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藏傳佛教止觀思想研究 - 以岡波巴大手印為主=A Study of Śamatha-Vipaśyanā in Tibetan Buddhism: Gampopa’s Mahamudra Text
Author 張鎮光 (撰)=Chang, Chen-kuang (compose)
Publisher Url
Location臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year107
Keyword藏傳佛教; 止觀禪修=Samatha; 噶舉派; 岡波巴=Gampopa; 大手印=Mahamudra; 生起次第=Development‭ ‬Stage; 圓滿次第=Completion Stage; Vipassana

The Buddhism in Tibet officially began with around early seventh century. The Dharma was first introduced into Tibet from India, Silk Road and China. However, Samatha and Vipassana began to spread into Tibetan Plateau and handed down in the form of hearing lineage during prehistoric times. Through uninterrupted religious integration and development,Tibetan Buddhism also contains a fascinating and harmonious teaching method of Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. The practice of the three-vehicle teaching method is all based on the Samatha and Vipassana, that is the way to gain realization.

For Vajayana , in the context of tantra Mahamudra , Development‭ ‬Stage and Completion Stage are also meditation practices. The Development Stage and Completion Stage practices act as methods for developing Samatha and Vipassana. Even if the Highest Yoga Tantra of Mahamudra and Dzogchen in Vajrayana , both are based on Samatha and Vipassana, all accentuate the practice of the union of Samatha and Vipassana.‬
From gradual practice, sudden enlightenment to attain great realizations, the practice of the method of viewing the heart of the merge of sutra and tantra in Tibetan Buddhism is but the studies of meditation.

Gampopa, both the succession of Kadam and Kagyu lineage, founded three different methods of practicing Mahamudra, that is primarily based on the madhyamika teaching. The content of the succession teaching of the the path of liberation is to let all beings able to gain the way for realizing the ultimate tathata to attain emptiness.This paper will focus on the discussion of historical origin and context of Tibetan Buddhist traditions in terms of the Samatha and Vipassana method, and illustrate to the teaching of Gampopa's structure and meaning on Mahamudra.
Table of contents第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究緣起與目的 3
壹、研究緣起 3
貳、研究目的 3
第二節 研究範疇與方法 3
壹、研究範疇 3
貳、研究方法 4
第三節 研究限制與問題意識 4
壹、研究限制 4
貳、問題意識 5
第四節 文獻回顧與章節安排 6
壹、文獻回顧 6
貳、章節安排 11
第二章 西藏止觀思想的起源與概觀 14
第一節 吐蕃史前時期的止觀思想 14
壹、苯教文化與西藏止觀思想 14
貳、絲路文明的興起與西藏止觀禪法 17
第二節 前弘期的止觀概觀 19
壹、舊譯派的止觀進路 20
貳、《修習次第論》對西藏止觀思想的影響 21
第三節 後弘期的止觀概觀 24
壹、新譯派的止觀進路 24
貳、《菩提道燈論》對西藏止觀思想的影響 26
第三章 岡波巴大師的修學歷程及歷史地位 29
第一節 岡波巴的傳承 29
壹、岡波巴的修學歷程 29
貳、噶當派與噶舉派的會通 30
叁、黃金珠鍊傳承與耳傳口授 31
肆、頭陀行的修行風範 33
第二節 岡波巴大師的歷史定位 36
壹、岡波巴的著作 36
貳、岡波巴大手印對藏傳佛教的影響 40
参、岡波巴大手印與漢傳佛教的交涉 42
第四章 岡波巴大手印的修學次第 45
第一節 大手印的前行法 45
壹、顯教法的四共加行 45
貳、密教法的四不共加行 47
第二節 岡波巴四法所包含的三乘進路 50
第五章 岡波巴大手印的內容與止觀架構 53
第一節 岡波巴大手印的意涵 53
第二節 顯教大手印的止觀架構 55
壹、大手印四瑜伽的止觀架構 55
貳、大手印四瑜伽與五道十地的共道 63
叁、大手印止禪與觀禪的特點 64
肆、保任與住、動、覺 69
第三節 密教大手印的止觀架構 71
壹、生圓次第與密續灌頂 71
貳、生起次第的止 74
叁、圓滿次第的觀 78
第四節 心髓大手印的止觀架構 83
壹、虔敬心與上師相應法 83
貳、金剛道歌的止與觀 85
叁、直指教法的止與觀 87
第六章 大手印的本質與次第 91
第一節 岡波巴大手印的見地 91
第二節 大手印的本質 96
第三節《三摩地王經》、《究竟一乘寶性論》與如來藏 98
第四節 顯密大手印殊途同歸 101
第七章 結論 104
參考文獻 106
附錄 117
藏語詞彙 117
Created date2021.11.25
Modified date2023.01.10

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