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佛教瑜伽焰口儀式與音樂:戒德長老之梵唄=Rituals and Music of Buddhist Yoga Yankou : Buddhist Liturgical Music by Elder Jiede
Author 何麗華 (著)=Ho, Li-hua (au.)
Publisher Url
Location臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
Content type書籍=Book
Note隨書附 CD 六片:戒德長老恭唱之《大寶華山大板瑜伽焰口》音樂 (1979 年)
隨書附 DVD 六片:
DVD 1~4. 戒德長老主法之「瑜伽焰口儀式」實錄 (1998 年)
DVD 5~6. 田野訪談戒德長老部分剪影 (1999~2010 年)
Abstract戒德長老(1909-2011)是當代臺灣與中國大陸佛教音樂首要之傳承與倡導者,亦 為本書剖析佛教「焰口」的核心對象。「瑜伽焰口」簡稱「放焰口」,係一結合音 樂、儀式、文學而成之佛教儀軌,主要目的是祈求平安或超度亡魂,也就是為幽 冥界眾生說法,是冥陽兩利之儀式,深受信眾敬重與喜愛;其音樂性之豐富與複 雜,更是漢傳佛教儀式之冠。因此,戒德長老所誦唱之焰口音樂,實兼具文化傳 承意義及多元價值。本書不僅透過民族音樂學之田野採集及文獻資料的整理,闡 述焰口儀式之重要性,以及它在臺灣的發展與變遷;並探析焰口儀式之結構、音 樂特點、樂曲型態等內容,同時結合中、西方法學,期望以較宏觀之視野,探討音樂與儀式之關係。本書堪稱是第一本以戒德長老為研究對象之影音專書,因此它將會是當代最具古老與傳承性的佛教「焰口音樂」與「儀式結構」完整之紀實與探討。

隨文附圖例、譜例,另隨書附戒德長老所唱瑜伽焰口音樂CD六片及儀式實 錄(1998年) DVD四片、田野訪談之部分剪影(1999-2010年)DVD兩片。此 書由呂錘寬教授、曾永義院士、林谷芳教授親撰序文。瑜伽焰口儀式結構與音樂 向來皆心傳口授,要逐一整理及深入分析,實非易事,本書實有功於佛教儀式與 音樂之研究。

Elder Jiede (1909-2011) is a very important leading teacher of Chinese Buddhist music in contemporary Mainland China and Taiwan. He also is the key person who analysed the Buddhist Yoga Yankou rite and music in this book. Yoga Yankou (also Fang Yankou), a rite entailing bestowing food on the hungry, is attributed to Ananda's encounter with a hungry ghost or burning mouth. Fang Yankou is the outcome of a combination of Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism; it is concerned with the salvation of believers. Small-scale ceremonies may only involve a few people, but large-scale ceremonies can involve several thousands of people. The structure of such rituals includes invitations (zhaoqing), establishing scope (jiejie), offering food and water (shishi shishui), salvation (chaodu), and dedication of merits (huixiang). The music used in Chinese Fang Yankou typically uses more melodies than other Han Chinese rituals. With more than twenty-five melodic and tune-types, it is the richest and most complex form of music in Han Chinese Buddhism.

This book analyses in detail the rituals' structure and musical characteristics, such as Buddhist practices in terms of ritual issues, musical styles, the use and function of dharma instruments, the music's religious implications, etc. In addition, the relationship between Buddhist philosophy, the ritual's structure, body movement and music are explained. This book also records and translates the whole ritual music to western notation, despite this being a hugely challenging task. This book combines the theory and the fieldwork in Chinese and Western methodology, as it is the first book in studying the Yankou rite and music of Elder Jiede. Therefore, this book explores the ancient values and Living Buddhist Music Traditions in contemporary Mainland China and Taiwan. Six CDs and six DVDs, containing the rites, music and part of the research, are also attached. This book is recommended by Prof. Lü Chuikuan (呂錘寬教授), Prof. Zeng Yongyi (曾永義院士), and Prof. Lin Gufang (林谷芳教授).

Based on my fieldwork and participation in Buddhist worship and Taoist rituals at temples in Taiwan and special performance events over the past 30 years, I hope to contribute to religious and ethnomusicological knowledge by providing a theoretical basis for what Buddhist music in contemporary Taiwan actually means, as well as a deeper understanding of the interplay between Buddhist rites and liturgical music. This book makes a contribution to our deeper understanding of Buddhist rites and music.

Table of contents推薦序/呂錘寬 iv
推薦序/曾永義 vii
推薦序/林谷芳 x
緣起與誌謝 xii
編撰說明 xvii
凡例 xviii

第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 寫作動機與目的 1
第二節 研究回顧 13
第三節 本書之重要性、研究對象與範圍 21
第四節 本書之內容 24
第五節 資料蒐集與研究方法 26

第二章 瑜伽焰口儀式之探討 34
第一節 瑜伽焰口之緣由、意義 35
第二節 瑜伽焰口儀軌之歷史演變 38
第三節 瑜伽焰口之功能與內容 41
第四節 焰口儀式之禁忌與意涵 45
第五節 焰口儀式之傳授:以戒德長老為例 51

第三章 焰口儀式之參與者及時空結構 79
第一節 參與者之職務與服飾 79
第二節 儀式之時空結構 104

第四章 焰口儀式之結構與手印、真言 131
第一節 儀式程序一:上供篇 (敬供分) 132
第二節 儀式程序二:施食篇 (悲施分) 168
第三節 焰口儀式音聲形式與音樂功能 184
第四節 手印與真言 191

第五章 焰口儀式音樂之分析 223
第一節 焰口樂曲之體裁與演唱 225
第二節 焰口樂曲之型態特徵 244
第三節 焰口音樂之特質與宗旨 249

第六章 焰口儀式音樂之樂曲 267
第一節 譜例說明 267
第二節 樂曲之譜例 271

第七章 結 論 487

參考文獻 (Bibliography) 495
網頁資料 (Webography) 528
田野實地調查資料 (Fieldwork) 529
1. 有聲資料 (Discography) 529
2. 影音資料 (Videography) 530
隨書附 CD 六片:戒德長老恭唱之《大寶華山大板瑜伽焰口》音樂 (1979 年)
隨書附 DVD 六片: DVD 1~4. 戒德長老主法之「瑜伽焰口儀式」實錄 (1998 年)
DVD 5~6. 田野訪談戒德長老部分剪影 (1999~2010 年)
Created date2024.07.29
Modified date2024.08.19

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