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禪與人類文明研究=International Journal for the Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilization
Volume | n.15 |
Date | 2024 |
Pages | 93 - 145 |
Publisher | 香港中文大學禪與人類文明研究中心 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 香港, 中國 [Hong Kong, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 寶華山; 隆昌寺; 戒律; 禪法; 隱傳 |
Abstract | 江南寶華山隆昌寺以戒律精嚴聞名天下,享有「律宗第一名山」美譽,但佛法源 頭卻在於梁朝寶志和尚所創立禪法。明朝崇禎年間,三昧法師住持隆昌寺,將禪 寺改成律寺,提倡律學,注重傳戒,隆昌寺逐漸成為中國律學中心。然而,禪法 在隆昌寺並沒有消亡,而是得到歷代高僧大德隱傳,以致於清朝康熙皇帝將隆昌 寺改名為「慧居寺」,雍正皇帝以「非心非佛」的禪機,讓當時主持文海「觀機 明心」相參,以發明本心,乾隆皇帝下江南,亦數次登山問禪,感悟「禪圓戒方」, 無數文人名士更是留下尋禪問道的詩篇。可見隆昌寺在歷史上並非是單一律學重 鎮,在精嚴傳戒同時,還隱傳禪法,由於各種緣故,這段歷史並不為今人所熟知。 考察這段歷史,揭示出被湮沒在歷史長河中的江南寶華山隆昌寺禪修事蹟,可以 充實學界對明清以來的禪法研究。
The Longchang temple on Baohua mountain is famous for its strict discipline and enjoys the reputation of "the first famous mountain of the law school", but the source of Buddhism lies in the Zen method created by Baozhi monk of the Liang Dynasty. During the Chongzhen period of the Ming Dynasty, master samadhi, the abbot of Longchang temple, changed the Buddhist temple into a law temple, advocated law and paid attention to preaching precepts. Longchang Temple gradually became the center of Chinese law. However, Zen did not die out in Longchang temple. Instead, it was passed on by eminent monks from generation to generation. As a result, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty renamed Longchang Temple "Huiju Temple". Emperor Yongzheng, with the Zen opportunity of "not mind but Buddha", asked the then host Wenhai to "observe the machine and understand the mind" to invent the original mind. Emperor Qianlong went to Jiangnan for several times to climb mountains and ask Zen, feeling that "Zen is round and precept". Countless literati left poems about Zen. It can be seen that Longchang temple is not a single important town of law in history. While strictly preaching precepts, it also secretly preaches Zen. For various reasons, this history is not well known to modern people. Investigating this period of history and revealing the Zen method of Longchang temple, which has been buried in the long river of history, can enrich the academic research on Zen since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. |
Table of contents | 一、明之前寶華山隆昌寺禪法 95 二、明寶華山隆昌寺禪法考 101 三、清寶華山隆昌寺禪法 121 四、結語 139 |
ISSN | 25196111 (P) |
Hits | 1 |
Created date | 2024.12.03 |
Modified date | 2024.12.03 |

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