俄藏敦煌寫卷ф.102《維摩經疏》研究=A Study of The Record on the Meanings of the Vimalakirti-Nirdesa Sutra in the Russian Collection of Dunhuang Manuscript ф. 102 |
Author |
鄭阿財 (著)=Cheng, A-tsai (au.)
Source |
四川大學學報 (哲學社會科學版)=Jounal of Sichuan University (Social Science Edition)
Volume | n.2 (總號=n.221) |
Date | 2019 |
Pages | 134 - 143 |
Publisher | 四川大學學報編輯部 |
Location | 成都, 中國 [Chengdu, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 鄭阿財,四川大學中國俗文化研究所講座教授、南華大學敦煌學研究中心榮譽主任。主要研究方向:敦煌學、俗文學、中國佛教文學、域外漢文學。 |
Keyword | 敦煌寫卷=Dunhuang manuscript; ф.102=ф. 102; 維摩義記=Vilamlakirti-nirdesa Sutra; 佛經義疏=Buddhist scriptures |
Abstract | 俄藏敦煌寫卷ф.102《維摩經疏》殘卷1-56行內容與隋代慧遠《維摩義記》卷第一頗多相同;56行題有"維摩經疏第一";57-317行內容系疏釋羅什本《維摩詰經》之《佛道品第八》至《囑累品第十四》,與S.2732《維摩經義記·卷第四》各品內容幾乎全同,只是小有簡略,當與P.2273、日本大谷二樂莊舊藏同為一系。ф.102分別匯抄二種有關《維摩詰經》的注疏以成編,不論是前部抄錄慧遠《維摩義記》卷第一,還是第二部分抄錄S.2732佚名《維摩經義記》所疏釋各品內容,皆系精心摘錄裁剪且有所增補,並非一字不漏的照錄,其文字簡明流暢,極便於研習和講授,呈現了敦煌佛教日常用經的抄本特色,是《維摩詰經》義疏學的寶貴資料。
This paper deals with a Dunhuang manuscript ф. 102 ( M.1286 ) recorded in Kitaiskie Dokumentiiz Dun’khuna: Vipusk 1. Chinese Doucments from Dunhuang. It is called the commentary on the Vilamlakirti-nirdesa Sutra, chapters 1 and 2. Although below line 56 there is the original title, the content of the lines 1-56 in the original manuscript seems to be the same as the chapter one of the Sui Buddhist master Huiyuan’s The Record on the Meanings of the Vimalakirti-nirdesa Sutra. Yet lines 57-317 seem to come from chapters 8-14 of Kumarajiva’s translations of the Vimalakirti-Nirdesa Sutra. Its content also matches the Dunhuang manuscript S.2732. There are some small variants. Anyway, the manuscript ф.102 ( M.1286) seems to be a sheet with two different texts. Many texts in Dunhuang manuscripts do not have a fixed form and style, which is very different from the traditional transmitted literature. The manuscript ф. 102 was from Huiyuan’ s text, but it has some selected excerpts with additions. The second section of this manuscript, though its content is close to S.2732, looks more concise and elegant, which shows that it came from an eminent monk who edited the text for his own study or for his lecture. These texts are so valuable for understanding the commentaries of the Vilamakirti-nirdesa Sutra. |
Table of contents | 一、敦煌佛經寫本的特性與俄藏 ф.102 寫卷 135 (一)敦煌佛經寫本的特性 135 (二)俄藏 ф. 102 寫卷 136 二、ф. 102 寫卷與慧遠《維摩義記》 138 (一)ф.102 寫卷與慧遠《維摩義記》全同者 138 (二)ф.102 寫卷據慧遠《維摩義記》加以精簡者 139 三、ф.102 寫卷與 S.2732《維摩經義記·卷第四》 140 (一)ф.102 寫卷與 S.2732《維摩經義記·卷第四》全同者 140 (二)ф.102 寫卷據 S.2732《維摩經義記·卷第四》精簡者 140 結語 142 |
ISSN | 10060766 (P) |
Hits | 3 |
Created date | 2024.03.28 |
Modified date | 2024.03.28 |
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