煮雲法師念佛思想與實踐之研究=A Study on Master Zhuyun's Thought and Practice of Recitation of the Buddha's Name |
Author |
郭宿慧 (撰)=Kuo, Su-hui (compose)
Date | 2020 |
Pages | 100 |
Publisher | 南華大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 南華大學 |
Department | 宗教學研究所 |
Advisor | 黃國清 |
Publication year | 108 |
Keyword | 煮雲法師=Master Zhuyun; 淨土思想=Pure Land Buddhism; 精進佛七=7-day Chanting Retreat; 念佛=Buddha-recitation |
Abstract | 煮雲法師(1919-1986)於民國39年(1950)隨國軍來臺,一生顛沛流離。出家過程中歷經苦學、苦修,期間逢遇許多的困挫,皆不忘初心且強化其弘化之願。來臺後,積極實踐推廣佛教的宏願,導正戰後臺灣初期佛教的習俗,後來以念佛法門改變臺灣佛教風氣。透過對於佛教法義的提升,運用通俗易解現代化表達弘法,以及高度善巧的攝受方便,引導民眾踏進佛門的階石。一生宏揚淨土法門,而創辦精進佛七,修持期間規矩嚴謹,精進不懈,並嚴持八關齋戒,持戒念佛,以高聲念、追頂念,稱念南無阿彌陀佛聖號來修持。藉由探討「精進佛七」的內容與修行方法,念佛實踐的功效與修行體驗,來追溯煮雲法師倡導實踐精進佛七之緣起。 同時,本文也將探討煮雲法師的淨土思想,透過佛教淨土發展的脈絡,分析淨土宗歷代祖師的思想,並藉由學者的文獻佐證和淨土的詮釋,加以剖析煮雲法師其思想淵源。進一步查看煮雲法師如何由精進佛七的舉行實踐念佛淨土思想,從其功效與修行體驗予以印證,並揭示期間精進佛七的轉變與改良,完成「自利利他」的弘法宏願。煮雲法師契合當時臺灣文化背景,推動結社念佛,效法先賢應機創新,倡行精進佛七,以求剋期取證,闡揚古今佛教人物及神異感應故事來弘法,批判基督教,其著作之流傳等幾個面向進行論述,凸顯出戰後臺灣佛教史上的角色與地位。
Master Zhuyun (1919-1986) came to Taiwan with the National Army in 1950, he was led a vagrant life. In the process of becoming a monk, he experienced hard work. He also encountered many difficulties, but these blows did not make him lose confidence. After coming to Taiwan, he actively introduced Buddhism to the people of Taiwan and changed bad habits in Taiwan Buddhism. Later, he advocated chanting Dharma to change the Buddhist atmosphere in Taiwan.He also guided the public to learn Buddhism through the promotion of the legal meaning and the use of popular methods to propagate.In his life, he mainly promoted the method of Pure Land, so he founded the " 7-day Chanting Retreat". During the event, observe strict rules, make unremitting efforts, and chanting Dharma in a persevering manner. He advocated chanting the Buddha aloud and chanting " Namo Amitābha" to practice. By exploring the content and practice methods of "7-day Chanting Retreat ", as well as the efficacy and experience of chanting the Buddha, to understand the reasons why Master Zhuoyun advocates "7-day Chanting Retreat ".By analyzing the thoughts of the past ancestors of the Pure Land Sect, we can understand the development of Pure Land in Buddhism. And through the scholars' research on the literature and the interpretation of the pure land thought, it analyzes the origin of Master Yunyun's thoughts. Learn more about how Master Zhuoyun practiced his "7-day Chanting Retreat" to practice his pure land thinking, and confirmed it from its efficacy and spiritual experience. It also reveals the transformation and improvement of "7-day Chanting Retreat " and fulfills the aspiration of " Egoism and Altruism " by Master Zhuoyun. |
Table of contents | 謝誌 I 摘要 II Abstract III 目次 IV 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 文獻探討 3 第三節 研究方法 6 第四節 論文架構 7 第二章 煮雲法師的學思歷程 9 第一節 煮雲法師在大陸學習過程 10 第二節 煮雲法師在臺灣弘法活動 20 第三章 煮雲法師的淨土思想 53 第一節 煮雲法師對中國淨土思想的承繼 53 第二節 煮雲法師的淨土思想體系 65 小結 70 第四章 精進佛七與念佛實踐 73 第一節 精進佛七的內容與修行方法 73 第二節 精進佛七的功效與修行體驗 83 第三節 精進佛七的轉變與改良 89 小結 92 第五章 結論 93 參考文獻 97 一、大藏經(按年代) 97 二、專著(按作者筆畫) 98 三、期刊論文(按作者筆畫) 99 四、網路資料 100 |
Hits | 277 |
Created date | 2021.11.18 |
Modified date | 2023.01.09 |

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