《臺灣省通志稿》與《重修臺灣省通志》〈宗教篇·佛教章〉編纂之比較=The Comparative Study on The Compiling And Records of Buddhism Chapters in Religion Section Between The Tongzhi Manuscripts of Taiwan And The Revised Tongzhi of Taiwan |
Author |
蔡政純 (著)=Tsai, Chen-chun (au.)
Source |
臺灣文獻=Taiwan Historica
Volume | v.61 n.4 |
Date | 2010.12 |
Pages | 113 - 136 |
Publisher | 國史館臺灣文獻館 |
Location | 南投市, 臺灣 [Nantou shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為南華大學兼任講師,國立中興大學歷史系博士生 |
Keyword | 臺灣佛教=Buddhism in Taiwan; 李添春=Li Tianchun; 張珣=Chang Hsun; 《臺灣省通志稿》=The Tongzhi Manuscripts of Taiwan; 《重修臺灣省通志》=The Revised Tongzhi of Taiwan |
Abstract | 本文比較《臺灣省通志稿》(簡稱《通志稿》)與《重修臺灣省通 志》(簡稱《重修通志》)〈佛教章〉中,佛教傳入臺灣之建立、擴展 與變遷的論述,以探查不同時期編纂之省通志對臺灣佛教纂修所呈現的 差異。兩書〈佛教章〉出版相隔三十六年,臺灣歷經政治上的戒嚴與解 嚴,社會與經濟也有很大的變革。兩書〈佛教章〉所作之臺灣佛教分期 與論述,受資料蒐集與審查者之要求的影響,其編纂視角與史料運用因 而有異。兩書時間跨度不同,對臺灣佛教之分期,「齋教」是否列入佛 教及編纂體例等均有不同做法。《通志稿》之纂寫嚴謹,《重修通志》 則以新體例撰寫。比較兩書〈佛教章〉主要有三項特點:(一)《通志 稿》被認為是臺灣佛教撰述的先行者;《重修通志》乃立於《通志稿》 之基礎上開拓寬廣多元的史料,為承先啟後的後繼者。此由兩書對臺灣 佛教源流;日據時期傳入臺灣之日本佛教宗派;日據時期臺灣佛教變遷 的觀察;兩書在史料運用上有重疊之處等內容看出。(二)兩書撰寫方 式受政治氛圍與官方立場的影響,政治威權高張與否,直接影響纂修的 內容與風格。(三)教徒的自我認同,教派的實質作為與社會上的普遍 看法等社會現實,則是影響兩書是否將齋教列入佛教之內的主要因素。 志書有保留當時代官方與民間記載,或各項調查記錄的功能。因 此,官方當以落實憲法對人民信仰宗教自由的保障為基礎,給予纂修者 適當而足夠的修纂時間;纂修者則應避免受主觀意識的影響,掌握時代 脈動,即時記載;並採取多元而開放的研究方式,以各種方法釐清史料 與保留史料,讓各項記錄得以真實面貌呈現。而被調查之寺廟與個人, 亦應有適當之開放態度,給與研究者更寬容的研究空間,則志書的修纂 將更臻完備。
This study compares the “Buddhism Chapters” of the “Religion section” from the Tongzhi Manuscripts of Taiwan (denoted as the “Tongzhi∗∗ Manuscripts”) and the Revised Tongzhi of Taiwan (denoted as the “Revised Tongzhi”) regarding the establishment, expansion and development of when and how the Buddhism came to Taiwan in order to research the differential impacts due to the different compiling Tongzhi studies over the Taiwan Buddhists. The “Buddhism Chapters” from these two books were published thirty-six years apart. There were great social and economic changes due to the issuing and the rescinding of the martial laws in Taiwan. The variations and the discussions of the two “Buddhism Chapters” differ in the perspectives of compiling and the applying of the historical records due to the influences of their data collection methods and different audit requirements. Each book’s time span covers different stages of Buddhism in Taiwan. There have been different approaches regarding whether to include the “Zhaijiao Religion” as Buddhism and how to differentiate stages of Buddhism. “Tongzhi Manuscripts” was rigorously written and the “Revised Tongzhi” was composed with newer formatting styles. By comparing these two books in the “Buddhism Chapters”, we conclude the following three main characteristics: (1) “Tongzhi Manuscripts” is considered the forerunner of the compiling works on Buddhism in Taiwan; and the “Revised Tongzhi” is recognized as a successor based on the “Tongzhi Manuscripts” by widening its diversified historical records. Via the viewpoints on the origins of Buddhism in Taiwan: The Japanese Buddhism came to Taiwan during the past Japanese occupation: The observation of the development of Buddhism in Taiwan under the Japanese occupation; There have been overlaps in utilizing the historical data from these two books. (2) The writing styles of these two books were both influenced by their political atmosphere and the positions from the authorities. The compiled contents and styles were resulted directly from the dominant political authorities at their times. (3) The believer’s self-recognition, the social reality of people’ s general viewpoints and the believers’ achievements are the major factors to decide whether to accept the “Zhaijiao Religion” as the realm of Buddhism. Tongzhi books were used as a functional means to preserve the contemporary official and personal records, including their investigation reports. Therefore, the authorities should provide the bases to protect the freedom of the religious belief according to constitution law in order to allow the authors to have their appropriate and sufficient time when compiling their books. The authors should avoid subjective influence and record active contemporary events. Additionally, they should adopt the open and diversified research methods to clarify the various resources and retain historical data in order to preserve their genuine historical recordings. And the believers of the temple should open their mind to aid and support the scopes of resea |
Table of contents | 一、前言 115 貳、兩書綱目體例之差異 116 叁、關於兩書〈佛教章〉同異之討論 119 一、兩書如開創者與繼承者之間的關係 119 二、兩書撰寫方式受政治氛圍與官方立場的影響 122 三、社會現實影響兩書是否將齋教列入佛教之內 124 肆、結論 126
ISSN | 1016457X (P) |
Hits | 288 |
Created date | 2022.08.24 |
Modified date | 2022.08.24 |
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