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閩南菜姑的研究=Vegetarian Women In Southern Fujian
Author 劉一蓉 (著)=Liu, Yi-Jung (au.)
PublisherThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
Publisher Url
LocationHong Kong [香港]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
InstitutionChinese University of Hong Kong
DepartmentReligious Studies
AdvisorWai Lun Tam
Publication year2005
Abstract本論文以閩南地方特殊的女性宗教群體「菜姑」爲主要研究對 象’運用歷史、文本與田野考察等方法’探討菜姑制度在社會變遷過 程中,從民間的宗教團體轉變爲佛教組織的發展與現況°本文涉及菜 姑被主流佛教制度化的過程、影饗菜姑宗教身份認同的因素、她們的 寺廟管理、日常生活、宗教修持的實際狀況以及她們與政府所承認的 主流佛教之間關係。 本文透過「雙焦點」(bifocal)的硏究視角,即將女性視爲受害 者(victim)與行動者(agent) ’討論二個主要問題,即菜姑被命名爲「梵行清信女」所再現與再生產的宗教內性別權力關係’以及菜姑 擁有「梵行清信女」身份對於她們生活與宗教經驗影響°研究揭示了 清末至今閩南菜姑在父權社會與宗教組織受壓迫並擁有自我發展機 會的情形。同時指出’閩南女性是以順服而非革命的手段來建立自己 的空間與女性文化。換句話說’她們是以看似最無力的中國傳統女性 忍辱負重的方式’獲得追求宗教生活與發展自我的最大權力。 從廣義的角度來說,菜姑就是一般吃素念佛的女性°她們在早期 的中國歷史上,就以各種不同的形式存在°因此’很難確定她們產生 的具體時期以及她們的宗教背景。清末民初’閩南的教派菜姑與民間 佛教的菜姑在打破封建迷信、沒收寺產的社會壓力下’進入主流佛教 的體系中,與原本出家於主流佛教寺廟的菜姑一同在傳戒法會上獲得 佛教優婆夷的身份,並被弘一大師命名爲「梵行清信女」。 雖然她們十分重視佛法之學習及與出家女眾無異的修行,但卻得 不到佛教界’特別是僧界的認同°在僧團普遍反對女眾出家的態度 下,她們甚至無法從地方性宗教人員完全蛻變成正統全職的佛教尼 僧。然而’她們靠著虔信的力量以及完全的委身’被當地社會普遍接 受爲佛教大家庭的一分子’獨當一面承事各種各樣的宗教活動和寺廟 管理。同時’在中國實行改革開放以後’她們憑借著對佛教信仰的認 識、對宗教節日與儀式的熟悉以及住持寺廟的經驗’不僅在寺廟管理 與教育新一代菜姑等方面扮演著重要角色;對於今日閩南地區的佛教 寺廟能夠表現出正統佛教形象,更是功不可沒°

After China adopted the reform and open door policy in early 1980s, thanks to their knowledge on Buddhism, their familiarity of religious rituals, and their experience in temple management, vegetarian women have doubled their efforts not only to transmit their traditions their next generation but also to establish the authentic Buddhist image of temples in Southern Fujian. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) / The research is carried out according to the discussions on (1) the gender and power relations within the religious institutions that were re-presented and re-produced by renaming vegetarian women as Brahma-carya upasika, and (2) the influences of being identified as Brahma-carya upasika on the life and religious practice of these vegetarian women. From a bifocal perspective, the study demonstrates that women are victim as well as agent within a religious organization in a patriarchal society. It has been discovered that vegetarian women in Southern Fujian have been suppressed yet they have also made use of the opportunities of changing their identity since the late Qing Dynasty. Study results also show that [vegetarian] women in Southern Fujian have adopted obedient attitudes instead of revolutionary means to establish their space and women culture. This could be considered as their expedient means and power yet indicates their powerlessness under the patriarchal society and religion. In other words, they have employed the least powerful approach to conducting their religious life and maximizing their power for self-development. / This thesis, based on historical, textual and field studies, explores a special religious group of vegetarian women (Caigu in Chinese) in Southern Fujian. The research is focused on examining their identify transformation as a religious group to a Buddhist organization along the process of societal change from the end of the Qing up to present time. The key issues discussed in this thesis are as following: (1) the process of institutionalization of the vegetarian women into mainstream Buddhist, (2) the elements that have exercised influences on the religious identity of vegetarian women, (3) temple managements, daily activities and religious rituals, and (4) the relationship between vegetarian women and the mainstream Buddhism in contemporary China.
Created date2023.03.01
Modified date2023.03.01

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