敦煌回鶻語頭韻詩及其格律特徵=Alliterative Uighur Poetry from Dunhuang and the Features of Its Meter |
Author |
楊富學 (著)=Yang, Fu-xue (au.)
葉凱歌 (著)=Ye, Kai-ge (au.)
Source |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research
Volume | n.2 (總號=n.186) |
Date | 2021 |
Pages | 32 - 40 |
Publisher | 敦煌研究編輯部 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 楊富學:蘭州大學敦煌學研究所 葉凱歌:敦煌研究院人文研究部 |
Keyword | 敦煌文獻=Dunhuang manuscripts; 回鶻語=Uighur language; 頭韻詩=alliterative poetry; 格律=metrical pattern |
Abstract | 敦煌發現的回鶻語頭韻作品數量很多,而且涉及內容也十分廣泛,不僅回鶻民間文學、宗教詩歌采用頭韻詩形式,而且出現于佛事文獻中,諸如回鶻文題記、寫經尾跋之中,更有甚者,回鶻人在翻譯佛經時,也常常把原本為散文體的著作也改用頭韻詩形式表述,獨具一格。所謂頭韻,就是詩歌前一句和后一句的首個詞語或音節全部押韻。究其源頭,當來源于蒙古高原發現的突厥盧尼文碑銘,更加普及化、個性化,而且又影響到后世阿爾泰語系的多種語言。
There is a large amount of alliterative Uighur poetry found among the historical documents of Dunhuang. The use of alliteration in Uighur documents is not only limited to folk literature and religious poetry, but also appears in Buddhist documents, particularly in the prologues and postscripts of Buddhist scriptures. Furthermore, ancient Uighur peoples often used the alliterative form when translating Buddhist scriptures, which was highly unique for the time. The type of alliterative meter used in these texts is somewhat unique as well: the first words or syllables of the first sentence in a poem or text rhyme with that of the second sentence. The history of this form can be traced to the runic inscriptions in Old Turkic found in the Mongolian Plateau.The meter used by these inscriptions gradually became popularized throughout the region, was adopted and individualized by disparate local cultures, and ultimately exerted an influence on many Altaic languages. |
Table of contents | 一 敦煌回鶻頭韻詩之格律及其來源 33 二 回鶻民間文學作品中的頭韻現象 34 三 回鶻佛教文學作品與佛事文獻中的頭韻 35 四 回鶻佛典翻譯之頭韻追求 36 五 回鶻頭韻作品格律的基本特點 38 (一)押頭韻 38 (二)押頭韻是回鶻文最有獨特性的押韻形式 38 (三)押頭韻形式多樣且繁密 39 五 結論 39 |
ISSN | 10004106 (P) |
Hits | 223 |
Created date | 2022.02.17 |
Modified date | 2022.03.11 |

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