陜西宜川北宋賀家溝佛爺洞石窟調查與初步研究=Preliminary Research and Investigation of Foyedong Cave at Hejiagou in Yichuan County, Shaanxi Province |
Author |
石建剛 (著)=Shi, Jian-gang (au.)
楊軍 (著)=Yang, Jun (au.)
白小龍 (著)=Bai, Xiao-long (au.)
Source |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research
Volume | n.2 (總號=n.186) |
Date | 2021 |
Pages | 50 - 62 |
Publisher | 敦煌研究編輯部 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 石建剛 :西北工業大學文化遺產研究院 楊軍:洛川縣博物館 白小龍 :延安市文物研究所 |
Keyword | 賀家溝佛爺洞石窟=Foyedong Cave at Hejiagou; 陜北宋金石窟=caves of the Song and Jin dynasties in north Shaanxi; 取經圖像=illustration of a pilgrimage to retrieve sutras; 地獄變=illustration of the hell |
Abstract | 賀家溝佛爺洞石窟,創建於北宋崇寧二、三年間,是由以本地功德主狄文順為首的多個存在一定親緣關系的家庭共同出資開鑿的,是一座民間性公共佛堂。洞窟現存29龕(組)造像和21條題記,造像水平較高,內容豐富,且出現了自在坐觀音(附取經圖像)、地藏與天藏、地獄十王等較為重要的造像題材,為研究唐宋時期陜西佛教藝術提供了重要的實物資料。
【Abstract】 Foyedong Cave at Hejiagou was constructed to be an open, public Buddhist temple, the funding and organization of the project was conducted jointly by several families and headed by the local patron Di Wenshun in the second and third years of the Chongning era of the Northern Song dynasty. To date, there are 29 niches(or groups of niches) containing statues and 21 inscriptions in the cave; the statues evince a high level of technique and a variety of themes. Some of these themes, such as Avalokiteshvara, which is accompanied by a scene depicting a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures, Kistigarbha and Tianzang, and the Ten Kings of Hell, all provide important material for studying the Buddhist art of Shaanxi province during the Tang and Song dynasties. |
Table of contents | 一 洞窟內容 51 (一)洞窟形制 51 (二)造像與題記 51 二 相關問題研究 60 (一)造像題材 60 (二)造像工匠 61 (三)功德主 61 結語 61 |
ISSN | 10004106 (P) |
Hits | 178 |
Created date | 2022.02.17 |
Modified date | 2022.02.17 |

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