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晚清民國漢藏佛教關係之研究(1900—1947):以太虛和漢藏教理院為中心=The Study of Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism during the Late Qing and Republic Era (1900-1947) - Focusing on Taixu and the Sino-Tibetan Institution |
Author |
谷有量=Ku, Yeou-liang
Date | 2020 |
Pages | 1 - 134 |
Publisher | 佛光大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 佛光大學 |
Department | 佛教學系 |
Advisor | 闞正宗 |
Publication year | 105 |
Keyword | 太虛=Taixu; 藏傳佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; 漢藏佛教交流=Interaction between Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism; 班禪=Panchen Lama; 民國佛教=Buddhism in the Republic Era; 漢藏教理院=Sino-Tibetan Institution |
Abstract | 太虛在民國初年立志出家,對衰頹的漢地佛教進行諸多改革,而他最大膽的嘗試便是藉由日本真言宗和西藏密教建立起中國密宗。太虛對於佛教宗派的立場開放,一向提倡八宗兼弘,而他一開始對日本密宗有好感,後來則因中日佛教律制和政治關係緊張等因素轉而效法受密法影響更為徹底的藏傳佛教。他在國民政府的資助下創辦了漢藏教理院,為藏傳佛教在漢地的傳揚建立了堅實的基礎,也藉由漢藏佛法的交流增進了當時日趨緊張的漢藏關係,而他對班禪喇嘛執弟子禮也開創了漢藏佛法交流的新局面。太虛為當代佛教改革的先驅,他的改革觀點也牽動了整個世代佛法的趨勢,而隨著對藏傳佛教理解日深,他對於藏傳佛教的觀點與言論也有所轉變。 目前關於太虛的研究雖然頗多,但對藏傳佛教的觀點與言論並沒有引起廣泛的關注與研究,這也是本論文的重點。太虛對於藏傳佛教雖然沒有直接的影響,但是他的態度卻影響了漢傳佛教和藏傳佛教的交流,而本論文旨在探究民國時期太虛與藏傳佛教的關係。 本文討論研究太虛針對藏傳佛教的言論及其變化,並對整個時代的漢藏佛教交流做結論。最後,太虛雖然沒有如他所願的創立中國密宗,卻也藉由漢藏教理院搭起了漢藏佛教的交流管道,也成功的培育出第一批信奉和宣揚藏傳佛教的漢僧,而這些信奉藏傳佛教的漢僧也使漢地的佛教更加豐富。
Taixu became a monk in the beginning of the Republic Era, and he had many reforms for the ailing Chinese Buddhism, and his boldest attempt was to recreate the School of Chinese Esoteric Buddhism by learning from Japanese Shingon School and Esoteric teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. Taixu was open-minded about Buddhist schools, and he supported the propogation of all Eight Schools of Chinese Buddhism. He showed early interest in the Japanese Shingon School, but after questions about the Japanese Buddhism precepts and the Sino-Japanese relationship soured, he turned his attention to the Esoteric teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. Under the sponsorship of the Republic government the Sino-Tibetan Institution was founded, which laid a firm foundation for the spreading of Tibetan Buddhism in China. The increasing interaction between Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism improved the relationship between Han and Tibetan people, and Taixu becoming a disciple of Panchan Lama also paved new roads for future interactions. Taixu was the pioneer of contemporary Buddhism reforms, and his stance influenced a generation’s Buddhist trends, and as his knowledge on Tibetan Buddhism increase, his viewpoints and speeches also changed accordingly. There have been many studies done on Taixu, but his viewpoints and speeches on Tibetan Buddhism have not been discussed and studied in depth, and this is the main point of this thesis. Even though Taixu didn’t have any direct influence on Tibetan Buddhism, his attitude influenced the interaction between Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism, and this thesis focuses on the interaction between Taixu and Tibetan Buddhism during the Republic era. This thesis studies the changes in Taixu’s viewpoints on Tibetan Buddhism, and also discusses the whole Chinese-Tibetan Buddhism interaction during the era. At last, Taixu did not successfully start the Chinese Esoteric School, but through the Sino-Tibetan Institute he built a bridge between Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism, and also educated the first group of Chinese monks who propogated Tibetan Buddhism, and these monks have made much contributions to Buddhism in China. |
Table of contents | 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝辭 III 目錄 IV 圖片目錄 VI 表格目錄 VII 第 一 章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 2 第二節 文獻回顧 4 第三節 研究方法與研究範圍 12 第四節 章節概要 13 第 二 章 清末民初漢地的藏傳佛教 16 第一節 藏傳佛教與漢地的關係 16 第二節 民國初年藏傳佛教人物 20 第三節 國民政府、官員和仕紳與藏傳佛教的交流 29 第四節 藏傳佛教興盛的原因 33 第五節 小結 35 第 三 章 太虛對藏傳佛教的評述 37 第一節 太虛的佛教改革之路 38 第二節 太虛對藏傳佛教之評述 41 第三節 太虛對藏傳佛教觀點之轉變 48 第四節 小結 51 第 四 章 太虛年代時入藏求法的僧人與漢藏教理院 53 第一節 太虛年代時入藏求法的僧人 54 第二節 漢藏教理院的成立與運作 63 第三節 小結 67 第 五 章 結論 69 參考文獻 75 一、專書 75 二、期刊與學術論文 77 三、學位論文 80 四、報紙與雜誌 81 五、其他 81 附錄 82 附錄一、中國現時密宗復興之趨勢 82 附錄二、佛學源流及其新運動 85 附錄三、論時事新報所謂經咒救國 90 附錄四、世界佛學院之佛法系統觀 94 附錄五、鬥諍堅固中略論時輪金剛法會 98 附錄六、漢藏教理融會談 99 附錄七、幾點佛法的要義 110 附錄八、我怎樣判攝一切佛法 112 附錄九、為支那堪布翻案 120 |
Hits | 340 |
Created date | 2022.06.17 |
Modified date | 2023.01.06 |
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