20世紀中古文學研究與佛教的因緣——以《孔雀東南飛》與「永明聲律論」的爭論為中心=The Connection between 20th Century Study of Ancient Chinese Literature and Buddhism——Based on the Controversy with Relevance to The Peacock Flying Southeast and "The Sound Theory in Yongming Period" |
Author |
戴燕 (著)=Dai, Yan (au.)
Source |
杭州師範大學學報(社會科學版)=Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
Volume | n.4 |
Date | 2011 |
Pages | 1 - 9 |
Publisher | 杭州師範學院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 杭州, 中國 [Hangzhou, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 戴燕,復旦大學中文系教授,主要從事中古文學史、近代學術史、日本近代中國學的研究。
Keyword | 中古文學=ancient Chinese literature; 佛教=Buddhism; 《孔雀東南飛》=The Peacock Flying Southeast; 「四聲說」="Four Tones Theory" |
Abstract | :圍繞中古文學與佛教的關係,在 20 世紀有過兩場曠日持久的重要討論: 一次是關於《孔雀東南飛》是否受到印度《佛 本行贊》的影響,一次是關於永明“四聲說”是否來源於印度古時聲明論的三聲。前一場爭論由梁啟超於 20 年代挑起,胡適、 黃節、陸侃如等文學史專家都捲入其中。後一場爭論由陳寅恪於 30 年代挑起,因為涉及佛教史實、語言音韻學等更大範圍的 問題,也吸引了更多學者加入論戰,包括郭紹虞、湯用彤、饒宗頤、週一良等都各有看法。 In the 20th century,there were two prolonged discussions on the relationship between ancient Chinese literature and Buddhism.One was about whether The Peacock Flying Southeast was influenced by The Buddhacarita,an Indian sutra,and the other was on whether the Four Tones Theory in Yongming period was derived from the three tones in Ashtadhyayi in ancient India.The former debate was launched by Liang Qichao in the 1920s,and some scholars including Hu Shi,Huang Jie and Lu Kanru were also involved.The latter which covered a wider range of issues such as Buddhist historical records and prosody was initiated by Chen Yike in the 1930s,and many more scholars including Guo Shaoyu,Tang Yongtong,Rao Zongyi,Zhou Yiliang and others put forward their arguments. |
Table of contents | 一 1 二 3 三 4 四 5 五 6 六 7 七 8 |
ISSN | 16742338 (P) |
Hits | 66 |
Created date | 2023.08.02 |
Modified date | 2023.08.02 |

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