從會通的旨趣到人間佛教的先聲——略論聖嚴法師對宗密《華嚴原人論》的解讀=From the Integration to the Herald of Humanistic Buddhism – On the Interpretation of Zongmi’s Manuscript Huayen Yuanrenlun by Master Sheng Yen |
Author |
釋德安 (著)=Shi, De-an (au.)
Source |
2021 第八屆漢傳佛教與聖嚴思想國際學術研討會
Date | 2021.06.29 |
Publisher | 財團法人聖嚴教育基金會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 華嚴原人論=Huayen Yuanrenlun; 宗密=Guifeng Zongmi; 聖嚴=Master Shengyen; 《華嚴心詮》=Huayen Interpretation of Truth Mind; 漢傳佛教的時代化=Modernization of Chinese Buddhism; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism |
Abstract | 《華嚴原人論》這部著作是華嚴宗第五代祖師圭峰宗密的著作,彼時華嚴宗和漢傳佛教已呈現禪教融合趨勢,全社會儒釋道三家的交流也呈現了互相借鑒的特點。而本論是佛教最早一篇從理論方面主動發聲,將當時主要思想融攝於佛教之中的著作,不但與《禪源諸詮集都序》互為表裡而呈現華嚴宗和宗密所倡圓融之意趣,而且為永明延壽等人所繼承,開啟佛教融合的歷史進程;同時,其指出儒道理論上的困難,也激發了宋明道學等傳統思想的嬗變。聖嚴長老諳熟中印佛教,尤以弘揚人間佛教思想和注重現代化研究為入手處,《華嚴心詮》是長老為數不多關於華嚴宗具體文獻的當代注釋著作,其中反映了長老對佛教華嚴宗及佛教的本土化、時代化,以及長老對圭峰宗密及本論思想的現代性思考和詮釋。因此,以此為內容來開展長老對《華嚴原人論》現代解讀及其歷史經驗的研究,不但將會豐富華嚴宗古德著作在當代的傳播和再詮釋等方面的理解,也提供了一個從宗派佛教及佛教古籍現代化的角度來挖掘長老人間佛教思想和其他思想的特徵及其貢獻。
Huayen Yuanrenlun 華嚴原人論 is the manuscript written by Kuei-feng Tsung-mi圭峰宗密 the fifth patriarch of the Huayen School. In Tsung-mi’s period, the integration trends between the exegesis traditions and the ascetic practicer inside Buddhism had been more remarkable, which also extended to the relationship and ideological dialogue between Buddhism and Taoism or Confucianism. The manuscript discased in this paper is the representative work of Chinese Buddhist to actively participate such ideological dialogue by integrating and not only the Buddhism thought but the major ideologies with doctrinal arrangement P’an-chiao 判教,a central the method of Chinese Buddhism. This manuscript accompanied with Ch’an Preface 禪源諸詮集都序, another work of Tsung-mi show the harmony ideological feature of Tsuing-mi and the Huayen School in that period, which influenced the later Buddhism writers, gave the theoretical ground for the integration trend of Buddhism and proved the ideological evolution of Taoism or Confucianism in following period.
Master Sheng Yen was professional in India and Chinese Buddhism and take his whole lifetime to carry forward the Humanistic Buddhism by spreading the Buddhist culture and doctrine studies. The manuscript Huayen Interpretation of Truth Mind 華嚴心詮, is written by Master Sheng Yen as the Modelized interpretation of Tsung-mi’s Huayen Yuanrenlun. This manuscript intensively reflected the Master’s viewpoints towards the Huayen thought, including the modernized interpretation of Chinese Buddhism, Huayen School, and Tsuingmi’s thought. Here, I focused on the Master’s modernized research of Huayen Yuanrenlun in interpretation of the text, the feature of the interpretation and the value in enlightening the following scholars. The work Huayen Interpretation of Truth Mind 華嚴心詮 not only opened a paradigm to reflect the value of the ancient texts, but also provided an important document for further understanding Master’s thought in the viewpoints of doctrinal traditions of Chinese Buddhism, Modernized and Humanistic Buddhism and Buddhist paleography.
Hits | 553 |
Created date | 2022.06.14 |
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