南北朝期における「地持学」兼学の伝統とその要因について=The Tradition of Give Consideration to the "Bodhisattvabhūmi-sūtra Study" and its Main Reasons in the Northern and Southern Dynasties=南北朝“地持学”的兼学传统及其主要原因 |
Author |
田湖 (著)=TIAN Hu (au.)
遠藤祐介 (譯)=エンドウユウスケ (tr.)
Source |
武蔵野大学仏教文化研究所紀要=Journal of Institute of Buddhist Culture, Musashino University=ムサシノ ダイガク ブッキョウ ブンカ ケンキュウジョ キヨウ
Volume | n.34 |
Date | 2018.02.28 |
Pages | (210) - (187) |
Publisher | 武蔵野大学仏教文化研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 西東京市, 日本 [Nishitokyo-shi, Japan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 日文=Japanese |
Note | 著者所属:田湖/中国人民大学哲学院博士研究生 (専門)南北朝仏教思想; 遠藤祐介/武蔵野大学准教授 (専門)六朝仏教史 |
Keyword | 南北朝=The Northern and Southern Dynasties=南北朝; 菩薩地持経=Bodhisattvabhūmi-sūtra=菩萨地持经; 地持論師=Bodhisattvabhūmi-sūtra scholar=地持学人; 地持学=Bodhisattvabhūmi-sūtra study=地持学 |
Abstract | “Bodhisattvabhūmi-sūtra” discussed on various ideas about the Bodhisattva. Since its translation by Indian monk Dharmakşema in Northern Liang Dynasty, many Buddhist scholars have learned, preached and quoted from it. From the records of the literature, there should have been a “Bodhisattvabhūmi-sūtra School” in the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. However, while later scholars often discussed the schools based on other scriptures, but they did not mention “the study of Bodhisattvabhūmi-sūtra”. This paper analyzes the causes of this situation, which is related to the content of the “Bodhisattvabhūmi-sūtra”and the academic situation at the time.
《菩萨地持经》在佛学史上占有重要的位置,其中宣说了很多菩萨思想。自北凉天竺僧人昙无谶译介该经以降,就有许多佛学家学习,宣讲它,该经的思想也被很多佛学家引证。从文献记载来看,在南北朝时期,应该存在着专门的“地持学人”和形成了一定范围的“地持学”,然而,在后来学者们的研究中,多论及“地論”,“攝論”,“成實論”,“毗曇論”等“学习潮流”,“学派”,却绝口不提“地持学”一事。本文通过考究发现,导致这种情况的发生,其原因与《菩萨地持经》的内容和当时的学术环境有莫大的关系。 |
Table of contents | はじめに 209 1. 「地持学」に関する先行研究概観 208 2. 南北朝期に『地持』を学んだ僧侶 207 3. 南北朝期における「地持学」 198 3.1. 「地持学」の有無について 197 3.2. 「地持学」が注視されなかった原因について 194 結語 191 註 190 |
ISSN | 18820107 (P) |
Hits | 241 |
Created date | 2021.09.16 |
Modified date | 2021.09.16 |
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