自性渾成—王程穎禪意繪畫創作論述=Accomplishment of Intrinsic Nature-Creation Discussion on Wang Cheng-Ying’s Zen-Style Painting |
Author |
王程穎 =Wang, Cheng-ying
Date | 2018 |
Pages | 77 |
Publisher | 中國文化大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 中國文化大學 |
Department | 美術學系 |
Advisor | 洪昌穀 |
Publication year | 106 |
Keyword | 禪=Zen; 自性=Intrinsic Nature; 空=Emptiness; 色=Form |
Abstract | 自唐以來六祖慧能(638-713年)創立的南宗禪即成為中國佛學重要的思想主體之一,融合了儒、道、釋三家思想的禪宗,為中國文人思想中重要的底蘊。宗白華(1897-1986年)先生在其著名《美學的散步》中便提出中國自六朝以來,藝術底理想趨向南朝宋畫家宗炳(375-443年)所言的澄懷觀道的境界,並在拈花微笑裏領悟色相中微妙至深的禪境。這樣「超以象外」的禪宗意境完全表現在中國的書道、詩詞和畫境中。 禪宗由中國東傳到日本,從鐮倉時代開始,經室町、桃山時代漸盛行,到江戶時代達到巔峰。無論在繪畫、書法、文學、俳句、建築、庭園、茶道、花道等各方面都深受禪宗影響,並保有豐富的禪文化遺產。 自1921年日本禪學大師鈴木大拙(すずきだいせつ、D. T. Suzuki, 1870-1966年)在英文雜誌《東方的教徒》(The Eastern Buddhist)發表文章後,使西方開始注意到禪宗的哲學,之後在西方出版的許多著作與講授,鈴木的著作影響至深,使禪的生活哲學和藝術、禪的術語和思維成功的傳播到整個世界。 禪藝術家們或用當下的情感來表達禪宗的直覺頓悟,或用最簡潔的空間、線條來傳達禪宗「空」的境界,藉由通過內觀、心齋修持獲得如《金剛經》中所說:「凡有所相,皆是虛妄,若見諸相非相,則見如來。」的臻境,此亦為筆者在繪畫創作上所追求的境界,本創作研究期望以非具象的形式來傳達自我內心當下的觀照與生命的節奏。
Since Tang dynasty, Nan Chong Zen Buddhism established by The Sixth Patriarch Huineng (638-713) is one of the important principal thoughts for Buddhism in China. The Zen Buddhism that combines Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist thoughts is an important foundation for the thoughts of Chinese scholars. Mr. Zong Bai-Hua (1897-1986) mentioned on his famous “Strolling in Aesthetics” that the ideal of art in China since the six dynasties has moved forwards the state of the truth comprehension with clear emotions as Zong Bing, a painter lived at Song Dynasty of the Southern dynasties (375-443) said, and the realm of profound zen existed in different images can be realized from calm minds. This kind of “Beyond the Form” Zen Buddhism realm totally presents in calligraphy, poetry and painting in China. Zen Buddhism was spread the idea of religion from China to Japan; started from Kamakura Period, became more and more poplar during Muromachi Period and Azuchi-Momoyama Period, and reached peak in Edo Period. Japanese is deeply influenced by Zen Buddhism in various aspects, such as painting, calligraphy, literature, haiku, architecture, garden, tea ceremony, and flower arrangement, and abundant cultural heritage of Zen is well preserved in Japan. Until Japanese Zen Mater, D.T. Suzuki (すずきだいせつ, 1870-1966) published articles on the English magazine “The Eastern Buddhist” in 1921, the philosophy of Zen Buddhism has started to be noticed by the western countries. Many publications and lectures published and delivered in the west afterwards were deeply influenced by Suzuki’s books. It successfully spread Zen’s life philosophy and art, terminology and thoughts to the whole world. Zen artists express the instinct and insight of Zen Buddhism through instant emotions or deliver the realm of “emptiness” in Zen Buddhism with the simplest space or lines. The wonderful realm as described in 《Diamond Sutra》:「Everything with form is unreal; if all forms are seen as unreal, the Tathagata will perceived」 will come out through insight meditation and spiritual life. It is what author wants to pursuit on the painting creation. The creation research is anticipated to express the present inner contemplation of self and rhythm of life through non-representational form. |
Table of contents | 誌謝辭 iii 中文摘要 iv 英文摘要 v 圖次 x 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 一、研究動機 1 二、研究目的 2 第二節 研究方法與架構 3 一、研究方法 3 二、研究流程圖 4 第三節 研究範圍與釋名 5 一、研究範圍 5 二、名詞釋義 5 第二章 傳統禪意的藝術表現 9 第一節 書法 9 一、懷素 9 二、董其昌 11 三、八大山人 12 第二節 繪畫 15 一、廓庵師遠 15 二、梁楷 19 三、牧谿 20 第三節 庭園與花藝 21 一、枯山水 21 二、插花 23 三、盆景 26 第三章 現代美術的禪意表現 30 第一節 抽象繪畫 30 一、馬克•托貝 31 二、依夫•克萊因 33 第二節 立體造型藝術 35 一、瓦爾特•德瑪利亞 35 二、吉田直嗣 37 第三節 裝置藝術 38 一、水月道場 38 二、洸庭 40 第四章 作者創作理念及作品解析 42 第一節 創作理念 42 第二節 作品解析 43 一、天地玄黃 43 二、冬之華 45 三、墨舞 49 四、即興曲 53 五、生命的樂章 56 六、無盡藏 58 七、紅色調的和諧 60 八、舞動狂草 62 九、光之行旅 64 十、藏天下 66 十一、一 68 第五章 結論 70 第一節 創作研究總結 70 第二節 後續發展與未來期許 71 參考書目 72 翻譯索引 76
Hits | 461 |
Created date | 2022.09.26 |
Modified date | 2023.01.05 |

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