詩法即其兵法:明代中後期武將詩學義蘊探詮="The Art of Poetry is Equal to the Art of War": A Study of Military Officers' Poetry during the Later Half of Ming Period |
Author |
廖肇亨 (著)=Liao, Chao-heng (au.)
Source |
明代研究=Journal of Ming Studies
Volume | n.16 |
Date | 2011.06.01 |
Pages | 29 - 56 |
Publisher | 中國明代研究學會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 廖肇亨,中央研究院文哲所副研究員。 |
Keyword | 武將詩=Military Officer poetry; 萬表=Wan Biao; 戚繼光=Qi Ji-guang; 陳第=Chen Di; 詩法=art of poetry shi fa; 兵法=art of war bing fa |
Abstract | 明代武將詩人之眾,為明代中後期文學史及文化史的特殊現象。以文學史的角度來看,武將詩開創了新的美學典律;而從文化史的面向來看,則武將詩反映出兵學與當時詩風、文風、學風跨界書寫的文化特殊性。本文首先以錢謙益、湯顯祖等人論武將詩的說法,探討武將詩「詩法即其兵法」的美學理論。接著以明代中後期著名的武將而能詩者:萬表、戚繼光、陳第,蠡探武將詩所反映的價值理念與學術思潮,進一步探討武將詩所體現之明代中後期跨界展演的文化書寫,與經學、理學、佛教各種學術思想的交融滲透,此乃文化史中不可忽略的現象。此外,武將詩與明代格調派的詩學論述之依違關係,則呈現出詩學史上的意義。由是,本文最後為武將詩作一價值再探,認為武將的詩歌世界反映了當時歷史潮流與文化風尚,不僅帶入邊塞風物、朝政得失,更重要的是其提供了一種重新觀照文學定義與疆界的嶄新角度,摸索一種嶄新理論話語的可能性。
This article focuses on the poetry of military officers in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. The poetry of military officers not only created a new canon of poetics, but also reflected the combination of the art of war, prose, and scholarship popular at the time. First, this study cites Qian Qian-yi and Tang Xian-zu's theories that the art of poetry is equal to the art of war. Next, the article explores the case studies of military officer poets Wan Biao, Qi Ji-guang and Chen Di, and analyzes their poetry which is infused with allusions to the Confucian Classics (jing xue), Neo-Confucianism (li xue) and Buddhism. In addition, military officers' poetry connects with the Ge-diao school, which is important in poetic history. Finally, this article re-evaluates military officers' poetry, concluding that it embodies historical and cultural currents of its time period, while also providing new definitions of literature. |
Table of contents | 前言 30 一、「詩法即其兵法」——武將詩歌美學理論旨要 32 二、「一點靈明,徹底光透」——萬表的幻體禪心 37 三、「年年笳鼓邊頭聽」——戚繼光的夢魂故里 42 四、「舉世慕盛唐,吾獨好三百」——陳第的汎海比興 46 代結語 52 Abstract 56
ISSN | 16075994 (P) |
DOI | 10.29971/JMS.201106.0002 |
Hits | 271 |
Created date | 2022.11.07 |
Modified date | 2022.11.07 |

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