老年佛教徒義工彌陀信仰及其自我靈性照顧之研究=A Study on Amitabha Faith and It’s Spiritual Care of the Elderly Buddhist Volunteers |
Author |
鍾怡敏 (撰)=Chung, Yi-min (compose)
Date | 2018 |
Pages | 151 |
Publisher | 南華大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 南華大學 |
Department | 宗教學研究所 |
Advisor | 李芝瑩 |
Publication year | 106 |
Keyword | 阿彌陀佛信仰=Faith in the Amitābha Buddha; 淨土宗=Pure Land Buddhism; 老人=Seniors; 念佛往生=Mindfulness of the Buddhas and to be Reborn; 靈性照顧=Spiritual Care |
Abstract | 本論文將探討老年佛教徒義工彌陀信仰及其自我靈性照顧之研究為探討對象。主要以淨土三經為文獻探討為依據,對持名念佛與往生佛國淨土之殊勝與莊嚴,來說明老年佛教徒義工彌陀信仰及其自我靈性照顧之相關影響與意義。由此,第二章以彌陀信仰與老人靈性照顧的相關探討。其中彌陀信仰對老化問題的對治與因應措施、老人靈性照顧之定義與特性、彌陀信仰對老人靈性照顧的助力與重要性及如何自我超越解脫。第三章以持名念佛對老人靈性照顧之模式建構。探討模式建構的理論背景、模式的解說與釋義、模式的實踐與應用。以信、願、行為往生主要三要素,另稱名念佛有易行道及難行道,為方便修持淨土法門之菩薩慈悲行。如何在持名念佛與修行淨業中影響過去、現在、未來的修行之路,也是三世諸佛成就淨業的依據。第四章以持名念佛對老人靈性照顧問卷結果分析有四:一、彌陀信仰對老人生命意義及重要性;二、老年佛教徒義工服務對靈性層次覺察之省思;三、念佛對老人靈性之提升與幫助且能自我肯定;四、祈願往生西方極樂淨土之菩薩行。最後,本文總結,在透過質性研究方法深度訪談5位佛教徒義工後,更了解持名念佛對往生阿彌陀佛淨土信念的重要,祈願對老人自我靈性照顧,與頓悟人生的真諦有所助力,且對法身慧命之堅信與實踐。
This thesis study investigates and discusses seniors’ Buddhist Volunteers in the Amitābha faith and their own spiritual care. The study is mainly based on the Three Pure Land Sutras literature of Pure Land Buddhism using the superior and dignified mindfulness of the Buddhas to be reborn and Pure Land Buddhism to explain the relevant influence and significance of seniors’ Buddhist faith in the Amitābha Buddha and their own spiritual care. The second chapter discusses the relationship between the Amitābha Buddhism and seniors’ spiritual care, including: understanding the Amitābha beliefs on the treatment of issues related to aging and response measures; the definition and characteristics of seniors’ spiritual care; the assistance and importance of Amitābha beliefs with regards to seniors’ spiritual care; and how seniors can reach transcendence. The third chapter concerns the construction of a model for seniors’ spiritual care through remembrance of the Buddha's name by investigating the construction of the model’s theoretical background along with explanation, interpretation, and practical application. The main three elements of faith, willingness, and behavior are also known as the easy path and the difficult road of remembrance of the Buddha's name to practice the Pure Land Buddhism method of Bodhisattva compassion. How remembrance of the Buddha's name and the purifying practice of Buddhism influences the past, present, and future is also the basis for the achievements of the three ages of Buddhism. The fourth chapter analyzes the results of the questionnaire related to seniors’ spiritual care using remembrance of the Buddha's name: 1., the significance and importance of the Amitābha beliefs in seniors’ lives; 2., the relevance of seniors’ Buddhist services to their spiritual level of awareness; 3., the promotion seniors’ Buddhist spirituality and help for self-affirmation; and 4., praying for the rebirth into the Sukhāvatī of Pure Land Buddhism. This thesis paper concludes that after applying qualitative research methods to in-depth interviews with five Buddhist volunteers, a better understanding has been attained of the importance remembrance of the Buddha's name, faith in the Amitābha Buddha, praying in seniors’ spiritual care, assistance from the true essence of enlightenment; and the belief and practice of dharmakāya. |
Table of contents | 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究對象 3 第三節 文獻探討 3 一、淨土研究相關論文 4 二、老人靈性相關論文 11 第四節 研究方法 17 一、文獻學研究法 18 二、老人心理社會發展理論 18 三、質性研究方法 19 第五節 論文架構及問卷實施流程說明 20
第二章 彌陀信仰與老人靈性照顧的相關探討 22 第一節 彌陀信仰對老化問題的對治 23 一、老人之定義 23 二、老化之定義 24 三、彌陀信仰面對老化的因應措施 26 第二節 老人靈性照顧之定義與特性 36 一、靈性之定義與特性 36 二、靈性的發展層次 38 第三節 彌陀信仰對老人靈性的助力及重要性 41 一、彌陀信仰對老人靈性照顧的助力 43 二、彌陀信仰對老人靈性的超越與解脫 47
第三章 持名念佛對老人靈性照顧之模式建構 51 第一節 模式建構的理論背景 51 第二節 模式的釋義與解說 65 一、持名念佛與靈性照顧 67 二、修行淨業 73 第三節 模式建構的實踐 79 一、解行並重與發菩提心 79 二、極樂淨土與念佛往生的功德 81
第四章 持名念佛對老年佛教徒義工靈性自我照顧問卷結果分析及建議 87 第一節 關於信仰的個人經驗分析 89 第二節 對彌陀信仰及念佛的分析 97 第三節 持名念佛與靈性照顧經驗分析 105 第四節 建議與反思 126 一、建議 126 二、反思 127
第五章 結論 131 參考書目 139 附錄: 147 附錄一、訪談同意書 147 附錄二、訪談同意書二 148 附錄三、問卷設計實施及流程 148 附錄四、訪談對象基本資料 149 附錄五、老年佛教徒義工對念佛往生觀的靈性照顧之訪談大綱 150 圖目錄 圖一問卷實施流程21 圖二持名念佛與靈性照顧關係模式66 表目錄 表一、往生淨土利益46 表二、逐字稿整理說明表88 表三、訪談對象基本資料136 |
Hits | 353 |
Created date | 2021.11.04 |
Modified date | 2023.01.09 |

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