論《百喻經》的意象經營與轉化-以〈債半錢喻〉與〈偷犛牛喻〉為考察對象=The Management and Adaption of Image in "Sutra of A Hundred Parables": Examine 'Recovering a Small Debt' and 'The Yak Thieves' |
Author |
陳佳君 (著)=Chen, Chia-Jiun (au.)
Source |
臺北教育大學語文集刊=Journal of language and literature studies
Volume | n.13 |
Date | 2008.01.01 |
Pages | 75 - 98 |
Publisher | 臺北教育大學語文與創作學系 |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 百喻經=Sutra of A Hundred Parables; 意象形成=formation of image; 意象組織=organization of image; 改寫=adapt; 兒童文學=children's literature |
Abstract | 《百喻經》為南齊求那毘地漢譯之佛教經典,此九十八篇經文,皆由譬喻故事與佛教義理組織成「先敘後論」結構。本文主要鎖定〈債半錢喻〉與〈偷犛牛喻〉,探析其意象之形成、意象之組織與意象之轉化。研究發現,兩則譬喻故事分別透過執著的商賈與狡賴的村人,營構出百喻故事鮮明的人物意象,並運用條理清晰的篇章結構,組織起精彩的事象,以從中寄託深刻的情意思想。而由現代兒童文學家所改寫的《百喻經圖畫書》,更在文字與圖象的融合中,轉化出《百喻經》的意象新世界。
”Sutra of A Hundred Parables” is the Chinese translated version of the Buddhist classic sutra by priest Gunavaddhi in Southern Qi. The organization in 98 parables is formed with stories and wisdoms. This article aims at 'Recovering a Small Debt' and 'The Yak Thieves' to analyze the formation of image, the organization of image and the adaption of image. In these two parables, it made lively character image by a clinging trader and the dishonest villagers. There are methodical organization of writing and deep reasons. The ”picture books of Sutra of A Hundred Parables” that written by children's literature writers has new sight in the fusion of words and pictures. |
Table of contents | 摘要 75 Abstract 76 一、前言 77 二、寫作背景 78 三、意象之形成 79 四、意象之組織 83 五、意象之轉化 86 六、結語 96 七、引用書目 97 |
ISSN | 1561378X (P) |
DOI | 10.6777/JLLS.200801.0075 |
Hits | 84 |
Created date | 2022.10.27 |
Modified date | 2022.10.27 |

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