,影響60年代美國的音樂及美國社會至深,稱之為傳奇亦不為過。粗略的研究她的生平後,除了升起無比的敬佩之心,也發現了昭慧法師與 Joan Baez 的相似。 本文將先略述 Joan Baez的生平,再從她們的相似處,勾勒出現實版人間菩薩的面貌:勇敢、無我與智慧。而本文的目的也不在比較這兩位人間菩薩,而是從其高度相似的思想根源,學習菩薩行者應該具有的思想觀念與智慧,以及超凡的人格特質中,學習如何鍛鍊自己。
The Bodhisattva thought originates in the Mahayana sutras. The acts of the Bodhisattvas in the sutras are respected, admired, and moving, but there are also doubts: Is this too surreal? Have we ever seen it in the world? It wasn't until I knew Master Chao-hwei and what she did, that the original unrealistic imagination of Bodhisattvas were put into perspective. Complicated human minds and complex causes form a complex world and good and evil are complex terms. "Saving hardship" is not as simple as saving a person out of water, fire or from thieves. It requires ethical judgment, unimpeded debate, and a strong will. Only with great courage can a Bodhisattva overcome opposition, obstruction and slander. This year, with COVID-19 bringing a challenging pandemic, I came across the history of an amazing woman, Joan Baez, who was engaged in non-violent social movements as a singer. She had a profound impact on American music and American society in the 1960s. It's not an exaggeration to call her a legend. When researching her life, in addition to my heart filling with immense admiration, I also discovered similarities between her and Master Chao-hwei. This article will first outline the life of Joan Baez, and from their similarities, outline aspects of an alive Bodhisattva: bravery, selflessness and wisdom. Beyond this comparison, the objective of the article is to convey the idea and wisdom of a bodhisattva practitioner may be improved, illustrated by the highly similar ideological roots, as well as the extraordinary personality traits of Master Chao-hwei and Joan Baez. They are two examples of ideals from which bodhisattva practitioners can learn how to improve themselves. |
Table of contents | 壹、前言 166 貳、Joan Baez 的生平簡介 167 參、人間菩薩的特質 171 一、非暴力主義的堅持 171 二、勇者無懼 172 (一)勇於為公義發聲: 172 (二)勇於承擔風險: 173 (三)勇於危險的環境: 173 三、無我與緣起的智慧 176 四、堅強的意志與自信 -- 我知道他們不要聽,但我還是要說! 178 肆、結論 179 參考書目 181 一、專書 181 二、期刊 181 三、網址、其他 181 |
ISSN | 22241299 (P) |
Hits | 603 |
Created date | 2021.08.25 |
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