臺灣地皎法師「三相佛化」之研究=Reverend Di Jiao of Taiwan and Tri-Buddhist Family Practices |
Author |
邱郁霖 =Hew, Yok Lin
Date | 2012 |
Pages | 129 |
Publisher | 真理大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 真理大學 |
Department | 宗教文化與組織管理學系碩士班 |
Advisor | 蔡維民=Tsai, Wei-Min |
Keyword | 地皎法師=Reverend Di-jiao; 地藏法門=Dizan Bodhisattva Worship; 三相佛化(佛化婚禮、佛化胎教、佛化家庭)=Tri-Buddhist Practices ( Buddhist Marriage、Buddhist Pre Natal Education and Buddhist Family); 地藏菩薩顯化及感應道交=Numinous and Mystical Experience |
Abstract | 本論文是要探討臺北地藏禪寺住持地皎法師在臺灣如形成獨特的「三相佛化」修持方式,爲地藏道場的信眾提供一個簡單但有效的終極救度法門。解嚴後的臺灣因經濟高速發展,國際視野的開拓,島內民主化和現代化,帶來空前的言論自由及宗教自由的黃金時期,許多傳統宗教團體如臺灣地藏禪寺也如雨後春筍般的興起。 在一般人眼中,地藏菩薩是「陰神」信仰,其實地藏菩薩和其他菩薩一樣是冥陽兩利的。「地藏信仰」在「地藏行者」地皎法師「卡理斯瑪」 的領導下化陰轉陽,信徒們也依止地藏法門,並把地藏菩薩供奉在家為「陽神」。 地皎法師專弘地藏法門,因為與生俱來的悲心願力,常在她與信徒身上發生感應道交的事蹟及地藏菩薩的顯化。地皎法師從種種個案中,體悟到家庭撕裂導至社會問題叢生,於是提倡三相佛化:佛化婚禮,佛化胎教及佛化家庭,期以促進國家社會的安定與進步,成為地藏禪寺在弘法時之重要特殊貢獻。本文探討地皎法師如何巧妙地揉合了地藏信仰和三相佛化, 將表面上看似世俗化的「三相佛化」變成神聖化,以達到終極救度。
This thesis aims to study how a renowned Buddhist nun Reverend Di-jiao of Taiwan Dizan Temples developed a simple but unique practices for the progressive attainment of ultimate pure land for her disciples. The effluent Taiwan society saw a rapid economic growth geared towards globalization, which ultimately transformed the political and modernization of Formosa Island, resulting in freedom of expression and preaches of religions and mushrooming of the traditional Buddhist temples enabling them entering into an age of Golden Buddhism. Long treated as the “Ying deity” of the “ life after death” world among laymen, Dizan Bodhisattva actually belongs to both the world of “Ying- life after death world “ and “ Yang –the current world that we live”. Lately Dizan Bodhisattva had been transformed under the “charismatic” leadership of reverend Di Jiao, where Dizan Bodhisattva contrary to being regarded as the “Ying deity”, had also been raised to the level of “Yang” Bodhisattva worshiped by her disciples, even displayed at their homes and public areas. What made Dizan Bodhisattva Worship became popular were attributed to the numinous and mystical experiences centered around Dizan Bodhisattva, Reverend Di Jiao and her disciples. Through solving cases of her disciples facing with family and social problems, Reverend Di- jiao came to the conclusion that the best medicine to solve their catastrophes is by promoting 「San Xiang Fo Hua」or the three practices of Buddhist Family Practices, ie the Tri-Buddhist Practices: Buddhist Style Wedding 、Buddhist Style Pre Natal Education and Buddhist Style Family life among her followers. Through her years of cultivation of the practices, one can see that it had improved the fate of her disciples and fostered stabilities of the society and nation. These practices look like just another common practice by laymen, but Reverend Di-jiao interwoven the practice of Dizan Bodhisattva with Tri-Buddhist Family Practices, promising to ultimate Pure land salvation. |
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論 01 第一節 研究動機與背景 01 第二節 問題意識與研究目的 05 第三節 研究成果與分析 06 第四節 研究方法與限制 10 第五節 研究流程與論文架構 13 第二章 文獻回顧 15 第一節 地藏菩薩信仰的起源和傳播 15 第二節 地皎法師、地藏禪寺及地藏法門 18 第三節 臺灣的地藏信仰 25 第三章 「三相佛化」的經典及教義基礎 28 第一節 「三相佛化」之經典基礎 28 第二節 太虛大師的佛化婚禮及佛化家庭 37 第二節 地皎法師與 「三相佛化」 39 第四章「三相佛化」之個案研討和特質 51 第一節 「三相佛化」個案統計分析 51 第二節 一日「佛化婚禮」 60 第三節 十月「佛化胎教」 65 第四節 終身「佛化家庭」 71 第五章 結論與建議 81 第一節 「三相佛化」的時代意義 81 第二節 「三相佛化」的救度 84 第三節 建議與展望 87 附件 88 參考書目 123 |
Hits | 486 |
Created date | 2023.05.03 |
Modified date | 2023.05.03 |

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