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漢藏彌陀極樂淨土法門之比較=A Comparison of the Pure Land Methods Pertaining Amitabha Buddha’s World of Ultimate Bliss as Taught in Chinese Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism |
Author |
邱君亮 (著)
Date | 2016 |
Pages | 301 |
Publisher | 逢甲大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺中市, 臺灣 [Taichung shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 逢甲大學 |
Department | 中國文學系 |
Advisor | 朱文光 |
Publication year | 104 |
Keyword | 阿彌陀佛=Amitabha Buddha; 淨土法門=Pure Land method; 依正莊嚴=splendor and solemnity of both the direct and circumstantial rewards; 漢傳佛教=Chinese Buddhism; 藏傳佛教=Tibetan Buddhism |
Abstract | 本篇論文著眼於漢、藏彌陀淨土法門之比較,藉此彰顯兩地教法之內容,使行者清楚了解法門要點,同時釐清可能發生的誤解。首先,說明極樂淨土法門傳承之歷史背景,由此瞭解漢、藏極樂法門之淵源,以及各自發展之重點。其次,考察漢、藏兩地與極樂淨土法門有關之文獻,探究漢傳與藏傳彌陀淨土法門常用之經典,作為理解本篇論文主題之基本素材。再者,以各類佛典所述極樂淨土的依、正莊嚴為主題,探究西方極樂淨土的聖賢(正報)與環境(依報),藉此瞭解阿彌陀佛之慈悲願力,以及修持環境之殊勝。接著,以極樂淨土法門的修持要領為主題,分別論述漢、藏兩地彌陀淨土法門之要點,最後,再針對漢、藏兩地之淨土法門,比較、分析其異同,說明同樣源自於印度佛教,受到歷史、社會及文化等因素之影響,開展出各具特色的修持法門,卻也有相通之處。漢、藏兩地發展出的彌陀淨土法門,實有「同中有異、異中有同」的微妙關係,使彌陀淨土法門更為多元,更能符合眾生需求,亦印證了八萬四千法門,皆順應一切眾生而方便假立,藉此成就「法門無量誓願學,佛道無上誓願成」之願行。 This paper will focus on the comparison between Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist traditions in terms of the Pure Land methods, and illustrate the teachings in the two traditions, enabling general Buddhist practitioners to better and more clearly understand the essence of their teachings, as well as clarify their misconceptions in this regard. First, it starts with the historical background of the Pure Land method for rebirth in the World of Ultimate Bliss to introduce the origin and development of the method in both Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism, and their respective significant points in this regard. Then it investigates textual passages related to the Pure Land, or the World of Ultimate Bliss, in Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism, to explore the sutras and scriptures often used for the Pure Land methods in Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism, in order to help readers understand the fundamental materials of the theme of the paper. Furthermore, based on the descriptions of the splendor and solemnity of the World of Ultimate Bliss in various Buddhist texts as the theme, this paper investigates and explores what the saints and sages (the direct reward) and the environment (the circumstantial reward) of the World of Ultimate Bliss are like, to help readers understand Amitabha Buddha’s compassionate deeds and vows, as well as the sublime qualities of the World as an ideal environment for practice. Next, based on the principles of practice in the Pure Land method, this paper discusses and describes the essential points in the Pure Land methods in both the Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist traditions. Finally, it makes a comparison and analysis of the Pure Land methods in the two traditions about the differences and similarities between the two teachings, to illustrate their respective yet related teachings developed as a result of differences in history, society, and culture, although they both originated from the Buddhism in ancient India. Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism have a subtle relationship that in the midst of their sameness there is difference and in the midst of their differences there is sameness. This indicates the Pure Land method is more diverse than other methods, and can more meet the needs of all sentient beings, reflecting the fact that the multitudes of Dharma methods in Buddhist practice are all conveniently designed and developed to accommodate all sentient beings as an expedient means, to help them achieve their aspirations to “learn all the Dharma methods, though they are innumerable; and accomplish the Buddha Path, though it is ultimate and supreme.” |
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究原則 2 一、 文獻蒐集、整理 2 二、 材料分析、歸納 2 三、 資料探討與比較 3 四、 文獻回顧 3 第三節 論文綱要 4 第二章 極樂淨土法門傳承之歷史背景 7 第一節 印度大乘佛教時期 7 第二節 漢傳淨土法門傳承與歷史源流 8 一、 淨土溯源 8 二、 淨土宗彌陀法門源流 15 第三節 藏傳淨土法門傳承與歷史源流 32 第三章 漢、藏極樂淨土文獻考究 35 第一節 極樂淨土法門相關經典彙集 36 一、經典彙集 36 二、論、註疏部分 38 第二節 極樂淨土相關經論淺釋 39 一、《阿彌陀經》 40 二、《無量壽經》 45 三、《佛說觀無量壽佛經》 49 四、《往生論》 52 五、《華嚴經.普賢行願品》 58 六、其它附載經典 67 第三節 漢傳佛教極樂淨土祈願文 69 一、〈慈雲大師懺主願文〉 69 二、蓮池大師《西方願文》 74 第四節 藏傳佛教極樂淨土祈願文 79 一、《極樂願文》 79 二、《天法極樂願文》 87 第四章 極樂淨土依正莊嚴探究 91 第一節 依正莊嚴意涵闡述 91 一、依報莊嚴部分 92 二、正報莊嚴部分 116 第二節 祈願文及繪像中的依正莊嚴 139 一、祈願文中的依正莊嚴 139 二、繪像依正莊嚴 143 第五章 極樂淨土法門修持要領 151 第一節 漢傳佛教 153 一、淨土法門修持介紹 153 二、遠離違緣 156 三、信、願的建立與重要性 158 四、淨土四意 160 五、四種念佛 174 六、臨終法要 189 第二節 藏傳佛教 193 一、加行 193 二、正行 204 三、大手印 206 四、大圓滿 207 五、臨終法要 208 第六章 漢、藏淨土法門比較 221 第一節 歷史發展特色比較 221 一、傳入比較 221 二、傳入後發展比較 222 第二節 文獻比較 226 一、相異部分 226 二、相同部分 233 第三節 莊嚴特色比較 236 一、經論結構內容 236 二、繪像 240 第四節 實踐比較 244 一、平時修持比較 245 二、臨終修持比較 258 第七章 結論 263 參考文獻 269 附錄1淨土宗祖師列表 278 附錄2十六行觀 280 附錄3四十八願 285 附錄4極樂願文 288 附錄5天法極樂願文 294 附錄6極樂淨土依正莊嚴一覽表 296 附圖1漢傳佛教極樂世界圖例 298 附圖2藏傳佛教極樂世界圖例 300 |
Hits | 527 |
Created date | 2022.06.30 |
Modified date | 2023.01.17 |
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