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學問僧的生命書寫──印順法師與聖嚴法師自傳之研究=The Life Writing of Scholar Monks:On the Autobiographies of Master Yinshun and Master Shengyan |
Author |
廖憶榕 (著)=Liao, Yi-rung (au.)
Date | 2017 |
Pages | 308 |
Publisher | 國立中正大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | doctor |
Institution | 國立中正大學 |
Department | 中國文學研究所 |
Advisor | 鄭阿財 |
Publication year | 105 |
Keyword | 印順法師=Master Yinshun; 聖嚴法師=Master Shengyan; 學問僧=scholar monk; 自傳=autobiography; 僧侶自傳=Buddhist autobiography; 生命書寫=life writing; 渡台僧人=refugee monks in Taiwan; 生命歷程=the course of life; 學思歷程=thought development; 比丘博士=Buddhist scholarship; 漢傳佛教=Chinese Buddhism; 菩薩僧=bodhisattva |
Abstract | 印順法師(1906-2005)與聖嚴法師(1930-2009)皆是當代華人佛教界舉足輕重的高僧,他們均為渡台僧侶,在相似的時代背景裡,歷經戰亂的動盪,亦親睹佛教的轉變。 在兩者身上的共同特質,是「學問僧」的鮮明形象,以及身弱而著作多產的形象;不論於大陸還是抵臺後的發展,他們在不斷易地而住當中也異地而著,並且各時期著作與思想的成形,階段都很分明。更甚地,他們的思想自成體系,也成為可供他們研究的思想體系;而從他們龐大的著作內容,可見著兩者以自身的著眼點去探究、關懷、省思「漢傳佛教」。此外,兩者在俗家時的學歷僅停留在小學,但是出家後卻先後獲得日本大學的文學博士,更添重學問僧的特色。 印順法師和聖嚴法師具有相仿的稱譽(皆被與「玄奘」相比),兩者漫漫一生所經歷的各種時空、閱歷的各個階段,濃縮成一本自傳時,他們究竟如何書寫自己、呈現自己?關於他們的學術思想不乏專文研究,但是最貼近他們自我敘述的「自傳」,卻較缺乏研究者的關懷。故筆者期能掌握自傳文本的文學性解讀,詮釋兩者在自傳裡的生命書寫,希冀在僧侶自傳的領域有不同以往的研究面向。 筆者的研究成果,認為印順法師與聖嚴法師走出不同的學問僧之路,但是兩者有共具的「學問僧特質」:第一,立基於「菩薩」的願行;第二、以「佛法」作為菩薩志業的承擔;第三,學問僧實則是「菩薩僧」。他們與歷代的龍樹、世親、鳩摩羅什、玄奘等高僧,都有同等的特質,做學問皆是為了弘法利生,所以他們甘於孤獨、困苦的生活環境裡,用他們均屬虛弱的身體閉關、閱藏、著作,無論生命裡逢遇多少的困挫,皆不忘初衷且堅定弘化之願、筆耕之行;他們不是只為自己研究法義、尋求純正佛法,而是以菩薩自利利他的精神去奉獻與實踐。 印順法師與聖嚴法師著作等身、為法獻身的一生,世人以高僧典範敬重之;然而,他們卻以最簡樸的文字,寫下自認最平凡樸實的一生,這正是他們不平凡的所在──學問僧暨菩薩僧的高度、深度與氣度,據此可見。 The Buddhist Monks Master Yinshun(1906–2005)and Master Shengyan (1930–2009)both ordained in China before coming to Taiwan due to the turmoil caused by the Chinese Civil War. Active during roughly the same period, both have had a major impact on contemporary Chinese Buddhism. Despite receiving little formal education during youth and suffering from lifelong poor health, both went on to become highly regarded scholars and prolific writers. Moreover, each got the Doctor of Philosophy and developed his own system of thought which served as the starting point for in-depth research on Chinese Buddhism Their respective intellectual development and writings can be clearly divided into different periods. Indeed, both Yinshun and Shengyan have been likened to Xuanzang, but how did they describe and present themselves? To be sure, much has been written about their views on Buddhism, but little scholarly attention has been given to how they represented themselves in their memoirs. Thus, in this paper I interpret their autobiographies from a literary point of view, an approach which is rather different from that of previous studies of this nature. In this paper I