普庵禪師普庵咒的悉曇梵音之探討:琴譜與聲韻之美=A study on the Sanskrit sounds of the Incantation of Monk Pu-An:The beauty of the Qin Partition and Chanting |
Author |
廖秋蓁 (著)
Date | 2018 |
Pages | 123 |
Publisher | 輔仁大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 輔仁大學 |
Department | 宗教學系碩士在職專班 |
Advisor | 陳敏齡 |
Publication year | 106 |
Keyword | 普庵咒=Pu-An Zhou; 悉曇五類聲=the five basic consonants in Siddhaṃ; 悉曇章=Siddhaṃ Zhang; 釋談章=Shi Tan Zhang; 琴譜=Qinpu |
Abstract | 〈普庵咒〉的流傳早於南宋普庵禪師之年代,而〈普庵咒〉的古琴曲有可能 是普庵禪師譜曲流傳於後世,目前〈普庵咒〉古琴曲譜最早可追溯到明代。 古琴曲〈普庵咒〉的文詞,依「五音事圖」,第一句字頭至第五句字頭依次為「迦ka」,「遮ca」,「吒ta 」,「多ta」,「波pa」。即悉曇(亦即梵語字母)五音,就是喉腭舌齒脣五類聲。〈普庵咒〉整體結構屬簡單的儀軌形式。為古代學習梵字拼音(即悉曇梵音)的曲譜。 本論文以探究〈普庵咒〉的悉曇梵音為主題,比較了普庵咒的四個版本:《諸經日誦集要》本,其標題為〈普庵祖師神咒〉;《三教同聲》與《五知齋琴譜》本,其標題為〈釋談章〉;《悉曇經傳》本,其標題則為〈釋談真言〉,而此一版本有蘭札體梵字漢字並列。 透過〈普庵咒〉陀羅尼(「陀羅尼」(dhāraṇī)即咒語,意譯為真言)的梵唱,其具備強大信息能量的音聲共振波,能與宇宙萬物和諧共振,其功德不可思議! 本論文的悉曇梵音是由真言宗釋一吉阿闍黎指導。而由筆者根據《五知齋琴譜》〈釋談章〉打譜並古琴梵音彈唱。
Pu-An Zhou (the Incantation of Monk Pu-An) can be traced back to the time earlier than Monk Pu-An. The guqin score of Pu-An Zhou was likely composed by Monk Pu-An and he passed it down because he present guqin score of Pu-An Zhou can only date back to the Ming Dynasty. In the guqin song of Pu-An Zhou, the lyric of the first sentence starts with the sound ka , and the sounds ca, ṭa, ta, and pa appear in the beginning of the following sentences. These are the five basic consonants in Siddhaṃ (a written form of Sanskrit). Pu-An Zhou has a simple structure to follow. Thus, it served as a chant for people to learn Siddhaṃ. The present study investigates the Siddhaṃ sounds of Pu-An Zhou. Four different versions of Pu-An Zhou are compared: Puan Zushi Shenzhou in Zhu Jing Risong Jiyao , Shi Tan Zhang in San Jiao Tong Sheng and Wu Zhi Zhai Qinpu, and Shi Tan Zhenyan in Xitan Jingchuan. In Shi Tan Zhenyan, Ranjana script appears next to Chinese characters. Singing the dhāraṇī (ritual speech or mantra) in Pu-An Zhou in the language of Sanskrit can produce a great energy which allows one to resonate with the universe. The effect is quite amazing. The pronunciation of Siddhaṃ in this paper was instructed by Shi Yiji the Acarya, and the guqin score based on Shi Tan Zhang in Wu Zhi Zhai Qinpu was reconstructed and sung in Sanskrit. |
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論 1 1. 研究背景 1 2. 文獻回顧 3 3. 研究範圍與目的 4
第二章 普庵禪師與普庵咒 7 第一節 普庵禪師的生平 7 1. 普庵禪師的生平介紹 7 2. 普庵禪師的禪宗法脈 8 3. 普庵印肅禪師是否會彈古琴? 11 4. 普庵咒為普庵禪師所作? 12 第二節 普庵咒的版本 14 1. 古琴譜普庵咒釋談章曲名的流變 14 2. 《諸經日誦集要》〈普庵祖師神咒〉 15 3. 《悉曇經傳》〈釋談真言〉 17 4. 《三教同聲》〈釋談章〉 18 5. 《五知齋琴譜》〈釋談章〉 19 6. 普庵咒版本的異同對照表 21
第三章 普庵咒與悉曇梵音的關聯性 28 第一節 悉曇的源流與釋義 28 1. 悉曇的源流 28 2. 悉曇的釋義 28 3. 悉曇字母的拼音–悉曇梵音 31 4. 悉曇五類聲 31 第二節 普庵咒原典之悉曇梵音 38 1. 普庵咒原典之悉曇梵音 38 2. 悉曇章與古琴譜釋談章的梵唱 40
第四章 從普庵咒看釋談章的悉曇梵音—以廖秋蓁打譜梵唱《五知齋琴譜》釋談章為例 42 第一節 普庵咒文詞探討 42 1. 普庵咒文詞之分析 43 2. 普庵咒為釋談真言 52 3. 小結 52 第二節 古琴譜〈釋談章.普庵咒〉之譜例分析 55 1. 普庵咒文詞之特色 55 2. 普庵咒之純律與調式 58 3. 普庵咒多重疊字節奏分析 68
第五章 結論 77 1. 普庵咒悉曇梵音之特色 77 2. 普庵咒驅蟲蟻而利安單 78 3. 普庵咒音聲共振波的功德 80
參考文獻 82 |
Hits | 590 |
Created date | 2021.11.16 |
Modified date | 2023.02.03 |

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