從"頓漸之爭"看禪宗在吐蕃的傳播及發展趨向=The Spread and Developmental Trend of the Chan Buddha in Tubo Looking from the Dispute between the Sudden Realization and Gradual Realization |
Author |
周拉 (著)=Zhoula (au.)
Source |
青海民族學院學報(社會科學版)=Journal of Qinghai Nationalities Institute
Volume | n.3 |
Date | 2007 |
Pages | 14 - 19 |
Publisher | 青海民族學院學報編輯部 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 西寧, 中國 [Xining, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:中央民族大學 |
Keyword | 頓漸之爭=the dispute between the sudden realization and gradual realization; 摩訶衍那=Mokeyan; 蓮花戒=Lianhuajie; 瑜伽行中觀宗自續派=Yogaxingzhongguanzongzixupa; 禪宗=Chan Buddha |
Abstract | 吐蕃第三十八代贊普赤松德贊時期,印度瑜伽行中觀宗自續派和漢地禪宗同時傳入吐蕃。二者經歷了從和睦共處到針鋒相對、水火不容的階段。最終,因為見地和修持方法的差異而引發了一場爭論,史稱"頓漸之爭"。漢地禪宗本是吐蕃佛教的濫觴,但以摩訶衍那為代表的漢地禪宗在"頓漸之爭"中失利后,漢地禪宗在吐蕃逐漸銷聲匿跡,對后期的藏傳佛教未造成影響。
During the thirty-eighth Zanpu Chisongdezan of Tubo,both Yogaxingzhongguanzongzixupai and Chan Buddha of Chinese region were spread in Tubo.Since the insight and way for practising Buddhism differed,both sides touched off the dispute of sudden realization and gradual realization.Following that dispute,the Chan Buddha in Chinese region lost opportunity to spread in Tubo and kept silent and lay low. |
Table of contents | 一、歷史背景 14 (一 ) 印度佛教 —瑜伽行中觀宗自續派傳入吐 蕃 14 (二 ) 漢地佛教 ———禪宗傳入吐蕃 15 二 、“頓漸之爭”的起因 15 三 、“頓漸之爭”的焦點 16 四、 “頓漸之爭”的結果 18 五 、結語 19 |
ISSN | 10005447 (P); 10005447 (E) |
DOI | 10.3969/j.issn.1674-9227.2007.03.005 |
Hits | 216 |
Created date | 2022.02.09 |
Modified date | 2022.02.09 |

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