show that, despite differences in academic background, both Yinshun and Shengyan adopted a scholarly approach emphasizing the bodhisattva vows and practice. As it was with such eminent Buddhist figures of the past as Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu, Kumarajiva, and Xuanzang, these two modern luminaries regarded scholarship as a way of transmitting the Dharma and benefiting others. Thus they happily endured loneliness, illness, and all manner of hardship while engaging in solitary meditation, study, and writing, all the while holding fast to their original intention and vows. Rather than merely studying Buddhism as an academic pursuit cut off from the exigencies of the real world, they dedicated their lives to plumbing the depths of the Buddhadharma as a way of bringing practical spiritual benefits to both themselves and others. Yinshun and Shengyan are today widely esteemed as exemplary scholar-monks who dedicated their lives to the Dharma, yet in writing their autobiographies they each adopted a simple style and modestly portrayed themselves as fairly ordinary monks——a further indication of their high level of attainment in the bodhisattva practice. |
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論01 第一節 研究動機與目的01 第二節 文獻探討08 第三節 研究進路與章節安排21
第二章 印順法師與聖嚴法師的生命歷程27 第一節 本源性的原始家園27 一、家窮體弱27 二、時局動盪29 三、佛教衰頹30 第二節 釋家的究竟道途33 一、「向佛」與「嚮佛」開展的出家路33 二、逆境裡的新生35 三、僧履廣邁弘法地圖39 第三節 渡台僧侶的生命歷程42 一、「乘船」與「傳承」42 二、「出離」與「回溯」44 三、生命歷程的共性與殊性50
第三章 印順法師與聖嚴法師自傳生命書寫方向(一)59 第一節 學思行旅與著作歷程59 一、印順法師59 (一)暗中摸索階段:張鹿芹(明洲)時期59 (二)求法閱藏階段:閩南佛學院、佛頂山僧涯64 (三)思想確定階段:漢藏教理院、法王學院、武昌佛學院、南普陀寺僧涯67 (四)隨緣教化階段:善導寺、福嚴、慧日僧涯72 (五)獨處自修階段:妙雲、華雨僧涯73 (六)修檢集結階段:華雨、永光僧涯74 二、聖嚴法師76 (一)張保康(志德)時期76 (二)沙彌學僧期80 (三)軍中寫稿期80 (四)佛刊編輯期81 (五)閉關留學期82 (六)授禪遊歷期85 (七)法鼓教化期86 第二節 學問僧的養成88 一、印順法師88 (一)典範學習88 (二)閱藏與閉關95 (三)自我潛學104 二、聖嚴法師108 (一)自學與練筆108 (二)閉關114 (三)留學122
第四章 印順法師與聖嚴法師自傳生命書寫方向(二)133 第一節 生命困挫與轉折133 一、印順法師133 (一)出家因緣的波折133 (二)巧妙遠離戰亂與動亂135 (三)政教迫害137 二、聖嚴法師141 (一)出家前後的際遇141 (二)軍旅生涯的遭遇147 (三)再度出家的境遇149 第二節 弘化與育僧151 一、印順法師151 (一)築建道場151 (二)辦學與育僧152 (三)大專院校之講授佛學157 (四)首位「博士比丘」的意義159 (五)國外弘法165 二、聖嚴法師167 (一)海外學人代表與國外弘化167 (二)辦學與培育佛教人才/僧才171 (三)傳授禪法176 (四)開山立宗179
第五章 僧侶自傳的貢獻與開展185 第一節 學問僧自傳的特質185 一、呈現寫作風格與性格185 二、僧侶的生命觀與人生省思187 三、自我學思定位201 四、檢討佛教202 第二節 僧侶自傳的貢獻與價值204 一、高僧風範的呈現205 二、見證歷史與互動交集207 三、集體記錄時代意義213 第三節 從高僧傳到僧侶自傳221
第六章 結論229
附錄一:印順法師簡歷年表263 附錄二:聖嚴法師簡歷年表267 附錄三:慧璉法師訪談錄271 附錄四:果賢法師訪談錄274 附錄五:林建德老師訪談錄280 附錄六:辜琮瑜老師訪談錄284 附錄七:走訪農禪寺──專訪上聖下嚴法師295 附錄八:走訪福嚴──記與上厚下觀院長之訪談298 附錄九:印順法師、聖嚴法師掩關之關房303 附錄十:印順法師、聖嚴法師之「學位記」305 附錄十一:「學問僧」之形象306 附錄十二:「學問僧」相見歡308 |
Hits | 551 |
Created date | 2022.06.27 |
Modified date | 2023.01.09 |
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