敦煌文獻 S. 381:佛經譯師鳩摩羅什別傳考論=Dunhuang Manuscript S.381: An Alternative Biography of Kumārajīva |
Author |
蕭世友 (著)=Siu, Sai-Yau (au.)
Source |
Volume | n.19 |
Date | 2015.12 |
Pages | 69 - 98 |
Publisher | 臺灣翻譯學學會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:香港中文大學翻譯系。 |
Keyword | 後秦=Buddhist translation; 鳩摩羅什=Kumārajīva; 敦煌文獻=Dunhuang manuscripts; 五胡十六國=Later Qin; 佛經翻譯=Sixteen Kingdoms |
Abstract | 鳩摩羅什是中國佛教著名三藏譯師,古今中外研究者眾,主要依據《出三藏記集》、《高僧傳》、正史《晉書》及漢文佛經序文注疏諸種材料。及至近世敦煌文獻出土,古卷所載,漢籍未見,當中不少與羅什相關,加以考訂,有助重新研究羅什之生平思想及中國佛教譯經史。本篇論文以考究敦煌長卷 S.381 之〈鳩摩羅什傳〉為中心,傳雖僅數百言,惟文所書,有別漢土傳統史記,是考究羅什史事之另一材料,現今學者未有詳考,遂以為文,冀能深化佛譯史論之內涵。本文共六大部分:一、引言。二、「敦煌本〈鳩摩羅什傳〉注譯」,錄出文獻全文,加以詳注,兼附白話翻譯,並分析前人學者之錄文疑誤。三、「文獻年份考究」,稽查文獻之出土年及撰寫年。四、「文獻撰寫依據」,考究僧傳所引之典籍及史述出處。五、「歷史價值」,詳論從〈羅什傳〉得出之四大新歷史觀點,顯明文獻何以彌補十六國佛經翻譯史及中古文化之研究。六、「結語」,總結全文要旨及略論文獻之後續研究方向。附錄為敦煌〈鳩摩羅什傳〉原件印本。
Kumārajīva, coming to Chang’an, the state capital of the Later Qin Dynasty, for the dissemination of the Buddha’s doctrine in the Sixteen Kingdoms period, is a renowned translator of the Buddhist canon, who has attracted various Chinese and foreign scholars to have a long discussion of his translation strategies and Buddhist philosophy, mainly based on literary sources of the Compilation of Notes on the Translation of the Tripiṭaka, the Biographies of Eminent Monks, the Standard Histories, and different Buddhist scriptures. Since the early 20th century, owing to excavations of grottoes in Dunhuang, archaeologists have discovered considerable new manuscripts, some of which are closely related to Kumārajīva and offer a fresh insight into his biography, Buddhist thought, and even the historical development of Chinese Buddhist translation. This paper examines one of those Dunhuang manuscripts numbered S.381, which is a short biography of Kumārajīva in Classical Chinese. It not only differs from the traditional documentary sources, but also provides a new record that contributes to further investigation into the life story of Kumārajīva still remaining questionable. In addition, as the manuscript S.381 has been overlooked by the scholars in general, I hope to undertake an in-depth study on it through systematic textual and historical analysis in order to cast new light on the history of Buddhist scripture translation and the intellectual culture in early medieval China. |
Table of contents | 摘要 69 壹、引言 71 貳、敦煌本〈鳩摩羅什傳〉注譯 73 一、錄文注釋 73 二、白話翻譯 77 三、《英藏敦煌社會歷史文獻釋錄》錄文疑誤 77 參、文獻年份考究 78 一、文獻出土年考 78 二、文獻撰寫年考 78 肆、文獻撰寫依據 80 一、羅什傳記之部分與《出三藏記集》及《高僧傳》相近 80 二、「莫敢居上」或取語三書 81 三、「逍遙一薗,菍寶為韮」典出《歷代三寶紀》 82 伍、歷史價值 82 一、解說姚興信奉《維摩經》之因由 83 二、提出草堂寺譯場地點之新說法 86 三、建構新羅什歷史年譜 88 四、提供考究羅什及其先世籍屬之重要線索 91 陸、結語 92 參考文獻 93 附錄:大英圖書館敦煌〈鳩摩羅什傳〉原件 96 |
Hits | 123 |
Created date | 2023.10.18 |
Modified date | 2023.10.18 |
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