宋元禪林中寒山等「四睡」意象的形成及其贊頌的游戲禪機=Study on Metaphor and Zen Image in "Painting of Four Sleepers" in Sung and Yuan Dynasties |
Author |
黃敬家 (著)=Huang, Jing-jia (au.)
Source |
淡江中文學報=Tamkang Journal of Chinese Literature
Volume | n.33 |
Date | 2015.12.01 |
Pages | 1 - 39 |
Publisher | 淡江大學中文系 |
Location | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 黃敬家,國立臺灣師範大學國文學系專任副教授。 |
Keyword | 四睡圖=Painting of Four Sleepers; 寒山拾得=Han-Shan and Shih Te; 豐干與虎 =Feng Kan and tiger; 贊頌=Verses; 宋元=Song-Yuan Dynasty; 禪宗文獻=Chan Buddhist literature |
Abstract | 在宋元禪宗文獻中,以寒山、拾得、豐干與虎相枕而眠所形成的「四睡」主題贊頌,雖未必直接題之於畫上,但畫、贊之間卻有著明顯的呼應關係。「四睡」概念的產生,應該是在天台「三隱」建立之後進一步的衍生;虎的加入,是源於傳說豐干騎虎出現國清寺,此圖無論意象或贊頌均有別於過往的寒山相關繪畫。虎的加入,轉化出哪些新的意蘊?寒山形象為什麼會由笑轉變為睡?「四睡」意象的構圖隱喻又是什麼呢?本文聚焦於南宋新出的「四睡」主題意象及其贊頌,透過現存圖像與贊頌的互文詮釋,討論其構圖的形成和禪師贊頌的多重詮釋視角和禪機意蘊。豐干所乘虎在「四睡」中與天台三隱混睡成一體,可說是其形象又一高度創造性的翻轉;酣睡之態超越佛典中無明睡眠的負面觀點,轉化為超越機心、睏來即眠的一種心靈狀態,在調伏與超越,游戲咍笑與睡眠忘機的衝突概念中,展現楊岐派禪師的創意精神和游戲禪機。
In Sung and Yuan dynasties, paintings with Han Shan were popular. In the “Painting of Four Sleepers” with Han Shan, Shih Te, Feng Kan and tiger sleeping together, character modeling and image characteristics are metaphorical with Zen. Concept of “four sleepers” should be the extension of construction of “three hermits” of Tiantai. Participation of tiger is originated from the legend in which Feng Kan arrived at Kuo Ching Temple by riding a tiger and stayed in Zen room with the tiger. In Buddhism, sleeping means “Nivarana” which lays over wisdom. If “sleeping tiger” symbolizes taming of worry, how do four sleepers show “Styana-middha”? Based on “Painting of Four Sleepers” and verses in Sung and Yuan Dynasties, this study discusses different Zen masters’ composition and image in creation of “four sleepers” and implication of change in Zen related to Sung Tsan. Moreover, it examines compatibility between painting and verses, and explores metaphorical meaning of “four sleepers” in Zen and multiple interpretations of different Zen masters verses. |
Table of contents | 提要 1 一、前言 2 二、天台三隱圖像與贊頌的互詮脈絡 4 三、「四睡」意象的形成及造型特徵 11 (一)虎的加入:四睡意象的形成 11 (二)從「笑」變「睡」:四睡的造型特徵 15 四、「四睡」贊頌與楊岐禪師的游戲禪機 20 (一)人虎易位,翻轉禪機 21 (二)人虎忘機,物我同一 24 五、結語 28 徵引書目 29 一、傳統文獻 29 二、近人論著 31 附錄一:畫作圖檔 34 附錄二:現存宋元禪師「四睡」贊一覽表 36 Abstract 39
ISSN | 18197469 (P) |
DOI | 10.6187/tkujcl.201512.33-1 |
Hits | 288 |
Created date | 2022.10.24 |
Modified date | 2022.10.24 |

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