受戒施教:戰後臺灣比丘尼身分的形成與凝聚=The Formation and Solidarity of Buddhist Nuns' Identity in Post-war Taiwan |
Author |
李玉珍 =Li, Yu-chen
Source |
近代中國婦女史研究=Research on Women in Modern Chinese History
Volume | n.25 特刊 |
Date | 2015.06.01 |
Pages | 1 - 52 |
Publisher | 中央研究院近代史研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 李玉珍,政治大學宗教所副教授。 |
Keyword | 臺灣比丘尼僧團= Taiwanese bhikshuni sangha; 傳戒=ordination; 比丘尼教育=Buddhist nun education; 學士尼=college-educated nuns; 宗教師=professional religious teachers |
Abstract | 本文從女性僧團的發展脈絡,討論傳戒與教育在臺灣比丘尼僧團成立過程中,扮演的角色與推力,以及分析戰後臺灣比丘尼如何建立其主體性。戰後的三壇大戒制度,建立臺灣比丘尼僧團的傳承,其重視戒律經典的改革引導佛學院教育興起。後來學士尼加入僧團,其教育水準以及專業發展,不僅拓展她們入世弘法的範疇,也逐漸改變她們的宗教與社會定位。尤其臺灣比丘尼的高學歷,更是促成她們尋求宗教師身分的動力。臺灣比丘尼重視教育,追求二部受戒的過程中,也逐漸凝聚其團體認同。本文分為五個小節,分別討論─戰後臺灣女性大量受戒與引贊師的角色、戰後臺灣比丘尼身分之確立與二部受戒、由研律到治經的比丘尼教育、從學士尼到比丘尼正名運動,以及專業宗教師─釐清臺灣比丘尼僧團傳承教育之制度化,凝聚其團體意識的重要事件以及推動比丘尼主體性的代表人物。
This article examines how ordination and education have affected the formation of Taiwanese bhikshunisangha, and consequently nuns' autonomy, highlighting the historical context of these processes. The Three-Platform Ordination system that initiated women of this monastic lineage in Taiwan legitimized itself by appealing to canonical texts; such emphasis on canonical texts inadvertently led to text-based monastic education for nuns. With the knowledge supplied by canonical study, Taiwanese nuns demanded Dual Ordination in accordance with textual requirements, and in this way built up their institutional autonomy. After the 1980s, monastic education and secular education converged as college-educated women entered monastic life. These "nuns with Bachelor's degrees" (and later with Master's and Doctoral degrees) have expanded the scope of Buddhist social engagement as well as established their self-identity as religious professionals since the 1990s, even demanding the appellation of "professional religious teachers" for themselves. This article analyzes the key events and leading figures in the formation and consolidation of Taiwanese bhikshunisangha. The first section discusses the mass ordination of Taiwanese women and the role of female ritual assistants in the post-war period; second, the Dual Ordination and the establishment of the bhikshuniientity; third, the shift of focus of bhikshunieducation from monastic discipline to canonical study; fourth, the scholarly nuns and the "rectification of names" for the bhikshunis; and fifth, the emergence of bhikshuni self-identity as professional religious teachers. |
Table of contents | 摘要 1 一、前言 2 二、研究回顧與方法 5 三、戰後臺灣女性大量受戒與引贊師的角色 9 四、戰後臺灣比丘尼身分之確立與二部受戒 17 五、由研律到治經的比丘尼教育 22 六、由學士尼到比丘尼正名運動 27 七、專業宗教師 35 八、結論 41 徵引書目 44 Abstract 51 |
ISSN | 10294759 (P) |
Hits | 250 |
Created date | 2022.11.11 |
Modified date | 2022.11.11 |

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