竺摩法師對馬來西亞佛教的影響=The Influences of the Venerable Zhu Mo on Malaysian Buddhism |
Author |
釋繼旻 (著)=Shi, Ji Min (au.)
Source |
回顧與前瞻馬來西亞佛教:第一屆馬來西亞佛教國際研討會論文集=Retrospective and Perspective of Malaysian Buddhism: Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Malaysian Buddhism
Date | 2010.11 |
Pages | 151 - 170 |
Publisher | 馬來西亞佛教學術研究會=Buddhist Research Society of Malaysia |
Publisher Url |
Location | Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia [八打靈再也, 雪蘭莪州, 馬來西亞] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Abstract | 馬來西亞漢傳佛教的發展,可說遠在法顯法師(340-422)由天竺取經歸中國,途經印尼之爪哇、馬六甲,曾大弘法化。漢傳佛教從那時已傳入馬來西亞,後因伊斯蘭教傳入,替代了佛教的地位。過去六十年來,乃先有太虛大師(10-14)率團訪問,後有圓瑛法師(1-153)在檳城極樂寺開壇傳戒,繼有轉道而過的法師等陸續興辦道場,接著慈航法師(15-154)長駐弘法,法舫法師(?-151)到處講學,竺摩法師(113-2002)助創佛教教育。本文以三個面向來論述即:一、竺摩法師生平。二、竺摩法師的著作與藝術創作。三、竺摩法師對馬來西亞漢傳佛教的影響。
The development of Chinese Buddhism in Malaysia can be said to be as ancient as when Ven. Fa Xian (340-422) promulgated the Dharma there at one time on his way back to China from India through Java and the Strait of Malacca in Indonesia. Chinese Buddhism was transmitted to Malaysia at that time. Later, the transmission of Islam took the place of Buddhism. Over the recent six decades, there was firstly Master Tai Xu (1890-1947), who led a group to come to visit. Later, Ven. Yuan Ying (1878-1953) held a Full Ordination Ceremony at the Temple of Bliss at Penang, followed by venerablesone after another who passed by Malaysia but established Dharma centers. Next, Ven. Ci Hang (1895-1954) stayed permanently there to promote the Dharma; Ven. Fa Fang (?-1951) gave Dharma discourses all over the places, and Ven. Zhu Mo (1913-2002) helped establish Buddhist education.
This article narrates from three perspectives: firstly, the biographicalinformation of Ven. Zhu Mo; secondly, Ven. Zhu Mo’s writings and creative works of art; and thirdly, the influences of Ven. Zhu Mo on Chinese Buddhism in Malaysia. The methods this article adopts mainly are the collection of information, the investigation of literature in retrospect, the oral narration of history, and analysis of historical documents.
By means of academic methodology, the author attempts at a study which presents a complete view of the influences of Ven. Zhu Mo on Chinese Buddhism in Malaysia and which in particular presents the aspects of the venerable’s emphasis on the education of the monastics, the art of Buddhism, and Buddhist culture. The author, in an objective academic stance, has made use of firsthand materials to faithfully present the mental journey of an eminent Malaysian monk of Chinese Buddhism. The historical materials as organized in this paper about the historical figures of Buddhism in Malaysia should enable learners of later times to emulate the lofty spirits of eminent monks of great virtues who have made great contributions to Buddhism. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 151 二、竺摩法師生平簡介 152 (一)在家時期(出生至12歲,1913年~1924年) 152 (二)修學時期(13歲至23歲,1925年~1935年) 153 (三)港澳時期(24歲至42歲,1936年~1954年) 154 (四)駐錫檳城時期(42歲至90歲,1954年~2002年) 156 三、竺摩法師的著作與藝術創作 157 (一)竺摩法師的著作 157 (二)竺摩法師的藝術創作 158 四、竺摩法師對馬來西亞漢傳佛教的影響 159 (一)助成馬來西亞佛教總會 160 (二)創建三慧講堂,倡導知識化之佛教 161 (三)助創馬來西亞佛學院,培育僧才 162 (四)以詩、書、畫接引知識分子學佛 163 (五)渡化齋教徒轉信佛教 164 (六)以講經弘法接引眾生 166 五、結語 167 附錄 169
ISBN | 9789671009109 |
Hits | 272 |
Created date | 2023.11.29 |
Modified date | 2023.11.29 |
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