以「十牛圖頌」探討聖嚴法師的生命經歷與修行=Explore the life experience and practice of Master Shen-Yen by using 「Ten Ox-herding picture’s and verses」 |
Author |
劉玉惠 (著)=Liu, Yu-hui (au.)
Date | 2020 |
Pages | 173 |
Publisher | 輔仁大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 輔仁大學 |
Department | 宗教學系碩士在職專班 |
Advisor | 鄭志明 |
Publication year | 108 |
Keyword | 十牛圖頌=The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures and Verses; 禪宗=Chan; 聖嚴法師=Master Sheng-Yen; 如來藏=Tatgagata; 般若=Prajna |
Abstract | 禪宗自菩提達摩(?~535年)東傳以來,強調「不立文字、教外別傳」,是以《楞伽經》的如來藏思想為修行的依據;直到六祖慧能(638年-713年)後,在思想與修行上逐漸轉變成《金剛經》的般若空性思想。這樣的轉變同時也影響了後來的禪宗,在心性的修鍊上從「修心」到「守心」,再以「非心非佛」破除「即心即佛」達到「無念、無相、無住」的般若空義。在修行上,從次第的漸修禪法轉向成頓悟的禪法,影響了後代的禪門弟子在修行上的轉變。聖嚴法師承繼了曹洞宗與臨濟宗的法脈,他的一生是一場實踐佛法的旅程。禪宗的圖畫所表達的是禪師們的禪學思想,其中以普明與廓庵的《十牛圖頌》最為完整並流傳最久,兩者在圖像上的呈現極不相同,然其中蘊含的禪學思想的實踐,都不離如來藏與般若的思想。本文藉由探討《十牛圖頌》中的禪學思想;而後分析聖嚴法師的生命經驗與禪學思想;從中發現,聖嚴法師所弘揚的漢傳禪佛教,是依循著印度傳統的緣起法為基礎,從而結合了大乘佛教的般若空義與中國佛教的圓融,將緣起性空與如來藏的思想結合起來,提出「回歸佛陀本懷,推動世界淨化」的理念,將禪宗對生命的終極關懷如實的體現出來。
Since the Dharma was transmitted from Bodhidharma to the East, Chan Buddhism had emphasized“Not relying on words; a separate transmission outside of the teachings.” This doctrine is based on the Tathagata thought如來藏(Tathāgatagarbha) in the Lanka Sutra愣伽經(Lankāvatāra-sūtra). Until the appearance of the sixth Chan patriarch Hui-neng (六祖慧能), his thought and practice gradually changed into the emptiness thought of Vajra Prajna. This change also affected the later Chan. In the practice of the “no-mind is the Way” (無心是道) from cultivating the heart (修心) and keeping the heart(守心) to breaking the heart with the heart(以心破心), which was a huge transformation from gradual practice to sudden enlightenment, had affected the followers of Chan. Master Sheng-Yen inherited the Dharma-line of Caodong and Linji, his whole life was a journey of practicing Buddhism. The pictures of Chan expressed the Chan’s thought. Among them, Puming and Kuo’an’s ”The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures and verses” are the most complete and best-known, which contained the practice of Chan’s thought. Although Puming and Kuo’an were very different in visual presentation, both thoughts were related to Tathagata and Prajna doctrines. This study discusses the Chan thought in the “Ten Ox-Herding Pictures verses” first. Then, it analyzes the life experience and Chan thought of Sheng-Yen according to the“Ten Ox-Herding Pictures verses”. This study discovers that the Chan Buddhism promoted by Master Sheng-Yen also follows the context of combination of Dependent Origination and Emptiness of nature (緣起性空) and Tathagata. Master Sheng-Yen put forward the concept of “Return to the Buddha's original bosom and promote the purification of the world”, that truthfully reflect the ultimate concern of Chan. |
Table of contents | 摘要 I Abstract II 謝 誌 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 V 第一章 緒論 1 第一節、研究動機與目的 2 第二節、文獻回顧與分析 4 第三節、研究方法 12 第四節、研究範圍與架構 15 第二章《十牛圖頌》的解析 17 第一節、中國禪宗的禪學思想 18 第三節 《十牛圖頌》的內容與思想 46 結語 65 第三章 聖嚴法師佛法的生命經歷 67 第一節、童年到沙彌時期 69 第二節、沉潛期 75 第三節、精進期 85 第四節、實踐與弘化期 97 結語 104 第四章 聖嚴法師的禪學思想與修行觀 107 第一節、聖嚴法師的禪學思想 108 第二節、聖嚴法師禪法的修行與實踐 124 第三節、聖嚴法師禪佛法的落實-建設人間淨土 141 結語 151 第五章 結論 155 參考文獻 160 圖目錄
圖2 1 普明的牧牛圖頌 53 圖2-2 周文、廓庵〈十牛圖頌〉 60 圖2-3 從實有到絕對無的過程 64 圖 3-1 聖嚴法師的生命歷程 105 圖4-1 禪修學習地圖(引自法鼓山傳燈院網站) 124 圖4-2 禪修地圖與十牛圖的對應 153
表2-1 普明十牛圖與五位君臣的次第 52 表2-2 廓庵十牛圖頌與臨濟四料揀 58 表2-3 從實有到絕對無 64 表2-4 兩組圖頌的對應 65 表4-1 聖嚴詮釋廓庵《十牛圖頌》 123 |
Hits | 496 |
Created date | 2021.11.04 |
Modified date | 2023.02.03 |

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