西夏佛典體系兩種:“心類五種”與“發菩提心”初探=Tangut Texts of the Five Early Translations and the Texts on the Awakening of the Bodhicitta |
Author |
索羅寧 (著)=Solonin, Kirill (au.)
謝皓玥 (著)=Xie, Hao-yue (au.)
Source |
復旦學報 (社會科學版)=Fudan Journal (Social Sciences Edition)
Volume | n.3 |
Date | 2020 |
Pages | 83 - 92 |
Publisher | 復旦學報編輯委員會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 上海, 中國 [Shanghai, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 索羅甯,中國人民大學國學院教授。 謝皓玥,中國人民大學國學院博士研究生。 |
Keyword | 發菩提心=Mind Class; 大圓滿=Bodhicittotpāda; 節怛哩=Jitāri; 白若薩那=Bodhicaryāvatāra; 起信=Tangut collection |
Abstract | 西夏地區流傳的藏傳佛教文獻中有兩類主要體系:"發菩提心"和"大圓滿"體系。兩種文本版本眾多,刻本、寫本均有,注疏、解記類文本數量可觀。本文將對兩種文本體系內容進行簡單介紹,並對文本來源進行分析。初步結論為:在西夏佛教文化中,存在吐蕃"前弘期"所謂"心類五部"文獻;在西夏地區流傳的"發菩提心"思想中的核心文本是寂天菩薩撰《入菩薩行論》,與其相關的是《菩提心及常做法事》的儀軌法本。後者可能為西夏晚期官方佛教指定的儀軌本子,並且產生了獨特豐富的的注釋系統。注釋系統似乎有兩種系列:基于標準版系統以及所謂"菩提獅子系統"。另外,本文將探討于西夏仁宗時期《天盛改舊新定律令》中出現的"起信"一部,仍認為"起信"代表《大乘起信論》,而"起信"與"發菩提心"關系的可能性需要更多研究。
In the process of the study of the Khara-Khoto texts, we identified a group of texts which was identified as the Tangut versions of the “sems phyogs”( Mind Class) texts originally translated by Vairocana. The focus of the paper is the group of texts associated with a composition by Jitāri Bodhicittotpādasamādānavidhi and the Bodhicaryāvatāra. We have carried preliminary identifications of the parts of the surviving Tangut fragments of the Bodhicaryāvatāra and identified the Tangut translation as a version of the Tibetan translation from the 12th century. Bodhicittotpādasamādānavidhi is represented by several manuscripts and woodblocks printed book versions of the original text together with several commentaries. These commentaries are as of now not identified among the surviving Tibetan texts. We suggest the existence of two commentarial traditions of the Bodhicittotpādasamādānavidhi, one of which appears to proceed from an alternative translation of the root text. This remains suggestion for now. Finally, we suggest that a textual category of “awakening of faith” mentioned in the Tangut Tiansheng Law Code might have some relationship with the awakening the Bodhicitta rituals in the Tangut State. |
Table of contents | 一、大圓滿體系 83 二、西夏現存“發菩提心”文獻概覽 85 (一)IOM RAS 所藏《入菩薩行論》初談 85 1.《入菩薩行論》及其注釋 85 2.與《入菩薩行論》相關之法事儀軌本 86 (二)以《常做法事》為核心之系列文本 86 1.核心文本及其刊行年代 86 2.注疏文本 88 三、“發菩提心”系列文本流傳來源分析 90 四、西夏法典《天盛改舊新定律令》與《常做法事》關係問題 91 五、小結 92 |
ISSN | 02570289 (P) |
Hits | 8 |
Created date | 2024.04.29 |
Modified date | 2024.04.29 |
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