論作為禪式儒學的陽明心學=A Research on the Relationship Between Yangming’s Philosophy of the Mind and Some Buddhist Thoughts |
Author |
董群 (著)=Dong, Qun (au.)
Source |
新世紀圖書館=New Century Library
Volume | n.2 |
Date | 2019 |
Pages | 14 - 17, 51 |
Publisher | 新世紀圖書館編輯部 |
Location | 南京, 中國 [Nanjing, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 董群,金陵圖書館館長,東南大學人文學院教授、博士生導師。 |
Keyword | 禪式儒學=Zen-like Confucianism; 王陽明=Wang Yangming; 心學=Philosophy of the mind; 中國傳統文化=Chinese traditional culture; 國學=Sinology |
Abstract | "禪式儒學"這一提法,意在說明宋明理學中的陸王心學對於佛教,特別是禪宗思想的吸收,論文從儒佛比較的角度探討禪學對於陽明心學的影響,說明陽明學似禪實非禪、是儒亦似禪的特點。通過分析禪家對於陽明的拈提評論,揭示出禪界視陽明為"近禪"的觀點,又通過對陽明之心即理、致良知、知行合一與禪家心即佛、明心見性、定慧等學等比較,具體說明陽明對於佛教思想的吸收。
The formulation called Zen-like Confucianism means that Lu and Wang’s philosophy of Neo-Confucianism absorbed some Buddhist thoughts, especially Zen thoughts. Comparing the thoughts of Confucianism and Buddhism, this paper focuses on the influences Zen thoughts exerted on Wang Yangming’s philosophy of the mind, and tries to find out the characteristics of Yangming Study which apparently look like Zen but with the essence of Confucianism. The comments which Buddhists thought that Yangming was similar to a Buddhist were also revealed in this paper. Moreover, through the comparison of Yangming’s ideas such as mind is idea, extension of innate knowledge and the unity of knowledge and practice and Buddhists’ thoughts like mind is Buddha, find one’s true self and meditation and wisdom, the paper explains how Yangming Study absorbed Buddhist thoughts. |
Table of contents | 1 禪家對於陽明的評論拈提 15 2 陽明心即理與禪家心即佛 15 3 陽明致良知與禪家明心見性 16 4 陽明知行合一與禪家定慧等學 17 5 陽明與禪家之直截簡易 17 6 結語 17 參考文獻 51 |
ISSN | 1672514X (P) |
DOI | 10.16810/j.cnki.1672-514X.2019.02.002 |
Hits | 82 |
Created date | 2023.08.24 |
Modified date | 2023.08.24 |
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