古澗寒泉──遺囑執行與社會奉獻=Archaic stream with Chilly spring-Wills Execution and Social Contributions |
Author |
張巧昀 (著)=Chang, Chiao-yun (au.)
Date | 2022 |
Pages | 159 |
Publisher | 法鼓文理學院佛教學系 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 法鼓文理學院 |
Department | 佛教學系 |
Advisor | 梅靜軒=Mei, Ching-hsuan |
Publication year | 110 |
Keyword | 古澗寒泉=Archaic stream with Chilly spring; 生死尊嚴=Dignity of life and death; 終極關懷=Ultimate concern; 遺囑執行=Wills execution; 社會奉獻=Social dedication |
Abstract | 古澗寒泉,為禪觀生死,以亙古通今的生死輪迴之苦,作為「大死一番,再活現成」的體悟,而此生「想要怎麼死,就要怎麼活」, 當面對生死課題,從預立遺囑到執行遺囑之間,此為追尋宗教性終極真實,到確立終極關懷的信仰的原動力,以此對內為解脫生死,超克死亡之恐懼,對外帶給社會利益與奉獻。 本篇論文,古澗寒泉:遺囑執行與社會奉獻,是將佛學的思想具體實踐於社會情境當中,為應用研究取向,解行並重,將生前到死後的人生時期,共分為四個階段:臨終階段、往生階段、喪葬階段、遺願階段。而文獻研究探討, 將從:臨終正念觀、往生身體觀、喪葬生死觀、遺願誓願觀的四個關鍵概念著手, 並且在主要章節中,將延續各階段中,遺囑執行的任務,如:善終往生、安寧醫療、器官捐贈、莊嚴佛事、環保植存、菩薩誓願,作為各階段的研究與實踐任務,更具體執行遺囑內容的各階段任務,並落實於社會情境中,奉獻於社會。 生死尊嚴是人生最後功課,善終是此生最美祝福,也是人生期末總呈現,當此生是以禪淨智慧而確立往生淨土的善終目標,並以六度萬行的菩薩誓願,願行虛空菩薩道,作為終極關懷,更以一行三昧修行念佛求往生,此一心即具足萬行,為一行一切行的生死告別,更能利人利己、饒益世間。
Archaic stream with chilly spring is life and death in Chan contemplation. Taking the suffering in the samsara from ancient times to the present, as the realization of “the totally death once, and then living again.”And this lifetime is “How to die, how to live.”When faced with the issue of life and death, from the making of an advance will to the execution of will, this is the driving force behind the pursuit of the ultimate truth of religion and the establishment of the belief of ultimate concern. In this way, internally we can liberate life and death, overcome the fear of death, and externally bring social benefits and dedication.
This paper, Archaic stream with Chilly spring: Wills Execution and Social Contributions, is the specific practice of Buddhist thought in social situations, and is an applied research orientation. Comprehension and practice is equally important. And the life period from before death to after death is divided into four stages: the dying stage, the passing stage, the funeral stage, and the dying stage. Theliterature research and discussion will start from four key concepts: the concept of mindfulness in dying, the concept of the body on passing away, the concept of life and death in funerals, and the concept of last wish and swear of vows. And in the main chapters, the tasks performed by wills in each stage will be continued, such as: hospitable death, peaceful medical treatment, organ donation, solemn Buddhist funeral, environmental protection planting buried, and Bodhisattva vows, as research and practical tasks at each stage, and more specific implementation. The tasks of each stage of the content of the will are implemented in the social situation and dedicated to the society.
Dignity of life and death is the last homework in life, a good death is the most beautiful blessing in this life, and it is always present at the end of life In this life, the goal of rebirth in the Pure Land is established with the pure wisdom of Zen and Pure, and the Bodhisattva vow of the six degrees of ten thousand deeds, willing to practice the Bodhisattva Way of Void, as the ultimate concern. Furthermore, by practicing ekavyūha-samādhi and reciting the Buddha's recitation to seek rebirth, this single mind is capable of all actions, bid farewell to the life and death of all actions, and can benefit others, self, and the world. |
Table of contents | 摘要 i Abstract ii 誌謝 iii 表目錄 vi 圖目錄 vi 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究目的與動機 1 第二節 研究題目與方法 3 第三節 研究架構與流程 11 第四節 研究價值與貢獻 13 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 臨終正念觀 15 第二節 往生身體觀 23 第三節 喪葬生死觀 36 第四節 遺願誓願觀 49 第五節 小結 60 第三章 古澗寒泉,永恆尋思 第一節 無常與善終 63 第二節 善趣與惡趣 70 第三節 追思與永續 80 第四節 遺產與遺愛 85 第五節 小結 91 第四章 遺囑執行與社會奉獻 第一節 生前預立到遺囑執行 93 第二節 安寧醫療到器官捐贈與病主法 101 第三節 佛化告別與環保歸程 108 第四節 六度萬行與往生淨土 120 第五節 小結 129 第五章 虛空有盡,我願無窮 第一節 願行虛空菩薩道 131 第二節 信入彌陀大誓海 136 第三節 小結 139 第六章 未來展望與總結 第一節 信念願景 141 第二節 總結 143 參考文獻 145 附錄 149 |
Hits | 328 |
Created date | 2023.11.21 |
Modified date | 2023.11.21 |

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